
The Wealth Code

If you could live your life over again, what would it be? Or like this time, to be an ordinary person, Or take the world as the stage, stir up the world, let the whole world dance around you, let people's hearts beat faster because of your every word and action? Write your own laws, set the rules I said, life is just a few decades, either light up yourself, or burn the world! In a strange universe, a world completely different from what we know,in a unique class, a professor who has been awarded many international academic honors, with his humble, awe and respect, wrote a name on the blackboard - Lynch!"

Lifeiyu2001 · Fantasy
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178 Chs

0093 Crazy profit sharing

The three different types of auctions are arranged in a sequence that actually has a lot of purpose in it, a clear purpose.

  The first stage of the auction is for things that are essential to life, which in themselves, even if used, have a high practical value and are acceptable to people as long as they are not overpriced.

  However, the rule of the auction is robbery, and the first person to raise his hand will be the owner. This kind of robbery will greatly encourage people's unnecessary impulsiveness, and they may not have thought about whether they need this thing or not, but they will raise their hands impulsively in such an atmosphere.

  Except for the first person to raise his hand successfully, everyone else's hand raising will end in failure, which also makes people unconsciously think that if they like a thing, they must raise their hand the first time.

  The second stage of the bidding auction is designed to imply that the people who have come to the auction with all this money are being told by the facts that it is only reasonable to tell them roughly how much of the original price a used item will cost.

  Everyone has an idea in their head, and when the idea that a fifty to seventy percent range is a reasonable price seeps into their minds, they have a rough idea of how much a used item should really go for.

  Voila, activated consumer impulses, clarity on price positioning, and with the help of these two concepts, the third stage of the auction became an alternative focus.

  Without Lynch having to arrange for someone to tell them, they had already begun to have some valuations of these goods in their minds, even if they didn't want to buy them, they would still estimate the price, it was a kind of real-time inertial thinking behavior.

  If the bid price of a commodity is below a certain range, a valve will be opened, and the impulse to consume will be constantly high in the face of a much higher than expected return.

  To be honest, this bidding model is actually similar to the second stage of bidding, where in the first stage, as long as one person calls out the price and the others don't, a house might trade for ten dollars.

  The third stage is the same, as long as everyone holds back, the commodity will eventually drop to one dollar, and then everyone will fight for the opportunity.

  But the complexity of humanity lies in the unpredictability and the selfishness that is at the heart of Lynch's Mobile Auction of Used Goods, selfishness.

  When the price is in line with people's expectations, people start to panic, they start to get anxious, they get scared that somebody else will suddenly raise their hand and buy the item, they get hesitant.

  If someone raises their hand and makes them lose the auction, they will subconsciously raise their estimate of the final price of an item, raising it by about five percent is a reasonable estimate.

  What's more, the third stage of the auction was all brand-new items, none of which had been used by anyone, which further incentivized people to buy these items that might not be of much use.

  Guided by the first two stages of the auction, the third stage is the one that really pays off; all of these items are flashy and hard to sell in a real secondhand market, but they will be sought-after items here and now.

  Once the hammer fell on the first item, the second item quickly sold at a slightly higher price than the first, and most of the subsequent items did the same, fifty percent or more.

  Except for a few items that really didn't make much sense, where the price dropped to over thirty percent before selling, the rest stayed around fifty-five to sixty percent.

  Seeing this, Lynch knew that he had succeeded in this mobile auction, the huge transaction amount and sales volume would attract the attention of the entire society, even if he didn't spend too much effort to publicize it, the next week's mobile auction on Saturday would be crowded here.

Curiosity is the characteristic of intelligent beings, these people will want to come and see for themselves what kind of mobile auction, can drive people crazy.

Mobile auction originally planned to end at six o'clock in the evening has been delayed until more than seven o'clock, daylight saving time of the federal darkness later, of course, to ensure that people can see the goods, Lynch still from the warehouse management company side to call some high-power lighting.

  The presenter was in tears after working under the lights for only a short time, it was good that he gritted his teeth and insisted until the end, for this reason Lynch also gave him an extra two hundred dollars, counting it as compensation for the delay.

  After a thousand belts had been collected, the Mobile Auction was considered a success.

  The site was turned over to the Warehouse District's management company to clean up, they were paid for their professional services, while Lynch took everyone back to his office.

  Vera was actually there today, she wasn't the only one, there were also two accountants about her age, a man and a woman, and they were tallying up all the sales for the day.

  More than four hundred and ninety thousand used goods were sold in one afternoon, almost half a million, this number made everyone feel shocked, they never thought that used goods could create such a huge economic value.

  Lynch just nodded shyly, it was a bit of a shame that it didn't exceed half a million, but overall it was quite satisfactory.

  He coughed lightly, all eyes were suddenly focused on him, he knew the fiery thoughts behind those pairs of eyes, he didn't want to whet their appetite, he said directly, "A very successful day, I won't say anything superfluous, the next step is to divide the money.

  He flipped through some forms in his hands, "Let's set up an office emergency fund, and all the change will be erased to fill this fund in the future to cope with emergencies ...".

  Everyone was a beneficiary of this, no one objected, and it was considered passed.

  "Four hundred and ninety thousand dollars, after removing the ten percent management fee, forty-nine thousand dollars there is still four hundred and forty-one thousand dollars, how much was this batch of goods when we brought it in?" Lynch looked at Vera, it was actually on the form, but he needed someone to say it, and not by himself.

  Vera quickly quoted a number, "Three hundred and twenty-two thousand four hundred and seventy-nine dollars and fifty cents. (322,479.5)

  Lynch nodded, "After those costs, we made a profit ...", he frowned and did the math, "Twelve hundred thousand or so, and then we split it in half, and you're getting about sixty thousand dollars in dividends today, gentlemen!"

  The boys perked up, and Lynch smiled as he asked Vera and the others to prepare the men's bills and divide the money.

  Richard, and all the young men, including Wood, finally felt the reason why Richard had advocated Lynch as if he were a godly man, he really was a myth, a myth that could create a miracle of wealth.

  There were seventeen people here, sixty thousand dollars, even if it was divided equally, each person could get a few thousand dollars.

  If they had worked in an ordinary factory or business, it would have taken them a year to earn that kind of money, but here they had joined Lynch's team in just over a week, and they had earned the money that other people could only earn in a year without eating or drinking.

  This great surprise, accompanied by a certain feeling of uncertainty, made each of them blush, and they gleefully discussed some of the things that had happened at today's Mobile Auction while Lynch sat off to the side and watched.

  About ten minutes later, Vera pulled out the forms and handed them to Lynch, who, after saying that he had worked hard, told them to wait and that he would take everyone out for a nice meal later.

  Lynch, upon receiving the form, scanned it, and with a slight √ at the corner of his mouth (when Master Lynch was about to blow a Niu Be, the shape of his lips would change to an "√", signifying a crooked smile), he showed the form to the others.

  Before seeing the form, everyone thought that the sales champion would be Wood, after all he had sold a house, and some thought it should be Richard, who had encouraged a number of people to buy big items.

  But what everyone didn't expect was that the sales champions of this period would be the kids, whose presence here was so weak as to be almost nonexistent.

  Even the kids themselves couldn't believe the table, they hadn't really done much more than hand out the flyers.

  They hadn't drummed up a rush of customers like Richard had, and they hadn't had the luck that Wood had, but how had they become sales champions?

Lynch knew the answer, it was even planned by him personally, but he needed these people to think it out for themselves, and only when they came to the results of their own thinking would they be unwavering in their belief that it was the truth.


  On the subject of prices, I think there will be those who will say they are unreasonable, I don't think people should take current consumer standards into another contextual era.

  There was a time when workers' wages were only thirty-two and a half dollars and a radio cost two hundred dollars, and people were just as eager to spend their money on that.

  There was a time when workers' wages were only sixty dollars or so, and it took three years of not eating or drinking before they could afford a television set, and there were people who saved up to buy them just the same.

  There was a time when little umbrellas (condoms) not only had no lubricant in them, but also came with a box of talcum powder that could be used again after being washed and dried in the sun and wrapped in talcum powder.

  Don't use an era of material abundance and extremely advanced technology and productivity to substitute for an era that is completely different from the present.