
The Way to Protect You

A Man by the name of Haru was send back to the past which is scientifically impossible. this time he will save himself from the mistakes he had done to himself in order to save his and other's futures

Senpai_Desu · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Another chance for the damned

Well shit. It's been how damn long? 30 minutes an hour? well I don't know. heh shit there we're about 4 of us. Now there's only me. Our strongest in here Seishi didn't stood a chance no matter how much he held the sword against this fucking so called 'Rogue bot' it just goes back to its original form. Me who's specializes in close quarter combat ain't going no where I tell you that no matter how much force I apply in my punches, all of it, ALL OF IT gets absorbed

And back to it. there's 4 of us and I am the only one left. SHIT SHIT SHIT I've been in defense for how long, tsk. left arm is very red. it can't hold up anymore. punch after punch and punch...

That was the last of my strength. I counter attacked a plain left punch from the bot by spinning inside and a left hook none the less my left arm was crushed because no matter how plain this fucking bot is its speed and power is only getting stronger by any second

"haha just fucking kill me you black and blue bitch"

I got done in by being caved down the ground. It's not enough since it lifted me off the ground and fucking threw me off far


Well shit its the ocean. The rouge hit me down and for all I know that pain in my left arm is enough to put a cow into sleep.

my left arm bursts and split in two, it flung so close to me as I plunge in the ocean. my last thoughts we're on how much I regret not trusting my closest friend, my sister, my supposedly family. I hated myself in this place.

As I let out my last breath out within those bubbles I saw the rouge bot after me. wasn't cleaning up my whole team and putting me thru this enough pain enough?

My head ringed as the last second of my consciousness being under the ocean. a voice straight in my head with crystal clear tone.

"save me... Haru"

I woke up in panic- I looked around me and pitch black all around. I can see my arm, my feet, my body. The only thing though is that there is no shadow.


I said that like someone is going to hear me and in a mere second every color every thing the human eye can't see every sound every sensory in place of touched every smell in existence came coming to me. it was an information overload. I could only say what the fuck at that moment.

I think this time I was writhing in unprocessed pain. After I was done with that a big figure, a female human body pale as fuck with its half head cut clean and when viewed from above its filled with holes in different shape, on its waist is extension of its body like a dress but its made with its own skin, the seat which looks like it is made with its own flesh and skin. the problem is it looks too smooth. like polished sculpture.

I looked at it and suddenly a ringing on my head and the voice 'you..' its hand reached for me I tried running but it was to no avail I guess since it reached for me instantly. it showed the inside of its head. I gagged but in that moment pain by my own body was being given, its giving me too much....feelings???!?!? FUCKK!!!!!

(3rd person)

the thing that was holding Haru was a Woman shaped figure with undefined size. it hold Haru over its head and let him fall inside one of the holes. its filled with black liquid that is the same consistency with honey but hardens like tar when fast movement is involved.

nonetheless Haru struggled to come out the hole even though he can't think of anything whilst inside it. After a few hours of struggle Haru stopped moving completely and got swallowed by the liquid.

after that the figure looked back at the darkness and hundreds of figures in shape of man and woman is filled to the horizon of that place.

"o god of creation, i will be there with you soon enough" it does the exact same thing it had done to Haru to the other figures.