
Family Reunion

At about midnight there's a knock on the hotel room door. Jace is out cold, so Ash gets up and answers the door. When she sees who it is she starts to cry and flings herself into his arms. He responds without hesitation and hugs her back, also while crying.

"Daddy! How'd you find me??? Where's mother??? Is she alright??? And Richard??? Is he still out there???"

The man pulls away and leads her down the hall to his own room. He tells her to sit and then tells her what he knows.

"First off when you were just a baby we had a tracker put in your left arm. I should have told you sooner but I figured you might take it out. That is how I found you. Second off your mother switched back to our side but sadly she and Richard are now dead. They died in combat against Satan's army. So now it's just you and I left. And thirdly and lastly, Tanner switched sides. He's with Lucifer now."

Ash goes silent. All of her thoughts are on the boy who was her best friend. She can't believe he had betrayed her like that. He said he loved her. Why would he do this???

Ash collapses in on herself on the floor near the bed. Her body shakes as she allows her tears to fall freely onto the carpet.

Within moments her father is by her side, holding her, comforting her.

A knock sounds at the door and in comes Jace and Daniel. Neither reacts when her father tells them to leave. They just stand there and wait for him out.

Jace is the first of the brothers to move forward and grab Ash's hand. Daniel, after a few short, indecisive, seconds, does the same. Her dad pulls back and moves to sit on the bed.

Jace speaks first. "It's okay Ash. It's okay. I'm here. Daniel's here. I got you. It'll be alright. It'll be fine. I'm here for you."

He looks up at her father. He looks a lot like her, Jace thinks. Eyes and all. They're even the same height. He has a nice looking beard too. He must be about 50 years old. He seems smart looking.

Daniel stands up and sits on the bed next to the father. They talk in hushed tones but Daniel knows his brother can hear him.

"What happened sir??? Why is she so upset?"

Her father strokes his beard. "Well... I told her that her mom and brother had died in combat and at first there was no reaction, but it seems that the minute I mention her best friend Tanner switching sides she starts to cry. I think she is just upset that she lost her best friend. They were almost inseparable since she was twelve. But honestly I don't know. She's never been a normal one "

Daniel nods. "Understandable. They were probably really close and to her it probably feels like she has been betrayed big time. Just give her a while and She'll be fine... I'm Daniel by the way. And that guy over there is my little brother Jace. Jace was the one who found your daughter in the alley and he was also the one who helped her escape from the hospital after he himself put her there. "

The man laughs. "Nice to meet you Jace, Daniel. My name is Gabriel. And I am Ash's Father."

The boys' eyes widened in terror. Jace realizes he was right when he assumed he was her father. "Gabriel? The Gabriel? Archangel Gabriel? Gabriel as in "Messenger of God", Gabriel?" Jace stutters. "Um... Uh... Okay... Nice to meet you Sir. "

Gabriel laughs. "I see you know what we are. Also that Ash had yet to tell you that I was her father. I can tell that Ash has been very busy as of late. Yes, I am that angel and you two may call me Gabe. I hate sir, it makes me feel old."

Ash sniffles and stops crying. She tries to hide her pain inside but it still shows in her eyes. She stands up and walks over to the bed. Her arms wrap around her dad's neck as she pulls herself onto his lap like a little girl.

Gabriel holds on tight and rocks her back and forth gently to calm her down. He rubs her back gently and hums a tune into her ear in a deep baritone voice. After that it's not long before she is sound asleep in his arms.

The boys watch this encounter in silence. They know that things are different where she comes from and they don't want to look like outsiders in front of her dad. They both love her a lot.

Gabe shifts the sleeping girl so that she can lay down on the bed and then starts to talk to them again.

"So how long have you known? A day??? a week??? A year??? Several years???"

The boys' eyebrows raise. Gabe sighs and explains himself. "How long have you two known about your heritage? About the Angel part inside you???"

Jace is the first one to respond. "Oh... That. Um, two days. Including today. Ash just told us yesterday. She had a vision about our mom and that's when she knew. Believe me we were surprised " Jace blushes. "Sorry that was probably too long winded. I get that way when I am nervous.

Gabe smiles. "It's fine boy. We all have those moments. I am assuming that you like my daughter more than your brother thought and that is why you were nervous."

Jace nods. Too afraid to speak.

Gabe says nothing. Just stares into the boy's eyes so as to read him and to see if his intentions are pure. He nods and looks away when he deems it so.

Jace sighs with relief. "Gabe... Is it alright if, after the war ends, I take your daughter out on a proper date?"

Gabe smiles. "Of course it is. But you have to have her home by the next morning and I don't expect any harm whatsoever to come to her. Got it?"

Jace nods. Suddenly he is afraid of Gabriel. " So... I assume you know who our father is then? Seeing as you knew that we knew what we are."

Gabe nods. "Yes. I knew Lucifer well... You resemble him a great deal. Yet your eyes remind me of Janet. She was such a sweet girl. Is she okay???"

Jace's eyes become misty. Jace lets out a sigh. "Our mom is dead. Jace was there when it happened. We lost our sister that day too. Not much long after our step-dad passed away. He must have died of a broken heart."

Gabriel stares down at the floor. His long hair falls into his face. Tears start to form. "She was a great girl. Janet had a big heart. God was wrong in what he did and she honestly did not deserve to die so young. I'm sorry for your loss. I know that she will be missed."

Daniel nods and stands up. "Let Ash know that I'll be in my room if she needs me. Room 406. She'll probably sleep for another hour or two. If she's not up in a few hours I'll be back. Is that okay with you?"

Gabriel nods and Jace disappears out the door. Shortly after he leaves Jace heads out as well.