
The warm hearted : Once in a millennium

Katherine_Kare · Fantasy
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14 Chs


Reichel was standing in front of the mirror checking each of her dress out.

Then, exactly at seven pm she finally chose a dress. It was a pink plain gown, shoulderless with several layers of pink net material. She laid her hair simple free and used serum so that it appears glossy and shiny.

She was completely clueless, but she knew that the place they were going to go was not normal.

'He asked to dress elegant, so it might be a party or a grand restaurant or something. But why?'

Suddenly she heard the sound of horn coming from outside.

She rechecked herself and stepped out of her house. Locking the door she walked towards the gate. She could see a black shining car at the opposite and a man in black suit leaning onto it.

It was the same posture as she first saw him. She approached towards him. He looked extraordinary, with his hair properly gelled and those brown highlights suited the style.

Red noticed her. Soon there was a smile curved to one side in his face.

"Hmm.... it's good" he said.

"First you tell me why did you ask me to do all this? "

"I won't spoil it by saying, just wait and watch. "

"What? We don't even know each other then why... "

Before she could further interrogate he grabbed her hand, took her toward the front seat and seated her.

As he left her hand and went to the driving seat she could feel a hot sensation in the area where he grabbed her hand.

Within a while Red was at the driving seat beside her.

Reichel looked towards her hand and said, "Whoa... its hot"

"I know I'm hot" Red smiled at her in a streamy way.

"Not you, your hands. Those are very hot "

Red's playful face slightly changed. "Put your seat belts"

He suddently started the car, drove in full speed. It was really dangerous. Reichel somehow grabbed the belt and put it.

"Are you crazy? Drive slowly...." she shouted out but Red gave no reaction.

She didn't know what happened, she was completely scared and closed her eyes grabbing on to the seatbelt tightly.

She slowly opened her eyes when she heard a voice. "We're here"

She saw Red right before her face. She moved her head backwards in a sudden.

"Come, it's almost the time"

Reichel stepped out of the car and in front was a huge palace. It was so beautiful.

"I knew it. This a party right? "


"Then what"

"You'll find out. And....wear this"

He took a shining necklace from his pocket. It looked really expensive. It had a lot of diamonds fixed in it. But it wasn't crowded. It was simple but expensive and attractive.

"You want me to wear this?"


"I don't think.... "

Red took the two ends of the necklace and went closer to her and wore it around her neck. He was so close that her forehead could feel his breath.

"I was right...It suits you" he went backwards to have a look on her.

Reichel didn't know how to react. She never thought even in her dreams that she should wear something like that.

"Look, Mr. Redrane I.... "

"You can give me back after this" he interrupted.

"Oh.... "

"We'll be late if you stand here"

"y.... yeah"

"Let's go"

There was a huge door in front made with pure leather and two men in coats where standing there. On seeing them they said, "Mr. Redrane welcome "

Red just nodded. And the door was opened.

Red went inside and she followed him. There she saw another door very big but not as the previous one.

Red turned around and said, "Why are you following me? "


"You are not my slave or something"


"Walk with me"

By saying this he stretched his hand towards her.

She was startled for a moment. The most rich and handsome person she has ever seen was extending his hands to her. Without she herself knowing, her hand went towards his. They were now holding hands.

He dragged her gently beside him.

"You ready?"

"For what?"

The doors suddenly opened. She turned her head to look straight.

'Oh God'

She could see a lot of people in suits, gowns and other expensive dresses.

Red took the lead with her hands on his. The very moment they entered everyone looked at them.