
The Wealthy Second-generation

Lu Shu is a poor loser who is willing to do anything to earn money to support himself.Being ridiculed and subjected to complete humiliation.Ubtil one day his parents and sister told him that he was a wealthy second-generation.

DaoistChGbCl · Urban
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570 Chs

532 Major clues to the Sun Alliance

"Undoubtedly, Lu Shu, he's too terrifying now!"

The young man was clearly frightened and cried out.

"Bastard!!! It's only been a year, how could that kid Lu Shu have such strength? Anyway, this move, I will definitely make them return the Lu family several times! What about Yu'er?"

Mo Chang's whole body trembled in the air.

"Second Elder, Second Elder!"

At this moment, someone stumbled and ran towards this side.

"I found... the bodies of Second Young Master and Butler Mo ahead!"

He cried.


Mo Changkong's painful cry was like a bolt from the blue.

It resounded throughout the entire Longjiang River.

Nanyang, Lu family!

"Is there something happening lately? I always feel restless and overwhelmed, feeling like something's about to happen!"

Within the main hall on the island.

Lu Jindong couldn't help but frown and say.

"What can happen, Near East? Is it because of Xiaoge's disappearance that you've been under too much pressure lately?"

Yang Yuping walked over and said with some heartache.

"Ah, in the blink of an eye, it's been over a year. According to our agreement, Xiaoge is going to marry Alan this year. Everything used to be so good, but now everything is gone!"

A hint of heartache flashed in Lu Jindong's eyes.

"But when it comes to Aran, I've been feeling a bit strange lately. Since Aran and Xiaobei returned from the southwest six months ago, it seems like they've changed people. The two girls often talk secretly together and even laugh. I've seen them many times now, and I don't say anything to ask them about it!"

Yang Yuping said.

"Well, when you say that, I remember. Half a year ago, Alan and Xiaobei used to wash their faces with tears every day, especially Alan, a child who would hide in her room and cry all day. Every time I saw her, her circles were red!"

"Indeed, after returning half a year ago, things have really changed a bit!"

"Yeah, Alan was the child we watched grow up with. Although she hasn't lived with Xiaoge, her feelings for Xiaoge are very strong, and Xiaobei also has a deep affection for Lu Shu. In theory, it doesn't make sense!"

Yang Yuping answered.

"Cough cough, let's not guess here anymore. Why don't we just bring them over and ask! Isn't that clear?"

Lu Jindong Road.

Immediately send someone to call Qin Lan and Yang Xiaobei over.

"Mom and Dad, are you looking for us?"

Qin Lan walked in and smiled.

"Lan, I'm looking for you and Xiaobei to find out. Half a year ago, your sisters went to the southwest border. What happened there? For half a year, I was busy with the investigation team, so I didn't have time to ask. By the way, I remember that you sisters went to buy the ginseng king. Why didn't the ginseng king bring it back?"

Lu Jindong Road.

"Ah? Canwang..."

Qin Lan's face turned red with a brush.

Shen Wang, actually bought it for Lu Shu.

But at that time, Xiaoge implicated the Lu family in order not to reveal her whereabouts.

Let Qin Lan deliberately conceal it.

So in the past six months, Qin Lan has not said anything.

He was afraid to speak up, and his parents couldn't help it. Once exposed, Xiaoge would be in danger, giving the Mo family an opportunity to take advantage of it.

"The ginseng king did indeed buy it, but accidentally lost it and was stolen by someone!"

Xiaobei quickly said, seeing that Lan Jie wouldn't lie.

"I see. Apart from that, you sisters haven't met anyone, have you?"

Lu Jindong frowned and asked.

"Ah? No, no!"

Qin Lan shook her head.

At this moment.

The butler walked in.

"Master, the inspection team led by Mr. Mo Weiping has arrived, just wait outside the door!"


Lu Jindong quickly stood up and said, "Hurry up, please!"

Over the past year, it has been thanks to Mo Weiping's covert assistance, so as not to be suppressed too much by Mo Changkong.

So Lu Jindong showed him great respect.

"Mr. Mo!"

"Mr. Lu!"

"Mr. Mo came today, did he have some insight into the Nanyang sinking incident?"

Lu Jindong said with some excitement.

Mo Weiping sat down and said, "Finally, the emperor has lived up to those who have intentions.

After a year of hard work, it has not been in vain. Not bad, the matter of the Sun Alliance has already gained some attention!"

Lu Jindong and others looked at each other and smiled.

Subsequently, Mo Weiping took out a long scroll of pictures from the package.

On this long map, there are landscapes painted.

The mountains and waters are beautiful, like a paradise in the world.

And in the upper left corner of the landscape map.

It has a sign.

It is obvious that the logo of the Sun Alliance is on top.

"What is this?"

Lu Jindong was amazed.

"Hehe, this is the print on a stone tablet we salvaged from a certain location. I have made it look like it was originally presented to you in the original wooden form!"

"The sign on it has attracted the attention of all of us. It is exactly the same as the sign of the Sun Alliance, so it may be left by the Sun Alliance!"

Mo Weiping said.

"But Mr. Mo, why does this painting give me the feeling of being incomplete, as if it's incomplete?"

Yang Yuping was passing by.

"Madam's keen eyes, not bad. The stone tablet we found is a broken one, and as for the incomplete part, we haven't found it. It's just reflected in the painting, which is a picturesque landscape like a paradise in the world!"

Mo Weiping couldn't help but frown.

"I asked myself, 'I have visited famous mountains and rivers around the world, but I have never seen such a unique place before...'"

Lu Jindong discussed with Mo Weiping.

And Qin Lan is just listening.

At the same time, she also looked curiously around the landscape painting.

This landscape painting, on the surface, really looks like a paradise.

However, the dense jungle gives people a sense of mystery.

"Hmm? Mom and Dad, Mr. Mo, look at this mountain! It seems like there's something there!"

Qin Lan pointed to a path.


Everyone looked in the direction of her fingers.

But it's difficult to tell for a while.

Qin Lan said, "Here, it seems like a stone statue of a woman who fell and was broken by her waist. Father, can't you tell?"

Lu Jindong and Mo Weiping exchanged a glance.

It is indeed an object like white rock, but how could it be a stone statue?

The two shook their heads.

Qin Lan took a breath, which was strange. It was very obvious that she could see clearly that the woman's statue had broken and fallen. Moreover, although it was a bit blurry, the woman's body outline had already been displayed, which should be easy to recognize!

And Yang Xiaobei and Yang Yuping also watched carefully.

Everyone expressed that it is a white rock like object, not a stone statue.

"Hehe, can Miss Qin Lan's eyes be unique enough to see things that none of us can see?"

Mo Weiping joked and laughed.

"Grandpa Mo laughed at me, maybe it's Alan who also misread it!"

Qin Lan quickly shook her head.

I didn't speak anymore.

"However, Mr. Lu, there is one more situation that I must ask you!"

Mo Weiping thought of something and asked.

"You ask..."

"That means besides our Mo family, have you ever asked someone else for help? But it doesn't matter!"

Mo Weiping asked rigorously.

Lu Jindong shook his head and said, "How could that be? I've never invited you before!"

Mo Weiping frowned and said, "That's strange. Who is this person...?"