
The Way He Loves Me

Used to being pushed to the side by her boyfriend Lina meets someone who only has eyes for her. She embarks on an amazing relationship which showed her that she could love so hard and be loved with so much passion. But there’s drama and heartbreak looming over her perfect relationship.

Brokenwingsforever · Fantasy
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32 Chs

My Husband

"Miss Thompson?" Marie says gently

"Are you okay?"

"Si-Simon, where is he?" I say breathlessly. Scared this was all a dream.

"He stepped out miss, he should be back shortly" she smiles sweetly. I place my hand on my head

"Sorry, I just.. I'm sorry" I shoot upstairs.

I was terrified he left me again. It's over Lina, he is back and you're happy. I drop to the bed my face in my hands. Get your shit together Lina. I hop in the shower to clear my thoughts. I finish and wrap a towel around me. As I open the door Simon is on the bed texting. I couldn't help but smile as soon as I saw him.

"Hey babe" he says grinning. "Hey" I walk to him

"Where did you go ?" He moves off the bed towards me and immediately kissing me. Hmmm heaven.

"Just sorting out a few things. I have a surprise for you" He grins like a school boy

"Really ? Simon you don't need to"

"I know baby but want to. Get dressed" Since it was late afternoon I wore a white flowy dress and white heels. The cab arrived around 7pm and took us away. As we drive off I start recognising the scenery, that's his parents vineyard.

The cab stops and we're greeted by a tall skinny guy. "Hello Mr Mathews" he smiles "Hi. I'll take it from here, thank you" Simon says

"What's going on?" I ask but he doesn't reply instead he grabs my hand smiling down at me and leads me towards the hill, the one where we stood watching the sunset and he told me he wanted me to be his on the last day.

I moved my head to the side to see past him, oh my he organised a dinner at the top. As we approach I can hear music.

"Hi" I smile and whisper to the man playing the Harp.

"Wow Simon" I reach out for my chair and Simon takes me hand away

"Not yet sweet girl" he leads me to the same spot we stood "You look so beautiful " his voice rough.

"Thank you" he kisses my lips

"You look perfect" I say softly, he really did. His hair had a little of length to it, enough to run my fingers through, despite the few scars on his face, he looked fresh and happy. He had a white Shirt with blue pants and loafers on. He looked perfect in every way to me.

"Lina Thompson" he says getting down on one knee. My eyes and mouth flew open

"Would you make me the luckiest bastard in the world and marry me?" he grins at me. I couldn't help the tears forming in my eyes

"I take his face and kiss him. Yes I will Simon, yes" he takes the ring from the box and places it on my finger

The staff at the back start clapping, I smile at them. Simon picks me up and spins me around in the air

"Fuck yes, My wife" he chuckles

"Well fiancé, not wife yet" I laugh

"I don't care, you're mine" he kisses my cheeks repeatedly making me squeal and laugh. As he puts me down I hug him

"Thank you for asking me to be your wife again, I can't wait for you to be my husband" he bends down smiling widely at me. I kiss him completely forgetting the harpist and waiter behind us.

"Let's eat baby I'm hungry"

"Me too" We were served scallops, lobster and different cuts of beef. For desert we had a beautiful chocolate mouse. I teased Simon all night, placing my foot in-between his thighs, rubbing and stroking his hand while starring at him seductively. I kept bitting and sucking on my lower lip while looking at him and judging my the many gulps and the harsh serious look on his face this was killing him.

We thanked the staff for the evening and got a cab back. We took a bottle of red wine with us to celebrate back at the villa. I decided to take the teasing to another level. In the taxi I kept on squeezing his leg, rubbing his thigh up and down. He was huffing and puffing so much it made me giggle. As soon as the driver drives off he slings me over his shoulder.

"Simon" I squeal "Simon put me down" I laugh. He opens the door and sprints upstairs then throwing me on the bed like a rag doll. I couldn't stop laughing.

"You think it's funny?" his voice low and rough. I push myself up, he puts the wine bottle on the side and takes his belt off throwing it onto the bed . He leans forward and grabs onto my chin squeezing it hard.

"You think it was funny teasing me like that ?" he says

"A little bit" I smile

"Do you know how much I wanted to fuck you on that hill? Especially when you had you tiny foot on me rubbing my hard on making it worse. Do you know how much I wanted to throw everything on floor and bend you over the table?" I exhale hard

"And in the taxi, if it was just the two of us. I would've pulled over and fucked your little mouth" I bite my lip, my breathing instantly changing.

"Fuck, I love how you drive me insane" he sucks on my lower lip while slowly lifting up my dress. His face disappearing from my view, until I start feeling him there. His mouth was so warm, it melted me away. He stops and hovers over me.

"Since you had your little fun now it's my turn" he smirks

"What do you mean?"

"I will make love to you all night long, only if you beg me good"

"I will not, cause I know how desperate you are to have me" I kiss his lips gently

"Hmmm... you'll be surprised. I am a man of principles and if I say I won't until you beg me you best believe that is what's going to happen" he moves off of me and starts walking away. I hop off the bed and stand in front of him. I look up at him giving him my best innocent look. I slowly bring his face down staring into his deep blue eyes.

"Simon please... I need you" I frown softly while caressing his lips with mine

"Fuck ok you win" I smile as he crashes his mouth on mine, pulling me to him. "I Love you Simon" I whisper.

I wake up and slowly open my eyes. The lights were dimmed, all I could hear was a beeping sound by my head. I look around, the place was unfamiliar. I try to make out where I was.

"Li? Li you're awake?"

"Mom she's awake. Call the doctor" I hear the door close

"What happened? where am I?" I sit up

"We're at a private hospital. You've been asleep for a while now" She says softly. The door opens. I recognise Dr Kaufman.

"Hi Lina. How you feeling ?" She asks

"I'm okay why am I here?"

"Lina... there's no easy way to say this but you suffered a miscarriage" My eyes were wide, I couldn't breathe. I turn to Charlotte with tears in my eyes.

"No no. Char tell me it's not true" I watch the tears stream down her cheeks.

"I'm so sorry Li" she sobs. I turn to Dr Kaufman

"It must be a mistake, please test again. Please no" I cry, I couldn't stop crying. No this can't be happening it was a piece of Simon. "Please god no!" I scream my heart out.

"Li I'm sorry. He's gone"

"He? It was a boy?" I cry. Charlotte nods

"Wait last thing I remember was you showing up at home, you said Simon was MIA or K-kil" I couldn't bring myself to say it. She looks at Eva, who starts crying straight away.

"Li I'm so so sorry "she cries even more

"They found Simon and his squad outside enemy camp. They're all gone" her hand over her mouth to muffle her cries.

"No that's not true. You're lying!" I scream getting out of the bed. Dr Kaufman grabs me

"Lina you need to lay down"

"No! Get off me. Get off! Simon please" I plead. I walk to Eva who's face was just plastered with pain. "Eva please is that true? Is he gone too?"

"Darling they're both gone" She hugs me. I fall the the floor crying uncontrollably

"Why!!" I scream, I feel Eva and Charlotte hug me.

"I didn't get.... that was our last kiss. This is how we left things. I didn't get to tell him how much I loved him. I didn't get to hold him long enough. No it hurts, it hurts so much! Make it stop please! please make it stop! I can't"

The funeral took place quickly. His body was flown back after a week. I stayed at the cemetery a little bit longer after the service. Just staring at the ground where he was buried. I decided to have our boy buried with him. It was the right thing to do. Now they're both together forever.

I place my hand on their Tombstone.

"Simon whenever you are, I hope you can hear this. You changed my life more than you'll ever know. You showed me what true love was. I am privilege to have been loved by you and to have loved you. I will always remember our magical time together. I regret not stopping you, I regret giving up on you. I will carry you in my heart along with our son forever. Until we meet again please take care of each other. I love you Simon. Now, tomorrow, always and forever" I cry

My life would never be the same again. I lost the two most important things to me. Oh how I wished the dream I had before I woke up at the hospital was how our perfect ending turned out. I promise to find you in every lifetime. I love you Simon

The end

I'm not crying.... you are :(

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