
The Wealth Code

If you could live your life over again, what would it be? Or like this time, to be an ordinary person, Or take the world as the stage, stir up the world, let the whole world dance around you, let people's hearts beat faster because of your every word and action? Write your own laws, set the rules I said, life is just a few decades, either light up yourself, or burn the world! In a strange universe, a world completely different from what we know,in a unique class, a professor who has been awarded many international academic honors, with his humble, awe and respect, wrote a name on the blackboard - Lynch!"

Lifeiyu2001 · Fantasy
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178 Chs

0092 Feel the enthusiasm

  Profits move people, and legalized profiteering moves people even more.

  A buy and a sell, thousands and thousands of dollars of profit can be in the hands of the people, at the beginning there may still be people who can hold on to their position not to participate, but when everyone starts to go crazy for the sake of profit, some people's position will start to gradually waver.

  Watching other people eat meat is not a thing of enjoyment, people walk into a strange restaurant great probability is because of two possibilities, the first may be the restaurant wafted out of the aroma makes people can not stop, the second may be the restaurant's glass outside the window pasted on the advertisement, the food looks tempting.

  The interest is the same, watching others join in the feast of riches can be overwhelming as they convince themselves that they can do the same thing just by reaching out their hands.

  The price kept rising firing up the atmosphere of the scene, in the end the price of this apartment stayed at twenty-seven thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars, two thousand dollars more than Lynch expected, he had thought that it would be the limit to speculate up to about twenty-five thousand dollars at the most.

  After all, the audience of this Used Goods Mobile auction is not the middle class, who can come up with a sum of money at the drop of a hat, ninety-nine percent of the people here are poor people, and some of them may not even have two thousand dollars in their savings, but they gave Lynch a pleasant surprise.

  What was even more of a surprise was Wood, who with a red face voluntarily left his place and ran over to Richard's side, and the two of them talked for a while with their heads down, and Richard even gave him a fist bump, and then wrapped his arms around his neck and rubbed his hair fiercely.

  Wood, a promising young lad, showed his teeth and grinned; he and Richard seemed to be on good terms.

  Six thousand seven hundred and twenty dollars of profit, Lynch had said he would split it half and half with him, in other words Wood had earned himself three thousand three hundred and sixty dollars just by sitting here with a microphone and shouting a few words, with some of the previous dividends he had earned in one day was already more than the undercover salary he had earned in six months.

  This was only one Mobile auction in a month, there would be four such auctions every month, he didn't dare to hope that every one of them would be so lucky, but he believed that even if it was even worse, a fraction of a percent would still be there.

  It turned out that what Richard had said was true, and all he wanted now was to share his joy with everyone and show off a bit in the process.

  Eventually he looked up and saw Lynch, his excited expression calming slightly, and he realized that he wasn't a salesman, he was here undercover.

  This caused his emotions to begin to collect and he owed Lynch a slight bow, who returned an encouraging smile.

  Ferrell had also been chatting with Lynch during this time, and couldn't believe his ears when he realized that Lynch had promised these salesmen that he would split the profits with them 50/50 on products in the profit line.

  "That young man looks overjoyed, can you reveal how much money he made on this deal?" , Ferrell noticed Wood as well, looking at the lad he was tickled with curiosity.

  Lynch glanced at him and said with a smile, "Over three thousand dollars ..."

  "Hiss ...", Ferrell sucked in a breath of cold air, more than three thousand dollars, an order, "You won't feel like giving him too much?" , he said introducing his words, "I mean give him a three or five hundred he'll appreciate your generosity, why give so much?"

  This wasn't a scene, it was Ferrell's truest thought, he wanted to maintain a long term cooperation with Lynch, then he needed to understand what kind of person Lynch really was.

  This was a good opportunity to improve their understanding of each other, Lynch wouldn't hide anything, "I once met a man who told me that when you want to hold all the benefits in your own hands, even your brothers will leave you."

  He slowly turned his head to look at Ferrell beside him, their eyes met in the air, Lynch's gaze flickered with little fluctuation and was steady as a rock, "But if you're willing to share your success with others, everyone will treat you as if you were their own brother!"

  "When wealth is gathered in your hands, others will leave you because they can't fulfill the claims of profit, but when you are willing to share this wealth with them equally, they will explode with unprecedented motivation."

  "We're not in a superior-subordinate relationship, we're partners!"

  If Wood had heard this he would have exclaimed again, it turned out that Richard wasn't blowing cow pussy (in Chinese, when a person speaks big words, other people will say, "You're blowing cow pussy", in Chinese "Niu Be " meaning awesome, amazing, phonetic translation into English is cow pussy ), in fact Lynch has a lot to say yet.

  This is a relatively complex game, people who join it is difficult to leave again, they continue to create wealth myths, so that they then return to ordinary life, look at Richard will know.

  He would rather lie in bed at home and sleep than go out and get an ordinary job, these people would lose their passion for life once they left Lynch, they could only glow with the miracle of life here, under Lynch's shade.

  Moreover, Lynch had more backhandedness and playfulness waiting for them.

  After withdrawing his gaze Lynch said as if he had a point, "Actually, looking at it in another way, it can also be said that I took away the wealth they earned, it's relative."

  "I'm a generous man, Mr. Advisor, you'll get to know me later."

  A house and thousands of dollars in profit on paper was enough to get the whole place fired up, and the next things were mainly used automobiles, some of the big stuff.

  These things weren't cheap, and one of the used washing machines that was priced at three thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine dollars was actually sold for a whopping two thousand and fifty dollars.

  This thing was what Lynch incidentally moved back from Mr. Fox's warehouse, and he didn't expect it to sell for so much.

  In fact, the guy who bought it wasn't a fool, in the lower middle class neighborhoods laundromats were a part of life that people could never avoid, in the old days twenty-five cents would wash all their clothes, but since the laundromats were charging by the pound twenty-five cents would only wash a few pieces.

  The man who purchased this fellow would have been absolutely delighted to have his neighbors as friends if he had commercialized it and washed all his clothes for fifty cents.

  It was Richard who personally brokered the deal, with a talent unlike any other, and a keen sense of smell, a lad Lynch admired even more.

  In the second phase of the auction, the prices of the goods were probably maintained at between fifty and seventy percent of the original price, which was not a very reasonable price, but the prices of transactions in trade fairs and auctions were never reasonable.

  As long as there was competition, as long as the atmosphere was good enough, people would show a side of themselves that they didn't even know existed.

  After a ten-minute break, the third phase of the auction began, and the host continued to maintain his exuberant condition as he introduced the third phase of the auction.

  If the normal auction was to give a reserve price and then continuously increase it, with the highest bidder winning, then the third stage was the opposite.

  Each item started at the original price in the store, but in the process the host would keep shouting the price down, yes, reducing it, until someone moved to raise their hand.

  It's still a rush auction, no offer of your own, and in the words of the host, it's all about being fast, accurate, and not hesitating.

  It might just be a blink of an eye and the opportunity is gone from around them.

  "The first item we're bidding on in the third phase is a set of ivory sterling silver flatware, let's have our staff show it off ...", and soon people saw the items, including a couple of expanded promotional posters, enough so that everyone in the last row could see the Stuff.

  "The price of this set is three thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine dollars in the store, and when your friends, relatives, and family come over to your house and you pull out a set of dishes like this, it will definitely make all and sundry look jealous ..."

  After pontificating a meal of bull pussies who would successfully rise to the top of their lives just by using this ivory sterling silver flatware set, the host began to shout prices that people had never experienced before.

  "Three thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine,3899, does anyone have a hand up?"

  "Three thousand six hundred dollars,3600, cut three hundred dollars in one bite, does anyone raise their hand?"

  "Very well, it seems that everyone has understood this bidding method, three thousand four hundred dollars,3400..."

  "Three thousand one hundred and fifty dollars,3100!"

  "Two thousand nine hundred and eighty dollars ,2980..."


  As the price got lower and lower, the originally quiet crowd began to stir, something close to four thousand dollars was shouted down to two thousand two hundred dollars, although this price was still a bit high, but it had already made some people completely understand.

  Sometimes it was simple for people to think that as long as everyone held back and didn't raise their hands, in the end this thing would only be worth a dollar.

  But if people could be that simple, this reduced bidding would not have been placed in the third stage by Lynch.

  Just as the host shouted out one thousand nine hundred and eighty dollars, suddenly someone raised their hand, followed by more people, but it was too late.

  "Congratulations to this gentleman, the brand new Ivory Sterling Silver Flatware Set valued at three thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine was brought home for only one thousand nine hundred and eighty dollars ago!"