
The Werewolf Series

Volume 7 The Rejected After Luke and Micah got rejected by their mates, they decided to fill each other's emptiness and pain with love. Everything wasn't perfect at all. But Luke and Micah showed their love despite many hindrances. While the two were busy being in love with each other, the King of Vortex/ King of Vampires came to help until they found out the connection they had from Aelia and Gavin and to the King's deceased wife, Lily. With Melissa in the picture, they find out that a messed up soul mate match was something of a black witch’s twisted game. From rejection to unrecognition... and from their dark past. Volume 6 The Princess and the Hunter--- Iris met her soul mate in the waterfalls in an unexpected moment. She was naked when they first met and her first description to him is PERVERT. Raoul has been waiting for his soul mate all his life. After Lyndon's parents died that also stand as his parents, he drown his sorrows to women who are willing to have sex with him. Every night, different women, until her. Princess Iris of Blue Moon. Although, Iris was resisting from him, both of them couldn't hold the lust in the present and they make love anytime they want. And a mysterious deadly-past are getting on their way. Volume 5 Innocent Seduction Simple warning: "I won't let her take what's mine." --- Cassandra Cassandra was the second daughter of the King and Queen of the Blue Moon Kingdom and the youngest of the siblings. She was known as heartless, lack of empathy, and a weak Princess who hide behind her magics. Lyndon was a boy who lived in a very simple way with his family, who is head over heels in love with a she-wolf. He doesn't know that love could be so dangerous that would lead everyone to death. Volume 4 His Deitee Laura helped Eponine escaped the Red Moon Pack to find Ludwig the Warlock that will help her. Flowers blooms in his kingdom with his arrival and at the same time, the Warlock's lonely heart that is yearning for warmth received a most precious gift, which is his reincarnated soul mate, Eponine. Volume 3 She's Killing Me Although she tried to kill her mate many times and hurt him emotionally, Drake never gave up on her. He loves her since childhood. They might've forgotten each other but not until they meet again. However, she kept forgetting him and her mission is to kill him. Drake won't stop until he had the antidote to cure her and to kill those people who turned his mate into a monster. Although she hurt him emotionally and physically, a great love would never fade. They are meant for each other and yet she's killing him. Volume 2 The Beta's Love for the Goddess All of her life she wished to have her soul mate. But on a snapped it just disappeared and she stopped wishing to have him. He will do everything for her. He is head over heels in love with her but he doesn't know why she stopped wishing to have him. Volume 1 The Hopeless Alpha's Mate Zoe the Princess of all werewolves and her cursed is to feel every mate’s rejection. She will feel the pain right into her heart. She’s cursed as mateless. She is cursed to live alone until she grows old. However, she’s the last hope of the werewolves. Everything changed when she entered the New Moon pack and that’s where she met a boy named Nicholas claiming to be her mate. Note: Special thanks to the maker of the book cover, my friend/co-writer sagorika_adhikari This is also a compiled werewolf series. From Blue Moon Princess to the Enchantresses

TheIllusionist · Fantasy
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262 Chs

Chapter Fifteen


I pack some of my things in a knapsack bag. I went to my table to pick my amulet that my mother and father gave me on my tenth birthday.

It was a Blue Moon necklace. I looked down at their picture on my table. They are so happy there. I missed them. I missed our palace. I missed the people there.

'Zoë...' I looked at Keynes leaning on the door frame. He smiled at me genuinely. 'You ready? We had a long three hours drive to Blue Moon.' I breathe because I think I stop breathing. I nod at him pursing my lips. 'Good... just don't forget to breathe.' He teased. I just giggle at it and pick my bag.

I look at the window. Nathan is not there but his window is open also his curtains. I close the curtains. Then I went outside closing the door behind me. Harris' truck is waiting for us. I will ride with him while Chase and Gab will be riding on Keynes's pickup truck. Sam will be left here in the New Moon pack because he is the Ambassador. It was one in the afternoon and we will travel for three hours to the Blue Moon Kingdom. I feel excited and nervous.

Harris and I keep on singing through the iPod that is plugged on the speaker of his car. It was rock songs and we sing wild and free. We brought snacks with us so we are not going to get hungry in the middle of the road. We are singing Somebody to You duet. Him as Brad of the Vamps and me as Demi Lovato.

'All I wanna be, yeah all I wanna be yeah Is somebody to you!'

For us to communicate I also put my phone on the stand while we are having a video call with the guys on the other truck. I fall asleep for I don't know how long. The roads get bumpy and my head hits the windshield. I woke up holding my head and hissing. Gosh, it hurts! Then there's no bumpy and my eyes widen.

'Take a deep breath... we are here.' He said.

The truck had stopped there was a checkpoint in the police outfit. I am sure that they are our soldiers and on patrol wolves. They signed us to scroll down the windshield.

'Prince Harris.' The wolf bows. I am busy admiring everything around. Yeah, Harris is a Prince... he is my cousin and his father is my father's brother Prince Alfonzo. He was dead too. I just smiled at him and before he noticed who I was. Harris stepped on the gas.

'Have a nice day people.' I told them with happy smiles popping my half body on the window waving at them. They bow at me. Then I giggle sitting back.

Yeah! WELCOME BACK TO BLUE MOON TOWN, Zoë Danae Mnemosyne!

I pop my head on the window looking down clearly on the road. There's this familiar scents of this town. We have malls and tailors. Also book stores and supermarkets, that stores are owned by Royal Family. My smiles widen on the kids playing beside the street running around. They look at us... and found us new and weird. But I wave at them.

'HI!' they wave back at me with smiles on their face. That was very carefree for them. I open the roof of the pickup truck and I stood on my seat so I can see the whole view here outside.

'Wooo!' Harris cheers also Gab and Chase on Keynes' truck are standing from their seat with an open roof.

The Blue Moon town is beautiful and there are flower shops and I smelled them. They are enticing. I smile at the ladies on the flower shop and they smiled back at me. They didn't know who I am and it was great that they didn't know. I don't want them to bow down to me. It was just uncomfortable.

'I love roses and tulips!' I shout at them happy. They giggle and they throw me one red rose. I caught them and smell it. Then someone gives me another one I wave at them. 'Thank you guys that's sweet of you!' I shout. Harris is just driving slow, for me to enjoy it more. I look down on the beautiful roses. I will put it on my parent's grave.

We pass on the big beautiful playground that my father had given me as a gift. I told him that I wanted a public playground where I can play with the kids in the town. Also the werewolves from other packs who visit us. I am glad that it was renovated and the kids are happily playing there.

'I will drive fast to get to the palace. The Ministers and the Lords are waiting.' Harris said. I nod and I sat back on my seat.

There, goosebumps all over my body and butterflies on my stomach. But I wanted to see my parent's grave before meeting them.

'Should we visit first our parent's grave?' he asked me. I smiled and bounced my head up and down.

We headed to the graveyard and stopped it in front of the gate. Then we walk to my father and mother's monument. Harris had separated way from me. He went to his parent's monument.

'Hi Mother, Father... I just get back home. I am sorry that I have to be far away.' I walk into their tomb.

Everything here is clean. Their painting is hanging in the middle. I smiled at them. I put each rose that I have on their tomb. Then I sat in front of their tomb in Indian style.

'I miss you a lot. I can't imagine that I have to lose you both at the same time.' I broke my voice as a tear falls from my eyes. 'Honestly, I am still living on that night... the night that I lose you both. I don't know how to get out... I am just stuck.' I sniffled wiping my nose. 'Okay, I have to be strong. I know that's what you always said to me. I need to be strong. I need to fight. I am the only one to save everyone from those devils.' I sniff again and wiped my tears. Good thing that my mascara and eyeliner are both waterproof. 'I'll see you again. I'll be back after I had meets those people.' I stood wiping my tears.

I turn around and found Harris standing on the gate. I smiled at him and he smiled back. He offers his hand to me. I hated him a few days ago for writing my story. It has realism though some are fictitious. But I had forgiven him. He is my cousin and I love him. He walks back to the truck while his arm is around me.

We are finally in the palace. It was beautiful. The Soul Mates fountain in the middle. The garden and the statues are amazing. I guess it has been all renovated. A familiar man with a woman is smiling at us. As they are in front of us they bowed at me.

'Hey!' I was about to stop them. The man smiles at me genuinely.

'Princess, welcome back.' Oh! I snapped my fingers when I remember him.

'Mom, Dad!' they are Keynes' parents. They look a bit old, I mean mature. Keynes embraced them. I was happy for them. They are now complete. He's been far away from them for seven years.

'Keynes!' two little girls are running to us. Keynes kneels on the floor spreading his arms.

'Everyone these are Cassandra and Claudia.' Beatrice introduced it to us. She was Keynes' mother.

'Wow, they are so cute!' I admire them.

'Sure they are...' Gabriel mess my hair. I caught his wrist and twisted his arm to his back and I kicked his ass. 'Ow!' I rolled my eyes and went to the kids.

'Girls this is Zoë...' Keynes introduced. 'She's the Princess.' Keynes murmurs to them and I kicked his ass and I pushed him as I faced their smiling faces.

'Your highness.' They curtsied at me holding the side of their dresses.

'Hey, no need! Just hug me!' I spread my arms and they did hug me.

'Okay, no time for that now Princess, they want to see you now.' Falcon, Keynes's father reminds.


We are all headed to the Council Hall. The guards from the giant double doors standing at each side bows at us... maybe on me and Prince Chase and Prince Harris. They open the door for us. Then we stepped inside and I look around at us. The ministers and lords also other officials are gathered. They are in their proper attire suit and tie for the ministers and medieval outfit for the lords.

'Cool.' I said. Chase and Gab who heard it laughs holding their mouth not to laugh.

'The Royal highness Princess Zoë Danae Mnemosyne!' someone had announced. 'The Royal cousin's Prince Chase and Prince Harris. The Royal Guardian and the next Beta Keynes. The Royal soldier Gabriel.' I was stopped when everyone had bowed to me kneeling one of their knees on the marble floor. Including Keynes, Gab, Chase, Harris, Falcon, Beatrice, and the Lords and Ministers.

'Phew... this is awkward.' I murmur. I clapped my hand once. 'Okay people get up now...' they looked at each other probably confused about my actions. But hell I care! I am not comfortable.

So they had greeted me welcoming me back. They said that if it's okay for me that there will be no welcoming back party because we came here secretly. I don't give a shit at the party. So I said. 'Hey, it's okay... no big deal to me.'

After that, a girl who is serving in the palace had brought me to my room. There are two guards on both sides of the door. They opened the gigantic double door for us. 'After you, your highness.' The girl named Sally gestures me.

'Thanks... call me Zoë.' I told her as I enter. I look around and was amazed at my room. It was huge and beautiful of course it should be. I am the Princess. I can no longer remember the exact furniture in my room and its arrangements. But I know one thing. The secret door on the floor.

'Your clothes are here...' I followed her to the walk-in closet of mine. There are lots of dresses and hunting outfits also leather jeans boots and shoes! Also with a leather jacket! 'The bathroom will be there.' She pointed me the other door inside my room. 'Then your veranda. If you need something just press the speaker over there.' She said pointing at the wall with paintings. 'There is also an alarm switch under the couch seat...' she pointed the long couch at the edge of the four-poster Queen bed. 'There is also a speaker at the side table where you can bring it around the palace.'

'Okay thank you...'

'Should I prepare your bath, Princess?' she asked me.

'No, I can take care of it. You can go now.' I told her. She bows at me before I complain. She leaves. I just run to the bed and throw myself there. I close my eyes. Gosh, I am so tired.

'Hey, shower first before sleeping!' that guy again. I open one eye and looked in his direction. 'And dinner will be ready in thirty minutes. Wear something formal.'

'Give me a break!' I throw the cushion to him and he caught it.

'You know Princess you should learn to accept everything here. You should accept that we bow to you. It will only mean that we are nothing to if you didn't accept it. You are highly respected and everyone gives importance to you. You are our only hope, Princess Danae.' Kaynes explains it to me as if I have no choice as to if I was born to be a Queen and highest Enchantress.

'Okay... I understand... Daddy!' I mock at him grinning. It annoyed him.

'I am too young to be your Daddy... hell you are grown up but, you act an immature one.

I take a shower in the big bathroom I have. The tub there is a Jacuzzi and like a pool. Then there's a wide shower above the tub where it is as big as the tub. The soap and shampoo are so fragrant like I wanted to live there. I choose the white dress that no sleeve and backless. It was tied at the nape of my neck. And it was a bit short. Just above my knee. Then I take the white wedge shoes. I put a black eye shadow, mascara, and eyeliner. That's what I am. I put light lipstick.

Sally leads me to the dining room, where everyone is standing beside their seats. They bow at me as I stood at the side of the vacant chair at the head. They are looking at me. Chase and Harris are making fun of me.

'Oh, please take your seat.' I told them. They wait for me to take my seat, and they follow. Ah! I snapped. So, that's how it works. I forgot about it.