
The Wealthy Second-generation

Lu Shu is a poor loser who is willing to do anything to earn money to support himself.Being ridiculed and subjected to complete humiliation.Ubtil one day his parents and sister told him that he was a wealthy second-generation.

DaoistChGbCl · Urban
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570 Chs

534 Who dares to touch me, the Lu family alone

The people of the Mo family are full of murderous intent and have already taken action.

And Lu Jindong's face changed wildly.

He has never been willing to deal with the Hidden Clan unless forced to do so this time.

Because these hidden tribes are too wild and domineering.

And now, it's exactly what I want in my heart.

Is it difficult? What my father said to me earlier has already come true?

The Lu family is in danger of extermination, and is it even today?

Suffering from the massacre of the Mo family?

Lu Dongdong swallowed his saliva.

"I see who dares to touch the Lu family alone!"

At this moment, a wild and loud voice came.

The surrounding glass was shattered by the sound.

For a moment, a strong wind blew everywhere.

And several Mo family members who are already preparing to commit murder.

At this moment, they even covered their heads, as if a violent energy exploded in their minds, spitting out blood and dying.

Mo Changkong frowned slightly, not moving.

Outside the hall, at some point, a group of people had already appeared.

This group of people are all dressed in black clothes and robes.

Extremely mysterious.

They rushed into the hall and surrounded Mo Changkong and others.

And these black robed people are nearly a thousand.

Mo Changkong stared with suspicion.

"I don't know what kind of power it is. I came to the Lu family today to repay the debt of blood. It's best for you not to interfere!"

Mo Changkong shouted coldly.

"If you have to intervene, you rat, what can you do?"

At this moment, an old man strode out of the hall.


Outside the door, the black clothed people standing respectfully in two rows knelt down one after another.


Mo Changkong frowned and stared at the old man.

"It seems like we've never met before, right? As I said, I have a blood debt with the Lu family, and I don't know what the relationship between you and the Lu family is."

Mo Changkong asked.

"Father... Father?"

But Lu Jindong, at this moment, was directly blinded.

Yes, the person in front of me is my father who hasn't appeared in decades.

Lu Jindong was a bit excited.


Although Lu Xiao had never seen Lu Diancang before, it was truly surprising to learn that his grandfather was still alive.

"Dong'er, is this my granddaughter Lu Xiao?"

Lu Diancang walked in and grabbed Lu Xiao's hand, with a spoiled expression on his face.

"Father... yes, you... where have you been these years?"

Lu Jindong was amazed.

"These, I'll talk to you in detail after my father finishes cleaning up these garbage!"

Lu Diancang sneered.

"So... you are Lu Diancang, the head of the Lu family who has been missing for decades. No wonder, but you came just in time. Today, I'm planning to blood wash the Lu family. Including you, it's only then that the Lu family is full!"

Mo Changkong sneered coldly.

"You rat, have bloodied the Lu family? I'm afraid even Mo Canglong wouldn't dare to speak so shamelessly in front of me!!"

Lu Diancang endorsed his hands and said coldly.


Mo Changkong, including Mo Weiping, was stunned.

"Oh? Do you know Uncle Mo Canglong, the elder of the Mo family? How come I have never heard Uncle Mo mention anything about Lu Diancang?"

Mo Changkong still felt a thump in his heart.

Mo Canglong, how to say it, is like their totem of the Mo family, with an extremely mysterious identity.

Even among other clans, there are very few who can have a detailed understanding of his elderly family.

And the Lu family, after all, is just a wealthy businessman, how could they possibly know his elderly family?

"I remember you so-called 'hidden clans' have their own strict rules, which are that you cannot enter the world casually. It's better for you, the rat generation, not only to secretly enter the world and establish your own family, but also to interfere in secular affairs. Now, you must even threaten to destroy the Lu family, the rat generation. You also underestimate the rules of your Mo family, right?"

Lu Diancang laughed heartily.

At present, sit directly in the first place.

"Where exactly does Mr. Lu come from? As a wealthy businessman and tycoon, how could you be so familiar with the affairs of our hidden tribe?"

Mo Changkong asked.

"Hehe, Soul Palace, how are you? Have you heard Mo Canglong mention it?"

"Soul... Soul Hall?"

But Mo Changkong's eyelids twitched fiercely.

"It's from the Soul Hall!"

The several experts beside Mo Changkong were all looking at each other at this moment.

I couldn't help but take a step back.

The reputation of the Soul Palace is believed to be familiar to any member of the Hidden Clan. Among the several major Hidden Clans in China, one of the more prosperous Hidden Clans was killed overnight by the people of the Soul Palace.

If someone kills someone in the Soul Palace, they will leave a trace so that others can seek revenge in the Soul Palace. However, who dares?

So I heard the word "Soul Hall".

Even Mo Changkong couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

"I can't believe that Lu Diancang, who has been missing for decades, is actually the master of the Soul Hall. I really don't know this, Mo Changkong... But now, I have figured out some things..."

Mo Changkong said.

"What do you understand now?"

"Half a year ago, my third son Mo Jian was captured by a mysterious expert in Jinling. As of now, there has been no news of him. This is one thing. Also, my Mo family has been brutally slaughtered this time. I believe all of this must have been done by you."

Mo Changkong's eyes were bloodshot, filled with hatred.


Pop pop!!

Lu Diancang was angry and his figure remained motionless, but Mo Changkong had already received two slaps on his face.

There is no fighting power at all.

"I, Lu Diancang, have spent my entire life wandering around. What kind of third son do you have, and what kind of clan members do you have? Among the rat generation, I, Lu Diancang, will spend all my time dealing with you scumbags? You're such a jerk!"

But Mo Changkong, covering his face, dared not speak.

Lu Jindong and the Lu family are currently extremely excited.

"Dad, I didn't expect you to have such a powerful influence. By the way, it wasn't our people who slaughtered the Mo family?"

Seeing his father here, Lu Jindong also had endless confidence.

Sitting next to his father, he asked.

"Ah, how to put it, it wasn't me who did it, but it was indeed the people of our Lu family. However, the Mo family had the idea of annexing the Lu family as early as twenty years ago. Over the years, they have secretly used many poisonous strategies. Speaking of which, if it weren't for considering their seniority, I would have slaughtered them long ago. These bastards, like bandits, have bloodily washed the Murong family, and I'm not satisfied!"

Lu Diancang's airway.

The words made Mo Changkong's cheeks twitch.

"Ah? Is it really the people of our Lu family who did it? But besides your father, who else has such great ability to confront this Mo family?"

Lu Jindong exclaimed with suspicion.

"Yeah, Grandpa, you're so amazing. Why didn't you show up early? So, where is the danger for our Lu family today? Kill all these people, not a single one!"

Lu Xiaodao.

"Hehe, I can't believe my granddaughter has a bad temper with me. She's even more likable than my soft grandson!"

Lu Diancang laughed heartily.

"Grandpa doesn't show up, there is indeed a hidden danger. However, obedient granddaughter, if you want to deal with this group of rodents, you don't even need Grandpa's intervention. Someone..."

Lu Diancang asked:

"Go and take a look, has the Young Master returned yet?"