
The Way to Protect You

A Man by the name of Haru was send back to the past which is scientifically impossible. this time he will save himself from the mistakes he had done to himself in order to save his and other's futures

Senpai_Desu · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Back where I came From

«T-minus 2 minutes»

I am already prepared with the items i am most compatible with

«T-minus 1 minute and 2 seconds»

I'm done checking my items. I'm in this SkyShip standing ready to be deployed

«T-minus 22 seconds»

I can't see shit. But i can hear the turmoil thats about to start

«T-minus 0 seconds»

We're out. I can hear the roaring engines, without this headset im going to be deaf

2 minutes in flight

I can't hear anything

5 minutes in flight

I cant hear anything

10 minutes in flight

I can't hear anything. Then I can hear artillery left and right it's firing.

30 minutes in flight

What the hell the captain keeps firing. I can't hear shit. -FWIT- I just heard a missile get launched. WHAT THE FUCK

1 hour in flight

The deck light says we're free to go, well there's only 5 core members here. The elite of elites. We went out and ones who have abilities to fly just soared the sky. While I used the parachute. The mission only stated we have to take on one rouge bot. ONE.