
The Way He Loves Me

Used to being pushed to the side by her boyfriend Lina meets someone who only has eyes for her. She embarks on an amazing relationship which showed her that she could love so hard and be loved with so much passion. But there’s drama and heartbreak looming over her perfect relationship.

Brokenwingsforever · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Happy Ending

Hi Everyone, since the original ending was so sad (made me ugly cry) I had to write a happy ending for them. Despite the original ending I think we also deserve to have a version where Simon and Lina have a beautiful happy ever after. Thank you for all your support and reading <3

We made love all night. I don't think we even got to sleep t at all. We talked about the future and the things we'd do together, where we'd travel, things we'd cross of our bucket lists. At one point while laying in his strong arms Simon looked at me. His expression sincere and soft he said

"I can't wait to have our family. Whether they are boys or girls. I can't wait to be a father and to see you be an amazing mother" it made me feel so happy, I also thought about our little round blob which we lost. But I got this future to look forward to now, a future with my perfect husband.

"They? More than one?" I say raising my eyebrows

"Of course I want a whole squad" he chuckles

"Slow your roll there Mr Matthew, two max"

"Three and we have a deal" he smirks

"Let's just see how we handle one first" I take his face into my hands. Skimming my fingers around his bruises and scars. Then his full lips and finally his ears. He closes his eyes at the feeling of my touch.

"I can't wait either. You'll be the best father in the world" I smile. He tightens his arms around me and kisses my nose.

"Do they hurt?" I say looking up at him referring to his bruises. He had many on his body from his mission. It made me sick to look at them.

"A little. You want to rub they for me" he smirks. I take his hand and kiss the bruises on his hand. Working my way to his arm and torso. I can hear him hissing through his teeth. Grunting as I leave wet kisses on all of his bruises. I kiss the bruise on his jaw then kiss his lips

"Heaven" he moans in my mouth.

We decided to get some rest around 4am and I wake up to the sound of crashing waves. I slowly open my eyes and sit up. I yawn and stretch out, I barely got to sleep and my body was sore and my legs felt like I just ran a marathon.

"You're up" Simon says walking in with a tray. He places it on the bed and leans to me

"Good morning wife" he smiles sweetly.

"Good morning husband" I kiss him

"What's this?" I smirk looking at the breakfast feast he brought up. There were orange juice, pastries and fruit bowls.

"We'll since we barely slept and need some rest it's breakfast in bed and lazy bed day" I chuckle

"Ok ok I like your thinking, thank you it looks amazing"

We sat In bed and ate the yummy breakfast, Simon kept on feeding me his pain au chocolat. I watch as he pushes a piece into my mouth. His finger tip covered in chocolate, feeling brave I take his large hand in both of mine, not breaking eye contact I suck his finger making sure I get all the chocolate off.

"Careful" he warns me with a smirk on his face "You're off limit for now princess"

"Why ?" I pout

"I took a lot out of you last night, I need you to rest up" he kisses my forehead

"But what if I want you" I move closer purposely pressing my boobs together with my arms

"You'll just have to wait like a good girl. When I'm satisfied you are well rested trust me your gonna wish you could rest again" he grabs the sheet and throws it over my chest

"and I know exactly what you're doing, so be a good girl and put those babies away"

After breakfast he laid in the bed and I crawled into his arms. We both laid there listening to the waves and birds outside. I was way too tired to move or do anything else.

"I love it so much here, it's so peaceful and quiet" I say softly

"I do too, but now it has a different meaning to me. it's where I met you" he kisses the top of my head.

"Li? Why don't we stay here?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why don't we settle here make this our home? Eva wanted to eventually sell this place. I could buy it and we can redecorate and make it ours?"

"Really?You'd want to stay here? I mean it sounds like a great idea but this is your family summer villa you all have such lovely memories here, it would be a little weird no?"

"Then I will buy you another house nearby, and I could even work at the winery"I look at him.

"Sitting at some isn't me I need to be busy"

"Ah I see"

"So what do you say?" He pulls me onto him.

"Do you want to live by the beach with me. Build a home, pop out a few kids and live the rest of our lives happily" I kiss him

"I do simon. I don't care where we are or where we go as long as I have you I'll be happy" I hug him and he snakes his arms around me holding me so tight.

"Fuck I love you so much Lina, You have no idea just how long I've been waiting for you"

"Well now you have me for the rest of your life" He smirks

"Not long enough"

We're interrupted by the sound of my phone ringing. "It's Charlotte on FaceTime" I been so wrapped up in these two magical days I forgot to tell her. I answer.

"Hello li.." she says awkwardly

"Hey char. You okay?"

"Yeah I'm great how are you?…."

"I'm not good at all" I say giving her the cold shoulder

"Listen I'm sorry Simon was desperate" I cut her off

"Charlotte let me stop you before you say anything else" I say bluntly as I move so Simon is in the camera. Her eyes wide and I bring up my hand

"We're engaged " I laugh

"Oh my fucking gosh. Omg you had me. Ahhhh mom mom come here now. They're engaged" she shouts

"Oh my" we hear Eva squealing."On my god. Congratulations my darlings"

"Michael?!" she screams in the background. "Michael we finally have a wedding"

Charlotte rolls her eyes then laughs. "Guys I'm so happy for you and Lina we are actually sisters now!!!"

"Ahhhhh" we both squeal

"Alright alright. I'd like to spend some time with my future wife now. You're interrupting" Simon jokes

"Okay love birds speak later I love you both"

"Love you too" We hang up. He pulls me into his arms.

"We didn't tell them about moving here"

We'll tell them another time. Right now I want my wife to kiss me all over" he smirks. I laugh at his comment and stroke his beautiful face.

"Coming right up baby" I start kissing his neck going down to his chest.

We decided to stay in France. We just never went back. We applied for citizenship the following week. We invited the people closest to us and got married after a month.

Our wedding was held at the vineyard. It was beautiful. My dress was lace at the top and the dress hugged my figure beautifully. Simon wore a dark navy blue suit. Which I got to take off him that night.

The villa was our home for a total of 4 months until we found our forever home. We bought a house halfway between the vineyard and the beach.

After a year I fell pregnant and had our son Wyatt Simon Matthews and two years later I had our beautiful girl Mikaela Rose Matthews. I still can't believe how lucky I am to have found a love so deep and magical, I had read about it in books never did I ever think I would be able to find it. Simon made me feel loved, protected and safe every single day of my life. My Simon I love you now, tomorrow, always and forever.