
The Way He Loves Me

Used to being pushed to the side by her boyfriend Lina meets someone who only has eyes for her. She embarks on an amazing relationship which showed her that she could love so hard and be loved with so much passion. But there’s drama and heartbreak looming over her perfect relationship.

Brokenwingsforever · Fantasy
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32 Chs

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I'm meeting with Charlotte today, it's been three days since Simon came back home. She told me that Simon came over to Eva's yesterday to catch up. He told them how him and his squad were under attack and had to fight off some people. She also mentioned that Simon had loads of bruises. The thought of him being hurt made me sick to my stomach. I still can't believe he was here, it feels like I'm dreaming and I'll soon wake up and be broken again. My heart was happy that he was here and he was safe but at the same time I was still sad about my miscarriage. That baby meant so much more to me because I really thought I had lost Simon. I couldn't shake the thought that our baby would be here if things had turned out different. The news that he was dead caused me so much stress I lost our baby. According to Dr Kaufman, it is very common for women to miscarry within the first 3 months but the stress sealed it.

As I walk into the restaurant I spot Charlotte sitting at the back. She sees me straight away starts waving and smiling at me. I walk to the table "Morning Li" Eva says.

"Oh Eva. I didn't know you were coming" I didn't even see her, I wonder why they wanted to see me.

"I needed to get out of the house for a bit it's been a crazy few days" she sighs, I hug her then Charlotte

"How you been babe?"

"I'm okay just still processing" I say sitting down

"I understand, it's a lot. Just take your time" Charlotte says softly

"So what's going on? Why did you want to see me so bad?" I raise my eyebrows

"Well me and mom were talking and we think you need to have some time away, to recoup and clear your mind" I look at her

"I hope you say yes. I would like to arrange for you to stay at our France villa for a week. I can arrange for Marie to do the housekeeping and a cook" Eva carries on

"I think it will do you some good, to just be away from it all" Charlotte says

"Wow guys, that's amazing but I've got work and"

"Nope, I knew you'd say that so I called in a favor. You do realise I kept in touch with the boss after leaving right? Jeff agreed to give you a week off of work next week" she smiles widely

"Charlotte, you didn't have to. Guys this is too much I can't accept" I shake my head

"Yes you can and it isn't too much you have no idea how much you deserve this" Eva puts her hand on mine.

"Thank you. Seriously, I'm very grateful" I hug Charlotte then Eva.

"OMG - I can't believe this, I need to book my flight and pack my bags. I'm so excited" I say sounding thrilled

"No need, I have booked your flight leaving on Sunday at 8am and I have packed a suitcase full of nice little outfits and bikinis"

"You're joking right?" she shakes her head, smiling pleased with herself "What would I do without you?" This was very generous of them. The thought of being away seem better than being here and facing reality. I just didn't know how to face Simon. The thought of seeing him made me so scared and not to mentioned I was riddled with regret and guilt. I left him too, I broke his heart too and that killed me inside. That I wasn't there for him those two weeks before he left.

The week couldn't go by any quicker, I was looking forward to being on the beach and forgetting all about the stress I have been carrying this whole time. On the day Charlotte drove me to the airport.

"Have a great time babe" she hugs me

"I know you'll love it" she winks at me, I smile at her

"Thank you Charlotte, see you in a week" I kiss her on the cheek before making my way in.

After a long flight and a taxi ride to the villa, I am greeted by Marie the house keeper. She was super nice, she offered me a chamomile tea to relax me after the travels. I take my luggage upstairs to my bedroom the same one I stayed in last time. I open the glass door walking out onto the balcony. Placing my hands on the rail I stare out at the sea it was amazing being back here, the sea looked so beautiful. I close my eyes taking in the warm and salty breeze. Last time I was here things were so different, I had just come out of a relationship and started falling for Simon. Memories flooded my brain, I smiled gently thinking about our first kiss, here is where it all began. The first time we had sex, how he made me feel. I wanted all of that back, I wanted him back. But I just didn't know how to move forward from here or how to make things better. My brain was all fogged up, thinking about it all made me dizzy.

"Li?" I hear an all too familiar voice coming from the other side of the balcony. The unexpected voice made me jumps I turn my face to see Simon standing outside his room on the balcony. "argh Simon you scared me" I shake my head "Wait Simon! what are you doing here?" I ask frowning at him "Li I just need couple of minutes, then if you don't want to see me again that's fine I'll leave"

"This was all a setup wasn't it? I can't believe you Simon... and Charlotte. She lied to me" before I have a chance to leave he rushes over to me, his hands on the rail either side of me. He looks tall, mean and scary.

"Simon let me go" I plead trying to push him off

"Then leave " he grunt and stares into my eyes, fully knowing there is no way I can push him off, I'm trapped in-between his arms.

"Fine talk" I roll my eyes

"First don't be mad at Charlotte or Eva this was my idea I had to beg them to get them on board. Charlotte didn't want to betray you, I forced her to. I know that you don't want to be around me right now but I think that's exactly what you need. I have no doubt in my mind that we love each other like crazy and that we are meant to be together. I know it's been hard and a lot has happened but this is a chance to move forward and build a life together from this. I thought it'd be best if I wasn't in your life I was ready to give up but I just know that if I wasn't you would never be happy, just like I would never be happy without you. I can't erase the past but I can write a future with you. If you just give me a chance to make things right I will lay my life down for you"

My eyes were unable to leave his cold blue pools. Something switched inside me just like the first time I had seen him. Something telling me that no matter what I will love this man so hard.His hand found my cheek and started caressing it. I look up at him through my lashes examining his face. He was so sincere

"I Fucked up big time. I left you when you needed me the most. And I will spend the rest of my life making sure that I never disappoint you again. I promise you" his voice low.

I close my eyes and slowly rest my head on his chest. I could hear his heart beating loudly and faster than usually.

"Your heart's beating so fast" he smirks

" I don't want to loose you and it's the first time in months I got to hold you like this. And right now I just…." He stops and exhales

"You just what?"

"I want you all of you Lina, please let me have you" he pleads before crashing his mouth on mine. Enveloping me in his scent and his arms. His kiss was soft, he savoured my mouth. Taking his sweet time, he sucked on my lip and bit it. While his hands were squeezing my hip rocking me against him. I didn't have any rational thoughts left all I knew is that I wanted him.

"Yes" I whispered gently. In one swoop he had me in his arms carrying me to his room. He puts me on the bed and starts removing his clothes. I do the same. I pull my top over my head with no warning he pushes me flat onto the bed. Him on top of me pinning my hands on either side of my head. His feral side was out. He was panting like a mad man desperate to have me, feel all of me. His mouth descends to my neck. He's licking away. Leaving gentle bites in between. I let out a moan. I could feel him hovering around my entrance.

"I can't wait sweet girl. I need you so fucking bad" he whispers in my neck before pushing in. I gasps and gulp at the feeling of him stretching every bit of me. He stills enjoying the moment, humming as he starts moving again. He looks at me and smirks, I close my eyes savouring him, he felt amazing - oh how I have missed this. My whole body was experiencing intense pleasure, goosebumps erupting all over me and my eyes rolling back.

"I have missed you so much" with that said he pulls my body flushed against his "Hold on baby" my legs wrap around his thick waist and my arms snake around his neck holding on for dear life.

He wraps his arms around my waist and starts moving like a lunatic. His movement were eractic "Simon. Too deep" I moan

"Shush sweet girl. I need to feel all of you" he carries on, his words driving me insane. He pushed me to my limit I could feel myself building up but so much more. I come hard and squirt at the same time, my orgasm pushing him out of me causing the liquid spill out and around he paused a dangerous smile on his face

"Fuckkkkkk Lina fuck" he pushes in again going insane. After a few violent pumps he explodes panting like crazy."Yes, Lina" he moans . We stayed like this for a long time, just enjoying the moment. I eventually fell asleep and when I woke up Simon wasn't there. My heart was pounding out of my chest I quickly get of the bed sprinting around the place shouting his name.