
The Wealth Code

If you could live your life over again, what would it be? Or like this time, to be an ordinary person, Or take the world as the stage, stir up the world, let the whole world dance around you, let people's hearts beat faster because of your every word and action? Write your own laws, set the rules I said, life is just a few decades, either light up yourself, or burn the world! In a strange universe, a world completely different from what we know,in a unique class, a professor who has been awarded many international academic honors, with his humble, awe and respect, wrote a name on the blackboard - Lynch!"

Lifeiyu2001 · Fantasy
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178 Chs

0091 Master Lin once again revealed his kind smile.

  In just a week's time, Wood had already made friends with everyone here to a certain extent.

  If you want to be someone's friend, you first can't be too stupid, but you can't be too shrewd.

  If you are too stupid, you will only simply fall into a tool for others to utilize, you can't be too stupid, people don't like to become friends with stupid people, it may look like everyone is a good friend, but it may not be a really good friend.

  At the same time can not be too shrewd, people are essentially selfish, like to take advantage of others is almost the entire society of a commonality, perhaps the world does exist some light WeiZheng people, but more or ordinary people.

  Ordinary people like to take advantage of others, but do not like to be taken advantage of by others.

  Wood did well in this regard, Richard included a few others who always put the dirtiest and most tiring jobs on him, he would take them on after shrugging them off for a while, sometimes with a small counterattack, but overall he behaved in line with people's standards for a friend, and became a good friend to everyone.

  The most common thing people heard Richard talk about over this period of time was the legend of the one who was connected to the rich and famous.

  Whoever was just an onion seller before becoming a tycoon, whoever was a salesman in a store, and then how they seized the opportunity to become a man all of a sudden.

  Other than that, Richard bragged the most about his previous classic partnership with Lynch, where hundreds of dollars a day really mesmerized the lads.

  Some words people hear once, will only be regarded as false, laugh it off, but every day, will unconsciously think that these words may not be false, which is also mixed with some celebrities "real life".

  At this moment, Wood glanced at a relaxed face, is chatting with the first row of a few customers look a little special Richard, he vaguely realized that a new world is opening the door to him.

  Perhaps Wood's brief lapse in concentration had misled his officer into believing it had something to do with him, and as he passed Wood after writing a check he whispered an explanation of his reasons for doing so, and that he too had needs.

  His wife had been complaining for a long time that they were still using one of those really stupid multi-purpose cooktops, the one-piece cooktops that had a grill underneath the cooktop.

  When they bought it, both he and his wife thought the design was really damn clever, and they were thinking that they could put some meat in it every day when they made dinner, and by the time the meal was done, the meat on the grill was cooked.

  But in fact the reality of the slap came fast and hard, first of all, this multi-functional grill space is too small, not to mention the turkey, even ordinary chicken can not be stuffed in.

  It was also too short, and sometimes when grilling fish you needed to cut them into three or four sections and grill them separately.

  To add to their frustration when they needed to heat up a pizza on that damn grill, they needed to turn the fire on empty and light at least two burners at a time.

  And that's not all, the damn cooktop automatically shuts off once it's been empty for more than a minute and has to be turned off by pressing a pan with something on it that stops gravity from sensing some kind of whatever little setting turns the switch off.

  In other words if they want to heat up a pizza, they have to use two pots full of water on the stovetop and watch that water boil for a while before they can eat a hot, heated pizza!

  As for the ovens that required charcoal they were only good for open air use if they didn't want to set off the fire alarms.

  The officer's words didn't quite register with Wood, all he could think about was a voice that told him that he had just, just a moment ago, done nothing but stand around and make over four dollars.

  He looked over to where Richard was once again, Richard was happily chatting with the customers, and as for how he knew he was happy, just look at his smile.

  Wood frowned, he kind of couldn't figure it out yet there was a little bit of something hazy and visible lingering in his mind, he needed more time to seek it out.

  As the first phase of the auction continued, people had begun to realize that it was important to get started before it was too late, and that if you hesitated for just a moment, someone else would steal your chance.

  That's why Lynch arranged this snatch-and-grab model in the first place, to make impulsive spending even more impulsive!

  The vast majority of things at this stage had a rigid demand, so there was no worry at all about not being able to sell them, and with a price that was far lower than the market, it was easy to get rid of them.

  There were actually no unsold items in the entire first stage, which also made the reporters who had come to witness the miracle marvel in awe, including Ferrell who had his mouth wide open.

  He already had a feeling that Lynch was going to be famous again soon, and this time it wasn't a bad thing, it was a good thing.

  The second phase began, and the first auction item directly sensationalized the room!

  At first people didn't realize how crazy they were going to be a few minutes later, the host was introducing them to a house located close to the center of the city, a sun-backed apartment on a commercial street.

  One drawback to this type of house is the lack of sunlight, only two hours in the morning until mid-morning, and constant sunlight between 4pm and 5:30pm.

  It was dark, and possibly a little damp, but that didn't matter, an apartment worth thirty-two thousand dollars, which was the price it had last sold for.

  Everyone in the room wasn't interested in the auction item, and if they could have casually come up with thirty-two thousand dollars, no, even two thousand, they wouldn't be sitting around waiting to pick up the belt that was probably only worth three or five dollars at the end of the convention.

  But when the master of ceremonies himself read out the discarded price of the house in a voice so surprised that it was out of tune, the whole assembly instantly clamored.

  "One dollar!" , the host waved the small card in his hand with some excitement, although no one could see what was written on the card from so far away, people could feel his emotion at this moment, "One dollar, my friends, the starting price for the full ownership of this house is only one dollar!"

  Before this he described the second stage of the reserve starting bidding process, so no one would think that a dollar would be able to buy this house, but that didn't stop people from bursting with passion.

  One after another, people stood up and shouted the price - this time Richard and the others came into play, they said they also had a microphone in their hands, so when those sitting in their seats started to shout the price, they could help each other shout it out so that the whole room could hear.

  The price started at one piece and went straight up a thousand times, three thousand, four thousand, five thousand ...

  It wasn't until the price plumbed into the early ten thousand that the price increase slowed down.

  But some things are like this, everyone realizes that there is a huge "profit", if 10,000 yuan can buy this house, not to say 32,000 yuan to sell, 20,000 yuan is always good to sell it?

  This turnover is often thousands of dollars of profit, sitting here the vast majority of people, never in their lives have been exposed to such a simple opportunity to gain wealth, which also makes them in time already tried their best, but also not willing to give up.

  From the time they joined this game, they could not stop.

  It was at this point that someone sent a card to the host's table, and the host rekindled the excitement by looking at the small card and glancing at Lynch, who stood calmly in the distance.

  He told everyone in the room that GET NOW FINANCE was willing to accept a mortgage at a valuation of fifty percent of the final transaction price of the house.

  If the last person shouted out twenty thousand dollars for the house, but he only had ten thousand in hand, he needn't worry at all; he could borrow ten thousand from GET NOW Finance to pay for the house.

  When the house arrives and is resold, the loan is returned and a dividend is paid, which is a fatal temptation to many people.

  Sure enough, the asking price that stopped at over twelve thousand dollars quickly climbed to over twenty-four thousand, leaving less than eight thousand dollars in the process from its top price.

  Lynch had more or less a smile on his face, the trade in second hand real estate in Sabine had always been lukewarm, it wasn't the same as it had been in previous years when the economy was booming and everyone wanted to move into town.

  The trading volume of houses in some locations had shrunk drastically, but of course, some houses in the center were still appreciating in value.

  The house had traded for thirty-two thousand dollars, and Lynch had actually only paid twenty-one thousand five hundred for it when he got it.

  In just a little while, he had already made one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars, and the other one thousand two hundred and fifty ... dollars, his eyes rested on a young man called Wood.

  At this moment he was red in the face and was making an offer for his client, who seemed to be bound for the house!

  Looking at these vibrant young people, Master Lynch revealed an encouraging smile.