
The Way to Protect You

A Man by the name of Haru was send back to the past which is scientifically impossible. this time he will save himself from the mistakes he had done to himself in order to save his and other's futures

Senpai_Desu · Fantasy
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14 Chs

I'm Back and Changed

I woke up gasping in air what the hell did I just went thru? it felt like I was drowning in tar. well whatever it is I don't understand where I am now, The second i gasped again and looked at my arm I realized then. I am back to the past...

Well got to stop lamenting on that fact. Hah... if I knew I came back here I at least would prepare myself, I gasped again. this dry lips, I'm severely dehydrated and with injuries at that, this is the time where...

"papa!! papa!! someone's here!!"

a girl's voice- yes this is the time where they managed to find me. I was very aggressive to the people who rescued me back then... maybe I should try and change.. yeah that may be better,

" oh my god... Who would leave a kid here"

I looked at the one who spoke, ah as Usual Mark Ferdell. your face is still covered with medicinal smoke even the future. He lift me up as I am, I think he noticed since he was gently carrying me

" Snow go get the water bottle in my bag"

I just moaned with agony in front of this man, this guy Mark Ferdell. he was aggressive with me back in my past self, the reason was I..

"papa here"

She gave the water bottle to Mark and he placed it in my mouth. I drank it of course being this time was the most horrific time for me, I guess this time I'm over this trauma since it passed a long time ago

Mark covered me with his jacket, poor Mark your outing has to be ruined by a random child.

"what we're you doing there child..."

I tried to speak but my voice didn't came out, I thought its probably because of my dry throat so I decided to just gesture. some animal scream can be heard in the distance and my young body decided to hug Mark tightly as a response. Huh I can understand now how much shit I went thru

"oh my... we'll take you to a shelter ok? we can't let you in here"

"papa is he going to an orphanage like me?

when I heard the orphanage I jerked like an autistic monkey and repeatedly shook my head, I'm not a human being I'm a Hollow. a close relative of the Vampire and Ghoul species. The reason why I'm shaking my head to the thought of an orphanage is that if my blood ever get tested they will know I'm a Hollow,

my Kin the Hollow went instinct because of poachers, the reason being the bones of a Hollow is very nutritious and its wildly used in medicine. If ever I got registered I

"do you not like the orphanage child? did you uhh.. escaped out of it by any chance?"

mark kindly asked me that in which I nodded my head, now he's contemplating.

"all right we'll take you home"

Snow audibly gasped

"since our hair both white doesn't that mean I'll have a younger sibling?"

wait... my hair is white?!? what the hell my kin has the darkest shade of black to exist it only turns white on winter so why is white this time of the day.

"also having a black sclera type of an eye even its one is even rare"

mark also added. What? what do you mean by black sclera I don't have any of that until mark carried me on his car and I looked at my reflection. my left eye have a blue pupil and black sclera eye. My kin only have red eyes. Red.

This type of eye only indicated if one's individual has a dense mana. I didn't learn Mana condensing until I joined the military at 17. excuse me????

I'm on the back of the car with Snow right now and she's staring hard at my left eye while i just star back with little to no expression.

"I hope we can become the best of family"

you already decided that?

"also I'm jealous of your eye. I don't have that much mana.."

oh, yeah. I really regret what I did to you back then, Snow is a homunculi meaning she wasn't born in a womb, she's artificially grown. the reason why a child Snow was in front of me was because the cloning of homunculi as a weapon for war is banned. considered of how 'inhumane' it is.

I just smiled at her, jokingly I was going to pass a bit of my mana on her but instead black mist came out, huh? another fucking anomaly, why is it a black... why is Mark worryingly looking at me like he just saw a ghost, I can see your expression even in that smoke man your mouth is still shown.

then I realized this is still mana. and I added some to Snow. She's writhing for some reason like she's being possessed. I calmly placed my hand on her arm, she stopped.

"my god what was that"

(Mark's PoV)

We were supposed to be on a trip to sight seeing, we're on the outskirts of City Folger. we; snow and I we're supposed to be sight seeing because I heard that there's a huge lake in here but by fate Snow found a child.

The child refused to be sent to an orphanage- well desperately not to. with signs of abuse, malnutrition as the biggest sign I need to know in which orphanage he came from.

as I load everything in the car so we can get moving I noticed something. that energy he just exerted its not just some ordinary mana. it feels like I'm about to puke, its very nauseating. Where is this kid from exactly?



After going home I bathed the child, he has no way to resist or that he just cant, Seeing a seemingly bullet wound on his thigh I was shocked. "what the hell? is my first thought, that's not the end of it no. the child also has some scars in specific places. like the arm that stretches up to his elbow, a cut seeming along his spine and a cut behind the knee.

I was quite boiling in rage at that point but for the sake of the kid I just finished cleaning his body, i gave one of my shirts which is very big for him. once we went out the bath Snow was waiting already outside.

"papa am I going to have a little brother?"

"ah.. that's not.." (decided yet)

I can't with this child's eye with full of excitement and anticipation

"hah.. not sure so don't get your hopes up ok?"

the child I'm holding is also looking at me with anticipation, well that's fine. I don't know how old this child is but we'll know soon have a proper family in here, I placed the child in the guest room

since the only thing I gave was a bottle of water I guess his stomach wont get upset. by the looks of it, it seems he hasn't ate for a while. I made a porridge he wont be able to handle solid food for a while

"Pa! Pa! can I give it to him please?"

"what the porridge? just wait"

its almost noon. Hah.. an hour to that lake and back here, I just hope the child I have here is a blessing

(Haru's PoV)

Mark took me in he will most likely will make my birth certificate and such, my Identity as a Hallow will mostly be discovered. but I'm not scared, because I trust Mark that much. this Man will truly put me in a safe environment.

though I wish in my past life I should've treated you better. I'd go back to the same academy when I get 12 years old. while I did get top in all parts I might say I should focus on mastering my power, I forced out my mana once more. its not the normal one. it dark and... I placed my hand in that source of mana for a moment and I felt... nothing I snapped back after a while.

As I am not human my mana pool is undetermined. but in my past life its miniscule but I was always in danger that I created my [Unique] power was putting mana in my muscles and let it explode with power. its called [Spring Load] since it can compress and release power.

After a while of brainstorming Snow came in with a bowl of porridge and a spoon, since I'm a blood needing animal. a certain animal blood is needed for my growth. my adult form is quite tall... for my sake I'll be malnourished of my actual diet

"here here! I brought your meal!"

Snow saying that with enthusiasm, I smiled softly. she's now blowing the hot porridge in the spoon she's holding

"here! ahhhh"

Gesturing to open my mouth. she gently feed my the porridge. its warm, I slowly took my time

"your hair color is the same as mine, if you become my little brother I can do this for you every time!"

Snow you free spirited child, that's exactly how you are supposed to act as a child I guess. truly don't worry you will be my big sister, and I'll make sure you're gonna have a proper future, I think while being fed this warm porridge. I hope this moments become a proper memory for you Snow