
The Wealth Code

If you could live your life over again, what would it be? Or like this time, to be an ordinary person, Or take the world as the stage, stir up the world, let the whole world dance around you, let people's hearts beat faster because of your every word and action? Write your own laws, set the rules I said, life is just a few decades, either light up yourself, or burn the world! In a strange universe, a world completely different from what we know,in a unique class, a professor who has been awarded many international academic honors, with his humble, awe and respect, wrote a name on the blackboard - Lynch!"

Lifeiyu2001 · Fantasy
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178 Chs

0090 Making money is so simple

  "Have you found anything new in the past few days?" , a middle-aged man wearing old short-sleeved clothes with holes in them stood in front of Wood, he shook Wood's hand while inquiring in a low voice.

  Wood shook his head as he made a wink, and the officer immediately saw Lynch, who was standing outside the crowd, and Ferrell next to him.

  Many ordinary people might not be familiar with Ferrell, but Wood's officer was, he knew almost everyone in the city that needed his attention, and naturally he knew Ferrell, the personal officer next to the mayor.

  The fact that Lynch and the mayor were linked together made Wood's chief officer feel a little troubled by some of the legal protections of the act that the investigation of Lynch could potentially be suspected of until the higher authorities of the principal government stepped in.

  In order to make sure that the principal government is not subject to political persecution and political dumping, which will have a bad influence on the region, the investigation of the relevant people will not normally be carried out during the term of office of the principal government.

  If the mayor of Sabine thought that the investigation of Lynch was against him, it was possible that even the investigation against Lynch would be temporarily stopped, and the investigation could only be restarted when the term of the mayor of Sabine was over.

  Wood's chief was a little nervous, if they could get Lynch's criminal evidence before Lynch and the mayor had any substantial contact, then they would be able to charge Lynch first, and then the mayor would naturally shun contact with such criminals.

  But all of this was subject to a prerequisite, they had to have substantial, solid evidence, otherwise the court side would not approve their next move.

  Wood shook his head, his officer's expression a little grave, and then sat down in Wood's "camp" under Wood's leadership.

  Wood used lake blue, he liked the color, so his one hundred seats and chairs were covered with lake blue dust jackets.

  One by one, there were some new faces sitting in his camp with his flyers, and many of them were active police agents who were here to assist Wood in his efforts to penetrate Lynch's side.

  Originally, Wood's officer had only wanted to come and make up the numbers so that Wood could successfully complete his mission, but judging from the current situation, time was very short.

  They had to get Wood recognized by Lynch as soon as possible, and the best way to do that was to make it look like he could be the one to help Lynch succeed.

  As time went by, more and more people came to the site, and Lynch had prepared accordingly, he had prepared two thousand seating seats, arranged in a circle around the convention site, so as to ensure that people on each side could see the goods on display, and for the hosts to hear their shouted prices.

  Ferrell's men also joined in to keep order. The press would be videotaping the entire event, and it would be on the local video news by tomorrow night at the latest, so it was important to have a little bit of official talent on the floor as well.

  In addition to these people, the security guards of the warehouse district, and even some blue undershirts have spontaneously helped Lynch to maintain order while staying here to watch the fun.

  In this economic downturn, people need something new to stimulate their numb nerves.

  At two fifteen minutes, there were probably almost three thousand people coming to the scene, those who didn't have a seat just found a random place to stand, even the rescue team came over to prevent any sudden accidents or dangers, in short, everyone was very much looking forward to it and very curious.

  "It's starting ...", with Lynch's words, the host and his assistants went on stage, at the same time there were also a large number of commodities being transported to the stage, the somewhat noisy venue also quieted down a bit, although there were still people exchanging in low voices, but in general it already felt not noisy anymore.

  "I'm glad to be able to ... on such a day", the host is Lynch spent six hundred dollars to hire from the state capital side, four hours six hundred dollars, in addition Lynch also have to pay one hundred and twenty dollars for the travel expenses to and from and a day's lodging.

  Sabine locally does not have a formal auction house, there is no professional auctioneer, a good auctioneer can be extremely effective in pulling the atmosphere of the scene, create some small conflicts, and frequently create the highest price in history.

  In the Baylor Federation and even internationally, some very famous auctioneers were even able to get a commission of three percent of the transaction price as their own bonus!

  He quickly introduced the process of the auction, inside and the participants have a relationship with the roughly is to raise their hands, do not need a number plate, not so formal and serious, everything looks like a familiar kind of second-hand goods trade fair - in fact, the top auction is also a Mobile auction of second-hand goods, just that the price of the goods in that place auction Higher prices.

  The whole process of the trade auction can be divided into three stages, the first stage is a one-bite price auction link, there is no distinction between raising and lowering the price, the host will report the price of a commodity, and then the person who wants to buy it raises his hand on the line.

  In the center of the showcase there are four additional employees, they will have a small button in their hands, when they see someone raise their hand they will press the button, the other three will not be able to trigger the effect of the button, as a way to confirm the first person to raise their hand.

  Most of the goods sold at this stage are of the "tough" variety, the kind that are essential to life, such as practical home ovens, six-burner cooking tables, and the like, which are in demand in every household.

  This kind of goods in the second-hand market trading volume and price are very stable, do not need to raise or lower the price can easily be sold off.

  Once the first stage is over, it's on to the second stage, the actual auction, and to give people a taste of that atmosphere, the starting price for each item is a dollar.

  Yes, no matter how much this commodity sells in the store, but here the starting price is one dollar, how much can be auctioned all depends on everyone's needs.

  Most of these goods are the kind of flashy, if like the first category to give them a price tag, the vast majority of the time these things will stay in the warehouse, not as good as let the customers to compete, maybe instead of selling a good price.

  As for the third phase ...

  The host said that it would be an unprecedented surprise and would even change some of the auction rules in the entire world!

  As a surprise, he didn't choose to reveal it for the time being and started directly from the first category of goods.

  The first item was displayed by the staff, and the host skillfully introduced, or bragged about, an oven that could be built-in, the kind that could be put into a cabinet or embedded in the wall.

  This kind of oven that can be hidden is very popular these years, firstly, it is very beautiful, and secondly, it can save some space, which is a good choice for families who have a small kitchen area, but need a relatively not so small oven.

  In the store a brand new oven like this would cost around a hundred and ninety-nine dollars, but today at the venue it was only seventy-nine!

  The auctioneer's words were so incendiary that about ten seconds or so after he finished, a light on the stage suddenly came on, and it was only immediately afterward that people saw someone from one of the other camps raise their hand.

  The first Suburban Commodity appeared so quickly, and people either regretted it a little or looked at the guy who raised his hand with some curiosity, as an inexplicable sense of involvement slowly began to emerge.

  "Congratulations to this gentleman, seventy-nine dollars for an almost brand new oven, I wouldn't give you that if I wasn't the host!" , he smiled and pointed at the successful bidder, "Let's congratulate this gentleman ..."

  At the same time, a staff member started to come up to settle the payment, cash, or a check would be fine, in addition to that the person would be asked to leave an address for home delivery.

  It looked like home delivery gave Lynch an extra expense, but this not-so-large expense could hold these people firmly in their hands.

  "Seventy-nine dollars, it looks like a freebie ...", Ferrell exclaimed in a low voice, he inclined his head to look at Lynch, "How much did you lose?"

  "Loss?" , Lynch looked at him with some amusement in his eyes, "I made at least ten bucks on this thing."

  Wood glanced at the officer who was pulling out his money, he had a ... indescribable feeling that was filling his chest, because he had made money, he had made about almost four dollars.

  For the first time, he felt the feeling that Richard, the "study committee member", said - nothing to do, lying down to make money!