
The Wealth Code

If you could live your life over again, what would it be? Or like this time, to be an ordinary person, Or take the world as the stage, stir up the world, let the whole world dance around you, let people's hearts beat faster because of your every word and action? Write your own laws, set the rules I said, life is just a few decades, either light up yourself, or burn the world! In a strange universe, a world completely different from what we know,in a unique class, a professor who has been awarded many international academic honors, with his humble, awe and respect, wrote a name on the blackboard - Lynch!"

Lifeiyu2001 · Fantasy
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178 Chs

0089 Mobile auction for used goods

The next day, Saturday morning, Ferrell once again came over to the warehouse district, and he dropped off some things he would need to set up the convention.

  Some large posters for publicity, and something that would tie this trade auction to City Hall, and to the Mayor's policies.

  What is even more surprising is that the content of the local newspaper about this used goods trading auction has been added to the mayor's relations, such as this used goods trading auction, under the mayor's impetus, by Lynch "and other" people, preparations for the formation and organization.

  Which seems to be only a few words, in fact, the mayor should take away the credit have taken, and even placed a backhand, that is Lynch and others, in addition to Lynch there are other people, but in the end, who, it is not clear.

  Maybe there will be three or five more people, maybe only Lynch, of course, this is also in order to get Lynch to get subsidies or some policy tilt necessary process.

  The system that seems to be a bit backward is actually surprisingly transparent, and there are some things that can't be hidden at all, and since they can't be hidden, they have to be made to look a bit more in line with the rules.

  "The mayor has forty minutes at noon next week, Tuesday, so you can have lunch." , Ferrell, who was standing on the spot, talked to Lynch about it while watching the workers belonging to the city hall were fiddling with those poster banners.

  He inclined his head to look at Lynch and didn't see any unhappiness or some negative emotions from Lynch's face.

  In the Baylor Federation, dinner was the most solemn of the three meals of the day, and most of the time, breakfast and lunch people would compress the time as much as possible, curtailing the content of the meal and saving the time right to do other things.

  This gives dinner some more special meaning, such as formal, such as grand, such as sumptuous, such as ...

  In any case if it was a rendezvous where the reason for the meeting was to eat together, the choice of lunch might make it seem as if the other party was trivializing the rendezvous.

  Ferrell had expected Lynch to be upset, to feel like he was being looked down upon.

  He was well aware of this feeling; most young people, especially the good ones, who had hardly encountered any kind of setbacks, other than those irresistible natural factors, the failure of any human intervention would make them angry.

  The more successful a young man was, the angrier he would get when faced with such a situation, and he wondered if Lynch was very deep in the city to hide his anger, or if he was really as calm as he appeared to be.

  As a bridge between Lynch and the mayor, Ferrell dutifully explained, "Originally, the mayor was planning to arrange a dinner to meet with you, but the schedule has been stretched to more than a month later, so ..."

  He shrugged his shoulders, hoping that Lynch would understand how dense the schedule of a politician of the mayor's level was, and how complicated it was to change that.

  "I see." Lynch nodded his head, not explaining that he really didn't care about having lunch with a "little person" like a mayor at noon.

  You know, before crossing over, most of the people he ate with every day represented an era, an otherworldly Mayor ..., it was just like that, he respected the Mayor, but not in awe.

  Lynch did not want to say much, Ferrell naturally would not say much, he began to habitually enter into this brand new identity of his.

  Honestly he had all sorts of other feelings of resentment, confusion, and self-doubt before he left work yesterday.

  But this morning as he watched the bank transfer five thousand dollars into his account, he suddenly became relaxed, five thousand dollars was not a small amount of money, even for someone like Ferrell.

  It may not compare to the seventy-five thousand dollars that was also transferred into the mayor's political contribution account, but this money, this five thousand dollars belonged to him, not to the office, not to the mayor.

  As long as he accepts this status and the convenience it brings, Ferrell feels that Lynch is a good young man, and that this may be the first small capitalist to offer him a hand of friendship, and he is also considering whether to become more "intimate" with Lynch.

  Mayor's staff like Ferrell would usually come into contact with many capitalists, who would be the channel between power and wealth, but they themselves did not have power and it was difficult for them to obtain wealth.

  Those capitalists would only throw their money precisely to those who held the scepter of power, and people like Ferrell would, at best, get some meager extra income from their lives and work.

  Doesn't the capitalist worry about offending his handlers by failing to take care of them and thus letting them badmouth him in front of the powers that be and badmouth him?

  In fact, not, because here there is a group of special "channels", their name is "fixer".

  Most of these people are from the upper social class, are social celebrities and former dignitaries, they have very deep relations in the political and financial circles, when the capitalists need to persuade some people, do not need to go through the staff to complete, they will let the professional political fixers to help them get rid of all the people they need to get rid of.

  This is another disadvantage of the job of a close officer like Ferrell, all their glory and power is just an illusion displayed in front of the people, and when the people behind them have a decision to make, their opinions and ideas become unimportant.

  Only if the performance is outstanding or the politician he serves is already in the upper-middle or even top tier of the federation, it's hard to get a capitalist to put a heavy bet on someone like a staffer.

  Mayors, not quite the upper-middle echelon of the Federation's power structure, and naturally Ferrell had only gotten acquainted with the local businessmen so far.

  He needed help, too!

  Soon the men had rearranged the venue in less than forty minutes, these were very professional people who knew how to make the place look more in tune with the mayor's needs.

  There were two large posters erected on either side of the stand, with the Mayor in the center of the posters with a big smile, and he gave two thumbs up, and around them were all kinds of merchandise, and all kinds of discounts, an image that seemed like déjà vu all over again.

  A bit of an exaggeration, but it did a good job of getting people to understand the role the mayor played here, for the lower classes of society they wouldn't be able to decipher anything that had more meaning, and the easiest way to get them to understand that the egg was laid by the chicken was for them to watch the chicken lay an egg, rather than describing it.

  "That's enough, let's get everyone ready ...", Lynch nodded and waved his men off to keep an eye on the blue undershirts as they got their stuff out of the warehouse.

  The warehouse area often lost things, so it was important to keep an eye on these people, there was no denying that the vast majority of the Blue Vests were good, but there were always some individuals who dragged down the image of the group as a whole.

  Ferrell did not immediately go back, but intends to wait here after the Mobile auction is over and then go back, he wants to get first-hand information to go back and other staff to analyze, and then confirm whether to invest more time and energy in Lynch's body.

  The two of them hastily ate a little something at noon, and when it was not even two o'clock in the afternoon, a little after 1:30, there were already people arriving at the scene.

  These people were holding posters in their hands, and as soon as they arrived, they went around inquiring if they could use the posters to exchange for a belt here, and it was evident that Lynch's strategy was very successful, and that the free stuff routine hadn't been played before, and the community hadn't yet developed resistance.

  The staff, mainly meaning Richard and these people immediately greeted them, and then they divided up these guests who came to the Mobile auction.

  In fact, every poster was different, and if anyone was paying close attention they would notice that on the back of the poster there would be a distinct color block in the upper left corner, some were red, some were yellow, some were purple, some were blue, lots of colors.

  These color blocks represent the different "salesmen" that they came from, such as Richard, who had his poster stamped in gold on the back of the poster, which he had paid extra money to have printed, as a way of showing that he was different.

  These people will be assigned their own seats, and then the amount of money sold by these people in the Mobile auction will be calculated separately, to ensure that the income of the salesmen is correct to the greatest extent possible.

  At the same time, this is also to let these people have a more intuitive understanding, sometimes not to find more people than others will work, they also have to have the ability to spend!