
The warm hearted : Once in a millennium

Katherine_Kare · Fantasy
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14 Chs


"Please contact Mr.Deric Saezen for the appointment. This is his number."

Reichel took the card given by the reception lady.

She was on the first floor of the 'Halkstun Digital Technologies'.

Without wasting any time she dailed the number. In a short while she heared a deep voice.


"Hi, is this Mr.Deric?"

"Yes, who is this?"

"I am Richel Hade , cheif journalist , from THE B WORLD. I wanted to take a brief interview of Mr.Redrane ."

Deric knew his boss very well, he was not at all interested in such interviews. Even though he was one of the famous personalities of the country, he barely went to one. So Deric didn't bother to ask.

"Sorry Miss, boss is busy."

Reichel's heart trembled for a moment. It was the last chance she had. She just can't let that chance slip away.

"Please Mr. Deric, its very important to me. Please, I only need ten minutes."

Deric has never backed off from the request of a women. Even though he was pretty sure that Red won't agree, he thought its worth a shot.

He looked at his boss who was sitting on his desk with his dark, brown eyes busy reading some important documents.

"Boss there is a call from a magazine, would you like to have conversation with them?"

Red remained motionless. He didn't react even a little.

By this, Deric understood what to tell her.

"Miss Reichel, its a no."

At the very moment Red heard REICHEL , his brown iris turned toward his assistant. Suddenly Deric felt something . He turned towards his boss who was staring straight at him.

'Did I do anything wrong? Why is he staring like this?' Deric wondered.

Red stood up and walked towards the door .

While walking towards the door he said, "Tell her to come to the second gate ."

Deric's jaw fell on the floor.

He couldn't believe that his boss, the most coldest and reserved person he has ever met would agree to meet someone who he has never met.

'Or, do they know each other? No way , there isn't a person in his life that I don't know.'

Reichel who didn't know what to do was remaining silent. Lot of emotions were surrounding her head. Her whole body felt numb.

Then suddenly she heard something.

"Miss, are you still there?"

"Y....yes "

"Come to the second gate of our company. You can meet boss there."

As she heard what she waited for, without much thinking she ran towards the second gate which was on the other side of the company from where she was standing.

Within one minute she was near the second gate.

The first thing she saw there was a black car. It was shining in the bright sunlight. But that was not the only thing she noticed. There was a tall man in red suit who was leaning at the car. He was looking at the company.

As she came nearer to him he appeared more and more interesting.

She stepped right in front of the man. She was pretty sure it was Redrane. He appeared just as she had imagined, or maybe a little more.

Since he was looking at his company, his jaw line was very much visible. It was flawless .

Feeling her presence, he turned towards her.

She could now completely see his face.

She was stunned for a moment. He was so intact.

She have met a lot of handsome men and even hung out with some. But what she felt on seeing him was unique.

Every feature he had was just incomparable. Especially his hair. It was black with some chocolate coloured highlights which was visible only if looked carefully.

But what attracted her most was his aura. He had a warm, pleasant aura coming from him, which she has never felt before.

As she was noticing him, he was also noticing her.

She appeared very winsome. Her brown hair appeared goldish because of the daylight. Her face was one of the prettiest he had seen so far. She had brown eyes with perfectly shaped dark eyebrows.

Deric who was seeing all this from the driving seat was astonished to see Red starring at her.

He has dated many, but according to Deric he had never looked at a women like this.

He felt it was really odd.

Red and Reichel was still examining each other but was soon interrupted by the horn of the car.

Reichel felt a little concerned about what he felt about her, because she has been staring at him this whole time and haven't even greeted him.

As she was going to greet him,he opened the back door and said " Get in."

His sound was cold and deep .

Without wasting time she entered the car.

Red closed the door and went to the other side of the car. He opened the door and sat right next to her, which made her tremble for a moment.

"You have got three minutes. You can start now. " he said.

'Three minutes?'

She expected more but it is a huge luck that he came. She quickly took out her notepad and pen, and cleared her throat.

Deric looked towards Red because he didn't say where to go.

"R Phire" he said.

Hearing that Deric drove the car to R Phire Technologies which was Jerane's company.

Meanwhile Reichel started.

"So Mr. Redrane why did you choose business field?"

"Because I like it ."

"Why did you start your own company? You could have taken your dad's."

"Because I didn't like that."

"What is behind your successful bussiness life ?"

"Hardwork and passion."

"What do you want to tell your admirers?"

"Play fair"

'What is he saying? Play fair? His answers are two or three words. How am I gonna write with this?'

"Over?" he asked looking outside the window.


"Better hurry."

She realised there is only little time left.

"What do you do when you have a hard time in business?"

"Never had."

'Jeez, is he serious?'

"What about your private life?"


His expression didn't seem like he had a good private life.

"Do you have any girlfriend?"

Hearing this, Red turned his face looking straight at her eyes. She suddenly felt the aura he had earlier fade away. She became a little confused. She thought she should skip the question but before she could he said, "Negative."

She was surprised that a man like him didn't have a girlfriend.

After his answer he turned straight and said," Times up. You can go."

Reichel noticed that they reached R Phire technologies.

She suddenly turned toward him and said, "No....Um... just one more question."

Red remained silent.

Reichel took a deep breath and acquired all the courage she had because she didn't know what he is going to say after this question.

"What happened that night?"

Deric looked towards him whose thick eyebrows were now curved.

"You can leave" he said loudly, by which she felt a little nervous. But she had to know the thing.

"I...I want to know . I know you sav.."

Before she could finish he got out from the car and shut the door with a bang. Reichel was startled by his action.

He walked into the company and on seeing this Deric said, "Miss , I think you should go now."

Reichel slowly opened the door and got out of the car. Deric throwed the keys to a nearby man and followed Red.

Reichel stood there all alone.

'Why is he so cold ? I thought he may be a nice man. His house was such a pleasant and beautiful one, but he looks the exact opposite. And why didn't he say anything and just walk away? I bet there is something fishy.'