
The Werewolf Series

Volume 7 The Rejected After Luke and Micah got rejected by their mates, they decided to fill each other's emptiness and pain with love. Everything wasn't perfect at all. But Luke and Micah showed their love despite many hindrances. While the two were busy being in love with each other, the King of Vortex/ King of Vampires came to help until they found out the connection they had from Aelia and Gavin and to the King's deceased wife, Lily. With Melissa in the picture, they find out that a messed up soul mate match was something of a black witch’s twisted game. From rejection to unrecognition... and from their dark past. Volume 6 The Princess and the Hunter--- Iris met her soul mate in the waterfalls in an unexpected moment. She was naked when they first met and her first description to him is PERVERT. Raoul has been waiting for his soul mate all his life. After Lyndon's parents died that also stand as his parents, he drown his sorrows to women who are willing to have sex with him. Every night, different women, until her. Princess Iris of Blue Moon. Although, Iris was resisting from him, both of them couldn't hold the lust in the present and they make love anytime they want. And a mysterious deadly-past are getting on their way. Volume 5 Innocent Seduction Simple warning: "I won't let her take what's mine." --- Cassandra Cassandra was the second daughter of the King and Queen of the Blue Moon Kingdom and the youngest of the siblings. She was known as heartless, lack of empathy, and a weak Princess who hide behind her magics. Lyndon was a boy who lived in a very simple way with his family, who is head over heels in love with a she-wolf. He doesn't know that love could be so dangerous that would lead everyone to death. Volume 4 His Deitee Laura helped Eponine escaped the Red Moon Pack to find Ludwig the Warlock that will help her. Flowers blooms in his kingdom with his arrival and at the same time, the Warlock's lonely heart that is yearning for warmth received a most precious gift, which is his reincarnated soul mate, Eponine. Volume 3 She's Killing Me Although she tried to kill her mate many times and hurt him emotionally, Drake never gave up on her. He loves her since childhood. They might've forgotten each other but not until they meet again. However, she kept forgetting him and her mission is to kill him. Drake won't stop until he had the antidote to cure her and to kill those people who turned his mate into a monster. Although she hurt him emotionally and physically, a great love would never fade. They are meant for each other and yet she's killing him. Volume 2 The Beta's Love for the Goddess All of her life she wished to have her soul mate. But on a snapped it just disappeared and she stopped wishing to have him. He will do everything for her. He is head over heels in love with her but he doesn't know why she stopped wishing to have him. Volume 1 The Hopeless Alpha's Mate Zoe the Princess of all werewolves and her cursed is to feel every mate’s rejection. She will feel the pain right into her heart. She’s cursed as mateless. She is cursed to live alone until she grows old. However, she’s the last hope of the werewolves. Everything changed when she entered the New Moon pack and that’s where she met a boy named Nicholas claiming to be her mate. Note: Special thanks to the maker of the book cover, my friend/co-writer sagorika_adhikari This is also a compiled werewolf series. From Blue Moon Princess to the Enchantresses

TheIllusionist · Fantasy
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Chapter Fourteen

―Nathan Gregg―

I pissed her, totally. It wasn't my plan but, this smart mouth of mine keeps on making her annoyed. I picked up the pages of the book and stood giving it to her. Her eyes are burning into mine. She is scary yet fiercer and seductive. I wink at her that makes her scoff in disgust. I sat back on my seat.

'Okay, good afternoon everyone! So, have you heard about the play that we are going to do? Well, the school paper had finished the script, so here it is!' she lifted the book. 'Each one of you had roles. You will be the star of the night. Then other students from detention will join us and they will be our props man.'

Okay, I don't know why I enter this class. But I don't want to be in play. All I wanted to do is paint, sketch, and portrait.

'The title of our play will be Love Under Blue Moon.' She said with a little drama.

'Harris...' Zoë murmurs. I was paying attention to her that's why. She blocks our mind link and I can't contact her through telepathy.

'Yeah, he's been writing that since last summer.' Chase whispers to her.

They are really weird and so secretive. Blue Moon's are so secretive. She was one of them. I know that the Blue Moon pack is not just werewolves, they have Enchanters and Enchantresses. They are the sorcerer of the Kingdom and they are protecting nature.

'Tell me about it.'

Miss Clarkson gave each of us the book. I looked at the cover. It was a big blue moon and there's a werewolf's silhouette and a girl's silhouette. I open the book and had noticed the second page. It has a summary of the story.

The immortal's love. Everyone had a soul mate that had destined by God. The Princess of the Blue Moon had been cursed to be mate-less and feel each rejection of mates. Then there is a wolf that will come into her life. He was searching for his soul mate over the years of his life. He didn't expect that he will found her. Will she love him? And he will love her too? Are they destined to love each other?

This sounds familiar. I snapped when I remember. The Princess of Blue Moon is real. She had been cursed to feel each rejection of mates. They said that she was mate-less and everyone felt sorry for her. I wonder how she is. Is she still alive? No one knows where she is. I had seen her once. I was just eleven but it was clear in mind. The Kingdom is in agony from the death of our King and our Queen. She is beautiful but I can't remember her clearly in my mind.

'Excuse me, Miss Clarkson but why is the story about the Blue Moon?' Zoë asked narrowing her eyes. She seemed not pleased about it.

'Well, Miss Wesley the writer of the story wanted realism. That's why he chooses the story of the Blue Moon Kingdom.'

'If he wanted realism why did he put about the story of the Princess and she had met a wolf? And he was implying that the wolf's mate is the Princess. We all know that the Princess is mate-less.' She is standing on her point.

'What's the problem with it, Miss Wesley?' Miss Clarkson asked crossing her arms. Yeah, she's weird and I think I am getting her. 'They said that the Princess is mate-less... she might be... but every one of us will meet true love. And we don't need to find our mates to find true love. Because true love just pops in our life when it's our time for love.'

I saw her eyes spark in blue. She blinks her eyes and smiled forcibly. She leans on her seat.

'You might be right.' She just said and looks down at the book.

'Okay then. I will distribute your characters.' She pulls a paper from her desk. 'Princess Clarity will be Ashley. The Alpha wolf will be Nathan...'

'Wait!' I raise my hand. 'I decline.'

'No, no, no...' she shook her head. I look Zoë over my shoulder. She just glanced at me. I had noticed that her eyes turn grey. What the heck?! I know that it wasn't my illusion but her eyes turn grey. 'Can't Zoë be my Princess?' I asked her. Miss Clarkson looks at Zoë for a while.

'She will be a composer.'

'Thank God.' Zoë said mockingly and glare at me. Her eyes are blue now.

'But I think she suits the role.' That makes her flinch. Why is she like that? I just wanted her to be my Princess.

'I might drop this class if you keep insisting.' Zoë said with burning eyes on me. I hand up.

'Okay, I decline to be the Wolf. Can't you just settle another Prince Charming, Miss Clarkson?' I turn my head to our teacher. 'Perhaps Ashley's mate will be her leading man.'

'Really, Mr. Gregg?' Miss Clarkson narrows her eyes on me.

'Yes, really.'

'Perhaps we can change the play.' Chase suggested raising his hand. 'The REAL Princess might not like the story... you know.' Everyone looked in his direction. That was a little bit good. 'I have known the Blue Moon Princess because I am from the Blue Moon Kingdom.'

'So, you know where she is?' Miss Clarkson asked.

'No. No one knows about it.'

'Is it true that she was mateless?' one of our classmates asked. Chase just shrugged it.

'No more questions please... so how's my suggestion?' he asked our teacher.

'No, Mr. Chase... nothing will change.'

'If Nathan decline about his role, I guess I'll take it. I'm a good actor if you don't know. Then Nathan will be in my position. What do you say?' he winks at me.

'I agree.' I said. I looked at Zoë who is quiet and thinking deeply. 'Zoë, stay with me! Raise your hand too.' I snapped at her. She stood and picks her bag and walk out of the class without saying anything. We are all confused.

'Fire!' they shout and I saw the script on Zoë's table on fire. One had automatically grabbed the extinguisher and killed the fire before we all get wet because of the alarm shower.

I looked at Chase who just sighed and then the bell buzzes.

'Did I make her annoyed?' I asked him. Chase shrugged his shoulders.

I keep searching for Zoë at the whole school I tried to contact her but I can't reach her. I asked her friends if they saw her but they just shook their heads. I look on the field but no Zoë. I smell the air in the middle of the school as the wind blows. Then, I found her scent.

I run to the woods at the back of the school. I stopped from far from the big three. I saw her sitting under the tree. Her knees are on her chest and her forearms are fold over her knees. She is crying. I do not know that the script will affect her much. Does it mean a lot to her?

My heart feels broken when I saw her tears. She looked broken too. She lifts her face and tears are streaming into her cheeks from her crystal-like eyes. I walk towards her and I kneel in front of her. She immediately drowns her face on her knees. I feel sad when she felt sad. I feel in pain when she is in pain. Maybe mates feel each other, that's why I understand her and feel her.

'I'm here.' I caress her hair.

'I don't need you here.' She said in a hoarse and low voice. I hold her clenched fist. She stopped and loses her grip. She looked at me. I bring her cold hand to my cheeks.

'I know you do.' I kissed her palm putting back her palm on my cheek. I wiped her tears with my other thumb. 'I feel hurt when you cry...' she just stared at me. 'I feel sad when you are sad. I feel happy when you are happy.' She didn't speak.

I lean to her kissing her on the forehead. I scramble beside her and I wrapped my arms around her waist. She gently leans on my chest and I hold her cold hands. My wolf feels sad like I was whenever she's sad.

'My ears and my heart are open for you. If you wanted to say something or tell me something, I will listen to you.'

She sniffled wiping her nose. I cuddle her soft hair. It was smooth, silky and I love caressing it. I kiss the top of her head as I lean my cheek on it. I close my eyes happy that she was finally in my arms. Sad because she is sad.

She had fallen asleep on my arms and it was getting dark. I carried her in my arms and I pick our bags. I speed up to the parking lot and I put her gently on the passenger seat of my car. There are just a few students around, probably finishing something.

I stopped in front of their house then I open the car door. I carried her like a bride then I knock on the door. It wasn't opening. Keynes' car is not there too so I just decided to squeeze the unlock door. Here in our town doesn't have thieves. People here are like family, helping each other. There's no fraud in business and everyone is well disciplined. We are one. I went upstairs to her room. Then I put her gently on the bed. I removed her shoes then, next to her coat.

'Zoë!' Keynes calls. I stood and I saw him who just appeared on her door. 'What happened to her?' he runs to her checking her pulse and her face.

'She's just sleeping.' I told him. He sighed running his fingers through his hair. He faced me.

'Is she your mate?' he asked me seriously.

'Yes, she is. But why didn't she know about it? She was an Enchantress and they are immortals too. She didn't feel what I feel. Why is it, Keynes? I want my questions to be answered.' It sounds more like a demand.

'Nathan, I know you are frustrated because she didn't know about it. The only thing for you to do to win her is to make her fall in love with you. Not forcing her into something.'

'I'm sorry.' I nod. 'Do you mind answering my questions?' I look up to him.

'I can't answer those questions of yours. It's my duty.' He said.

'Keynes, Nathan?' my sister who is wearing a flowery dress is standing on the door. 'Get ready for the pack meeting tonight. Dad wanted everyone to be in the packhouse in half-hour.' She said in low voice. 'We have been contacting you.' She scowls at me. Keynes walks to her and pulls her hand.

'Nathan will just come after us. C'mon.' then they are gone.

I looked at Zoë. I sat beside her and leans forward putting my weight on the forearm pressing the mattress.

'Zoë...' I whispered. 'Tell me everything if you are ready.' I told her though she's unconscious. I kissed her soft lips. She opens her eyes. I wipe my thumb on her cheek. 'Hey, there sleeping beauty.' I smiled. 'Eat your dinner. I will be right back after the pack meeting.' I told her.

'Okay...' she scratches her eyes and turned back from me. I smiled and I kiss her naked shoulder. She is wearing a sleeveless blouse and it was sexy.

In the packhouse, I had arrived at the right time. Every soldier, woman, and man, and some teens are there. The kids are at their house. This meeting is for officials, for them to know about the news of Human-eater Lycan's. We had been attacked a few days ago and the security had become tight. Other Alpha's from big packs had heard about it and they are also willing to help us.

Then there's new news again. It's been a while since I last heard the news from the Blue Moon Kingdom. Keynes speaks.

'On the coming Blue Moon, everyone will be gathered to the Kingdom for the 18th Blue Moon birthday of the Princess. The Council of Lords and Ministers wanted everyone to come to the event as our Princess will be crowned as the Queen after her first shift as a werewolf.' He declares, masking all of his emotions.

Blue moon... the Princess had been called the Blue Moon Princess because she was born during Blue Moon. And every year we are celebrating her birthday, and every year we are celebrating the Blue Moon. There's always a big blue moon on her birthday. And the best view of the blue moon will be in the Kingdom. They said that she was a special one. A unique one.

'Although the rogue attack seven years ago is still hunting our people's mind, we had been put everyone in training, even the children, were taught self-defense. We didn't have any prediction when Seferis invaded again. We kept the Princess away from everyone's eyes and hid her identity. Now, she is much stronger and ready to reign. That would be all.' As he takes his seat everyone murmurs about his news.

'Ambassador Samuel from Blue Moon pack will help the teens to train every weekend.' My father had declared. 'I will put my son as in charge. He will manage everything together with his Beta and Gama.'

I look Keynes over my shoulders. He was still masking his emotions.