
The Whisper In The Ice

A teenage girl named Roxie suddenly has the power of ice at the age of fourteen. Then, she transferred to a special school called the Fiaxora Academy, where she had to hone her power to become stronger. Also, in this place, she is determined to find her missing father since the age of ten, who turns out to be the King of the Oryn Kingdom, and she had to discover a reason why she should be protected from Lord Seifer who currently ruled over her father's and her soon-to-be kingdom. Will she be able to find her father? What will happen if she encounters Lord Seifer? Will she fight or will she run away? ~ • ~

TrinityPhoenix · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

The Tournament Day (3)

- Roxie's POV -

"Give me your other hand," he ordered one more time.

I just rolled my eyes in response. But still, give my other hand to him.

A little while later, he finished putting the cream on my wrists. He then put the lid of the ointment back on and then put it on my nightstand.

"There, that should do the trick," He said then got up.

I also stood up facing him, "Why are you helping me?" I asked, feeling odd about his action.

He looked at me for a moment then opened his mouth, "Am I not allowed to provide assistance?"

"N-no it's not that, I just wondered we were fighting back then and suddenly you treated me. Why?"

He looked at my eyes once again. His amber eyes were like saying something that I don't know about.

"Just doing what I'm supposed to do. Since we're even, I'll leave you for now," he said coldly and walked out of my room, closing the door behind him as he got out.

I scoffed, 'What was all of that about? He's such a weird guy,'

'But, he's kind of ... nice?'

I thought with a small smile, recalling his actions.

I think he can be a good gentleman. At least that decreases a bit about what the jerk said to me earlier.

Then I took the ointment he put on my nightstand and walked to the first aid kit box across my room.

Behind me, I heard the sound of the bedroom door opening again, and a number of footsteps walking in.

After I put the ointment back into its place, I turned around and saw my four roommates were standing there looking at me worriedly.

Frey was the first one to come to me first, "Roxie where were you? You didn't come back after going to the toilet. We've been looking for you,"

Jessie pointed over her shoulder with her thumb, "Oh, and we saw Prince Demitri rushed out from the girls' dormitory. Care to explain what's going on here," Jessie continued.

Everyone crossed their arms and waited for me to speak.

I stood awkwardly before them, "Well, why don't we sit down first. Then, I'll tell you all about it," I said cautiously.

They just kept quiet and then obeyed my words.

All of them have positioned themselves to their respective seats. Frey and Skye sat on the edge of my bed, Livy and Jessie sat on the floor with their legs folded up. Later, they stared at me, still waiting for me to tell what happened.

I let out a deep sigh, then told them what happened after I went to the toilet but left details about Demitri treating my wounds.

Their facial expressions were worried at first and gradually became terror because I fought with Demitri and met all the members of his group.

"What the heck?!" yelled Jessie.

"But, are you okay now, Roxie??? Did you get hurt??" Livy asked, quickly checked if my body was injured, took my hand, and examined it all.

"Yes, I'm fine, Livy," I said, putting my hands under the blanket, hiding the burn marks that Demitri had smeared with the cream on.

"You're a crazy, crazy girl. Do you know that?" This came from Jessie who was mad at me.

I just laughed nervously, "Yeah, I've known that for a long time,"

"Then what happened after you met them all? How did Demitri come here?" asked Skye curiously.

For this question, I shut my mouth.

Frey looked at me suspiciously, "Skye, can you do a little check on her past, there's something missing that Roxie didn't tell us,"

Skye then took off one of her black gloves, then attempted to grab my hand. I raised my hands up, avoiding Skye's touch.

"Hey, I said I'm fine. You didn't need to check on me," I said while continuing to avoid Skye's hand. While as Livy, she's still searching for wounds around my body.

"Hmm ..."

Livy then abruptly pointing towards my lifted hands, "Ah! Found it! You have wounds on your wrists, Roxie," She then took my hands down.

Jessie then got up to see my wound, "Not just any wounds, these are burned marks!" She then held my wrists gently to take a look.

I let out a surrendered sigh when they saw it.

"Oh my, Jessie is right," Skye agreed with Jessie.

She stopped taking my hand, then kneeling with her legs tucked under her thighs, her buttocks on her heels and her feet flat on my bed. Her hands then rested on her thigh.

Frey also approached me to see the burn on my wrists, "It was Demitri's doing, isn't it?" she asked, glaring at me.

I nodded slowly.

"That bastard!" Frey cursed him.

"But don't worry, guys. I'm fine. He's actually a rather good boy," I claimed, attempt to convince them.

The girls gawked at my words. "WHAT?!"

"He treated my wounds with an ointment. See?" I raised my hands in front of them, showing the wounds that had been covered with cream.

"Oh no, I don't believe for a second that Prince would treat any of the girls' wounds. He doesn't like touching girls. Makes me wonder if he's straight- Ah!" exclaimed Jessie, ending with a hit on her back head by Frey.

"Well, Skye can confirm it," I said firmly and gave my hands to Skye.

"You gave me your hands just now?" asked Skye, raised an eyebrow, shaking her head.

"Let's just try it, Skye. I wonder what happened too," insisted Livy.

Skye sighed, "Alright, fine, now let me see what had happened earlier to you Roxie," she said, taking my hands, holding them by her lap, then closing her eyes.

Everyone then fell silent while watching Skye focused. I glanced anxiously back and forth from Skye to our hands. I'm afraid when they found out the whole details about Demitri and me, they would go ballistic.

After a few minutes later, Skye all of a sudden opened her eyes and gasped for air. We all watched her with concern.

"What happened, Skye?" Frey asked, reached Skye's shoulder.

"What Roxie said is true," she said while looking at Frey. Later, she smiled knowingly at me. I breathed a sigh of relief as she didn't tell the details right away.

This made the three of them gawk again, "WHAAAT ?!"

Everyone then looked at me with pity. Except, Skye. She smirked playfully at me.

"W-why are you guys looking at me like that?" I asked, puzzled by their gazes.

Livy then hugged me and patted me behind. "Oh, it's alright, Roxie. You're still safe with us,"

Jessie patted my shoulder, "Yeah, no matter what happens, we'll stand by your side. He can't hurt you when you got us, ain't that right Frey?"

She grinned and raises her hand to Frey for a high-five, but Frey just crosses her arms and glares at her. Jessie then pouted and retreated her hand back in shame.

"I'll say from now on, avoid him at all costs, Roxie. We don't know what he will do to you next," Frey said worriedly.

"Yeah, if you meet him, just run away," Livy replied.

"Even when you're in the same class as him," Skye continued, nodding in agreement with the others.

Jessie then remembered something, "Oh, that reminds me,"

She then reached into a time schedule in her pocket. Then, gave it to me.

"There's your schedule. I forgot to give it to you,"

"Oh, thanks, Jessie. Let's see if we all have the same classes," I said, opening the schedule sheet, and inviting them to take a look at my schedule together.

They gathered around me to see the schedule I was holding on my lap.

"We don't have the same classes on Monday. But, on the other days we have the same class schedule," said Frey. The others nodded in agreement.

"Well, let's just pray that you are not in the same class as Prince Demitri, Roxie," Jessie commented.

"But, isn't he a senior? Why does he have to be in the same class as Roxie?" Livy asked, glanced at all of us.

"Wait, hold on a sec, he's a senior?" I asked in surprise.

"Yeah, he's 16 years old, just like his other friends," answered Skye casually.

"Wha-, How come I just know about this?"

"It's better left unspoken and leaving you in frightened so you wouldn't get close to them," stated Frey in an even tone.

I pouted, 'Touché,'

Jessie yawned while stretching, "Alright, since that's all settled. Let's procrastinate for today," she said, walking back to her bed next to me and then throwing herself. She then breathed a sigh of relief with face flattened on the mattress while spreading both hands.

"Agreed!" exclaimed Livy. She followed suit then hugged her pillow.

"Since today is quite tiring, let's all take our rests for now," yawned Skye, she went to her bed as well.

Frey then walked to the window that revealed the orange-pink sky looming over our room.

Soon the moon will rise, and the night will come.

Frey closed the blinds, blocking out the light.

Then she walked over to her bed too.

"Have a good rest, Roxie," said Frey, smiling at me, then lay down on the bed.

"You too, Frey," I smiled back at her, then folded my schedule back again and put it inside my drawer.

'For now, I don't have to worry about anything,' I thought as I leaned back against my pillow.

Soon enough, drowsiness swept over me.

We all then fell asleep skipping our dinner time.

~ • ~