
The village daughter becomes a big shot

Xyza_Cadde · Urban
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8 Chs

chapter 6

Lucas was sitting in the study, reviewing some documents when a knock was heard. He put down his glasses and told James to come in.

James walked into the study room with a file folder in his hands. "Sir. I got all the informations on the woman you told me to investigate. I have the public informations and private informations will be delivered later." James said as he opened the file to read it for his boss when he saw his boss nod.

"All the public informations on her are as follows:

Her full name is Eloise Carla Russo. She is twenty seven and will be twenty eight next year. Russo family are wealthy and influental family. she is the granddaughter of the former CEO of Russo Group Conglomerate Company, Sofia Russo.

Eloise Russo is now the ceo. She took over the company five years ago. The company have prospered under her leadership. Since she does not like attending events and banquets, not many have seen her face. She is also planning to enter the Hong-Kong market. The headquarters of Russo Group Conglomerate Company (RGCC) would be transferred to Hong Kong in less than a month. Most businessesmen fear her because of her attitude when dealing with business. As i have heard, she plans to merge her company with an entertainment industry in Hong-Kong. It is the third leading entertainment industry. The industry is called Standard Film Studios. (SFS)."

Lucas raised his eyebrows. He seemed to be thinking of something. "Why would she choose the third leading and ignore the first two leading companies?" He asked James to explain.

James seemed to be hesitating. Lucas raised his head up when he did not get an answer. He stared at James which scared the living shit out of him.

"I have heard a rumour. It seems like Miss Eloise is dating the president of Standard Film Studios. They met many times and were captured by the paparazzi as the president of (SFS) is famous." James said as cold sweat rolled down his spine. The atmosphere in the room suddenly dropped.

"Dating, you say?" Lucas did not know what to do. He did not want to force Eloise to stay with him but his selfish side wanted her so badly. His eyes darkened at the thought of another man laying his hands on her. He quickly stood up from his seat and took his coat on the chair, ignoring his assistant.

Before he walked out he ordered his assistant to investigate the president of Standard Film Studios.

He was waiting for the elevator when the doors opened. Eloise came out of the door, holding a bag of food she bought. She wanted to work on some documents but did not expect to see Lucas.

Lucas was surprised as she was on his mind then he quickly regained his composure and took her hand gently. Eloise was surprised by his sudden actions. He took her to a corner between their rooms. Lucas took the box from her hand and put it down. He grabbed both her hands and kissed it.

"Elli, are you dating someone?" He asked, his voice sounded gentle and had nervousness in it.

Eloise was still in a daze. She subconsciously shook her head. The man infront of her was looking at her tenderly. His eyes were gentle. His manly scent was intoxicating.

When Lucas saw her shake her head, he was overwhelmed with happiness. Atleast he had a chance. He still did not let go of her hands. "Then Elli, are you willing to give me a chance?"

She stared at him for a few seconds before answering " I'll think about it." Eloise could not bring herself to date him when she knew she could not protect their child. She felt guilty.

Lucas stared at her eyes, seeing her emotions change after a few seconds. The emotions he saw in her eyes were indescribable. He felt like this was the reason why she built a wall round her heart.

He grabbed her waist and embraced her. She seemed to fit in his arms perfectly. Eloise's body froze and became stiff. No one held her like this. Her mother died early and she did not receive fatherly love.

"Elli. I know you are hiding something but I'll wait for you to tell me. Just give me a chance, hm?" He coaxed her gently. He kissed her forehead and rested his chin on her head as she was shorter than him.

"...yeah." Eloise said after thinking for a while. She had already promised herself not to dwell on the past. She needed to move on. She got out from his arms and took her box of food. She needed to work and was planning to go back to her room.Lucas noticed this as he said " Let me treat you to lunch."

"No. I bought my lunch. Have a good lunch." She said as she headed towards her room. Suddenly, she was grabbed by her hand. She turned back and saw him grinning at her.

"What?" she asked.

"Let's eat together. I'm hungry." He said stepping close to her.

"What! why? You can eat nice food at the restaurant. why mine?" Eloise asked.

"Darling, remember I'm pursuing you? I gotta use every single chance i find to get closer to you."

Eloise:"..." she was speechless by his shamelessness.

Since Eloise had agreed to his pursuit, she had no other choice but to let him in. "okay. But you will not touch me. Clear?"

"Of course. Anything for you." He chuckled when he saw her alert face. Lucas was really happy spending time with the woman he loves. After they got into the room, Eloise switched on the lights. She closed the curtains earlier when she was leaving and the room was pitch dark.

She took the food to the kitchen and prepared plates while Lucas sat on the kitchen counter height bar stools. He watched as Eloise washed the plates. His eyes were full of love as he enjoyed the scene infront of him. His lips curved in to a slight smile.

When Eloise felt an intense gaze on her, She turned her head to look at Lucas who was beaming at her.

"Is there something on my face?" she said, looking herself on the mirror that was placed in the kitchen. She saw nothing on her face and looked back to Lucas.

She touched her face and teasingly said " Am i that beautiful that you are drooling over me? The heavens must love me then." She gave a side glance to see his reaction.

"I wish you could see yourself the way i see you." Lucas's voice was heard.

"How do you see me as?" Eloise asked.

"You are beautiful. So beautiful that you take my breath away. If only you knew the influence you have on me." He said with deep low voice. He was tempting her.

Eloise widened her eyes and turned her head away, hiding her red cheeks. She took a deep breath then said "Luke, stop seducing me. I'm not that easy. If you want me to be your woman, You gonna have to work hard!" She said as she walked to her bedroom and closed the door.

Lucas laughed when he saw her reaction. She thought he was seducing her but he was just telling the truth. He was even happy she called his nickname.

Not even a minute passed by and the room door opened. Eloise's head popped out and she said "If you are hungry, eat. It's rice and chicken grill. I'll take a shower first." She closed the door before he even had the chance to talk.

Inside the room, Eloise's cheeks were heating up.

She was embarrassed. This was the first time she was acting like this. Eloise was proud of her control of her emotions. She would never let this happen again.

Eloise got into the hot bath tub and let her body relax. She was thinking of a way to tell Lucas about the miscarriage. He deserves to know as he was the father after all.

'Maybe he would leave after discovering the truth? But why would i care? It is not like my life will be difficult without him. But I already gave him permission to pursue me...what if i fall in love with him and he leaves after i tell him about the baby? Either way I'll only get hurt.

....Let's tell him the truth then escape.'

Eloise's thoughts were running wild. Although she acted strong and had carefree attitude, she was scared of being abandoned again. She decided to tell him the truth the night before her flight. 'Yes that would be the best...'

When the door opened again, Lucas saw Eloise wearing a grey sweatpants matched with grey hooded jacket. Her short hair was wet. Drops of water was flowing down her neck. She looked vulnerable. Her neck was pale and soft, tempting one to leave a kiss mark. His jaw hardened and he sucked in a deep breath to calm himself.

"Are you okay?" Eloise asked as she approached him. Smelling her scent, his body heat up instantly.

"Yeah. Sit down. The food had become cold. Let's eat first." Lucas said as he sat down. He really needed to control himself and not behave like a beast in heat.

After lunch, Lucas went back to take care of some work while Eloise looked over some documents Liam had brought her.