
War Meeting

Ash's eyes go wide. A war meeting! She sighs internally. Great! Just what I needed. She rolls her eyes. Something had to have changed. And not for the better.

"Okay. I'll go. I can handle this. Just... Stay here. I'll be back once it's over. I promise. "

She gets up and sprints down the hall to her Father's room. The minute she sees her Uncle, she flings her arms around him and strangles him in a bear hug. He grunts at the sheer force of her weight and pulls her off of him.

"Ash, honey please you know how I hate hugs. Come on. Go sit down so that we can talk."

Ash does as she's told. Sitting at the table in the dining room. Her Uncle Michael and her father sit down at the heads of the table. Gabriel pulls a map of the heavens out of thin air.

"So... Michael said that the northern and eastern quadrants have been overtaken by Fallen. The western quadrants are still in our control. Most of our second and third squadrons have suffered from severe losses. Only 5% of the two squads are still remaining. Squad 57 is still going strong at the front lines. Only two casualties have been reported.

So my question to you guys is this... What should we do to keep the squads strong on the front lines, to keep the war in our favor, and should we release squad 72 to help squads two and three? Ash???"

Ash blinks completely un-used to her name being called out in a war meeting, especially by her Uncle.

"Oh... Um... I would definitely Release squad 72 to the front lines. Have 2 and 3 follow suit. As for making the front lines stronger, send them our prototype guns and have them utilize that. For the time being that should hold them. At least until we come up with another plan to defeat the fallen."

Gabriel's eyes go wide with fear. "Prototype XQZ hasn't even been tested yet. We don't even know if they will work. How could you suggest such a thing???"

"I understand that dad but if it works we will be saving several thousand Angel's lives. It is worth the risk. It might even buy us a few more months, in which we can end this war. "

Michael nods in understanding. "The girl is right... It might just buy us some time. I admit that it is extremely risky to put XQZ on the field untested but it might buy us more time and it's worth the shot. God would agree with me on that one. "

Gabe sighs "So it's settled. In the morning we attack with everything we have." He looks at his daughter with genuine curiosity. "Have you decided what to do with the twins yet?."

Ash nods. "Yes. I'm going to train them. They have yet to agree to fight with us and not against us but I have a feeling they will work with us, especially seeing as they believe that their father's actions were wrong. If they agree to fight with us they will be our key to winning this ungodly war. "