
The Wealthy Second-generation

Lu Shu is a poor loser who is willing to do anything to earn money to support himself.Being ridiculed and subjected to complete humiliation.Ubtil one day his parents and sister told him that he was a wealthy second-generation.

DaoistChGbCl · Urban
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570 Chs

533 Door-to-door retaliation

"Listening to Mr. Mo's suggestion, it seems like something happened in it?"

Lu Jindong pondered for a moment and asked.

Mo Weiping nodded:

"Indeed, something suspicious happened. To be honest, I led an investigation team to track and investigate for more than half a year, feeling a bit ashamed and without any clues. Because this Sun Alliance is so mysterious and powerful, there is no trace left!"

"Just as we were distressed, a person appeared who secretly helped us. He provided us with some directions and areas to search for, so in the past six months, we finally gained something!"

"I was initially wondering if this person was sent by Mr. Lu to help us, that's why I asked!"

"If we really send someone to help, I will definitely notify Mr. Mo as soon as possible. It's strange, who is secretly helping us?"

Lu Jindong is also strange.

"Although this person has not appeared, based on my years of experience, he is definitely a top-notch expert. Even the Mo family's experts who have defeated Wei Ping are difficult to match this person!"

Lu Jindong said, "This person has never appeared?"

"Well, he kept secretly pointing and placing the coordinates at the head of my bed. I thought I had a very high level of alertness, haha, but I never noticed it! To sum up, he appeared twice before and after!"

Thinking of the note placed by my bedside half a year ago.

Until now, Mo Weiping has been somewhat afraid.

If this person wants to kill himself, wouldn't he not even know how to die?

Lu Jindong wanted to break his mind and couldn't figure out who would come to help the Lu family.

"However, Mr. Lu, this is not the point. This person is secretly helping. At least for now, it seems that he has no hostility towards the Lu family. Moreover, we have successfully dug up clues to the Sun Alliance. The top priority is to quickly find the location marked on this map. The mysterious person guiding us to find this landscape map must have his essence, and even the secret of the Sun Alliance is also in this mountain forest!"

Mo Weiping said.

Lu Jindong nodded and said, "Alright, I'll gather all the Lu family's children now. They are scattered all over and have a wide range of knowledge. Maybe someone knows where this mountain forest is!"

"This is the best!"

Lu Jindong's instruction was that there was a big commotion, and soon the Lu family gathered together.

And Lu Jindong enlarged this map and placed it in the center of the hall for the Lu family to observe.

But the result was unsatisfactory.

Although the children have thought to themselves that they have been to various parts of the world and have seen a lot.

But no one has ever seen such a beautiful deep mountain jungle.

If it's a familiar acquaintance, they will definitely have an impression.

Immediately, Lu Jindong issued an order for his children to search for all the mountains and forests similar to those depicted on this map in various places.

"Master, it's not good!"

At this moment, a servant hurriedly rushed into the lobby.

"What's going on?"

Lu Jindong frowned and said.

"Yes... it's Mo Changkong. He brought a lot of people and broke into the island, walking towards our hall, and killed more than ten Lu family bodyguards!"

The servant hurriedly said.

"What? Mo Changkong, is he crazy?"

Lu Jindong quickly looked at Mo Weiping.

Mo Weiping frowned and said, "This old man, he must have caught the handle of your Lu family. Otherwise, this is not his style of behavior!"

"Mr. Lu, let him in and see what he really wants to do!"

Mo Weiping said again.

"Second Elder, what are you doing? Killing so many Lu family members?"

On the edge of the island, Mo Qingwu's two sisters are relaxing at the seaside.

They didn't go to the hall to discuss matters.

However, he happened to witness the scene of Mo Changkong rushing in anger and killing everyone in all directions.

"It's none of your business. Today, I'm going to blood wash the Lu family!"

Mo Changkong has a fierce face and crimson eyes.

Directly lead someone to continue breaking in.

"No, Mo Changkong is so crazy. It seems something has happened. I need to go and see!"

Mo Qingwu said and then followed Mo Changkong.


Mo Qingying shouted.

Sister Ke's figure has disappeared.

"Oh my, there's so much going on, should I go take a look too?"

Mo Qingying whispered.

Suddenly, Mo Qingying was taken aback.

Because of a dark shadow, it quickly swept past me just now.

"What is it?"

Mo Qingying also frowned and went back to take a look.

"Today I'm going to make the Lu family full of people, paying off their debts with blood!!!"

In the lobby.

An old and loud voice rang out.

The shock made people's ears buzzing.

Then, a strong wind blew by.

Mo Changkong brought a group of experts and has already entered the door.

"Mo Changkong, what are you doing like this?"

Mo Weiping was the first to bear the brunt and stood up.

"Mo Weiping, it's best for you not to intervene in this matter. The blood debt between me and the Lu family needs to be settled today!"

Mo Changkong clenched his fists tightly.

At this moment, he coldly swept towards Lu Jindong.

It was at this moment that Mo Changkong saw the large map behind Lu Jindong.

My eyes suddenly froze without any trace.

But currently, there is nothing more satisfying for him than annihilating the Lu family's entire family!

"Elder Mo, you keep talking about blood debts. Hehe, I don't know what blood debts my Lu family has with you?"

Lu Jindong frowned and said.

"Still pretending to be confused, Lu Jindong. In the past year, I, Mo Changkong, have given you enough face for the Lu family, but I never expected that it was because of my initial weakness that I caused a great disaster, causing more than 300 members of my Mo family in Longjiang to die! It destroyed my entire Mo family in Longjiang!"

Mo Changkong's voice suddenly turned cold.

"What? The Mo family in Longjiang has been destroyed?"

Lu Jindong widened his eyes and looked surprised.

And Mo Weiping's eyelids also jumped fiercely.

Although Mo Changkong does not recognize the Mo family in Longjiang, some members of the Mo family are aware that this Mo family was created by Mo Changkong in violation of family rules.

Mo Weiping also knows that there are many experts in the same clan as Mo Changkong.

But now, the Mo family in Longjiang has been destroyed by someone?

"Although the Mo family in Longjiang is not our hidden tribe Mo family, there are also many experts who exist. Who on earth would have such great abilities to annihilate them? Perhaps the Lu family does not have this ability, right?"

Mo Qingwu couldn't help but be shocked and whispered to her grandfather.

"Not bad, there is no way for a normal wealthy family to do so. The Lu family really doesn't have this strength!"

Mo Weiping replied.

"Second Elder, is there a misunderstanding here? How could the Lu family possibly wipe out over 300 members of the Mo family?"

"Misunderstanding? You asked Lu Jindong to hand over Lu Shu, the eldest son of the Lu family, and he would know as soon as he asked! Of course, I won't explain it to you now. Today, whoever dares to stop me, I will still kill anyone!"

Mo Changkong said coldly to Mo Weiping.

"Someone, kill me! Leave no one behind!!!"

He roared angrily.


A group of subordinates agreed.

Then he rushed towards the Lu family and other members of the clan