
The warm hearted : Once in a millennium

Katherine_Kare · Fantasy
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14 Chs


It has been two days after meeting Red.

The article was successfully published and her boss liked it very much. Even though she got a lot of appreciation and confirmation that her job won't slip away, she was in great distress.

Reichel leaned towards her sofa and was wondering.

'Will he read it? Is he gonna fire on me? No, no, he is a busy man, he wouldn't read it. But our magazine is a business related magazine. Will he read ?'

All these buff in her head was because she had made up so many things in that article.

Red only gave short answers which was not enough, so she made her own answers mixed with his two three words .

She was very anxious and was prepared for the worst.

Just at that time her phone rang, it was an unknown number. She froze.

'Is it him? Should I take it? What if I don't take it? Will he find me out and break into my house or something? God please help me out.'

Somewhere inside she was well prepared. And that made her take the call .

"H...hello "

"Hello, is this Mina speaking? "


"Is this Mina?"

"What Mina? Wrong number."

She cut the call.

'I was really stupid to think he'll call me. How will he? '

Her phone once again rang. She checked the number it was the same before.


"Hello, Mina? "

"It's not Mina, you..... "

She cut the call and was irritated.

'How stupid'

That's when her phone rang once more.

"You idiot, I am Reichel" she lashed out on the phone.

"I know"

"Then... " that's when she realised it wasn't the same sound as before. It was a strong , manly and the certain calmness in it made it sound attractive.

'Wait, is he.... '


Her heart pounded. The beat was no more normal. It was fastening up.

"You there? "

"Y... ye... ah"

"Why are you sounding different. Is something wrong? "

"N... no"

Reichel was damn nervous.

'Don't be nervous. Sound diplomatic, no, sound stunning, no, no, no just sound alright Reichel .'

"Are you free today? "

"Are you? "

"Probably "

"But I thought business men are really busy"

"No one can work their whole life. Can they ?"

"I thought you will be..."

"So can we meet?"

'Why is he asking that? '

"Reichel? "

"Yeah, I'm free"

"Ok, so at 7 pm I'll come pick you up"

"Wait what? Do you know where I live ?"

"Nothing's hard for me"


"I'm hanging up. See you at 7 . And dress nicely. I don't want your cuteness, bring out the elegance."

By saying this he hanged up.

Reichel was feeling numb.

'What just happened? Meet? Why? And what did he mean by that dressing? What is going on? '

Reichel was also surprised that he sounded very warm, caring and calm . He sounded very free, like speaking to someone very close .

'Should I go? He's even coming here. So if I am not ready he will make me '