
The village daughter becomes a big shot

Xyza_Cadde · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 7

By the time Eloise finished her work, it was already midnight. She left the study room and made ginger tea before showering.

She went back to her bedroom and set an alarm. Tomorrow was the day she had to visit her grandma Bella. After turning and tossing on the bed for a while, she finally fell into unconsciousness.

She had the alarm ringing. Eloise slammed the table next to her side to turn it off. When she looked at her phone, it was already six o'clock in the morning.

Eloise felt like she just blinked. Time was going on very fast. As much as she wanted to sleep, she couldn't. Eloise had a flight in the evening.

When she first came to California, she wanted to go back to New york to help the moving of companies. But now she had change of plans. The company will be done in a week. She just had to go to Singapore directly.

After her morning runs, She went back to the suite and was trying hard not to meet Lucas. She still had not found the right way to tell him but decided to visit grandma first.


At the hospital.

When Eloise arrived, there was a commotion outside the ward. The Grays were quarrelling with the bodyguards. "What do you mean by we will search you? I'm the patients son." Francis was yelling.

"Who are you working for? We are the family." Carina asked the bodyguards, sobbing. She wanted to look pitiful. The bodyguards refused to tell them their boss.

Eloise walked to them. She was wearing high heels that echoed through the corridor, gaining the attention of the trio.

"Stop wasting your time here. If you really want to visit grandma, " She pointed at the bodyguards "They will check you. If not, get the hell out of here." Eloise said before entering the ward, not giving them a chance to talk.

As she entered, she could hear them yelling behind her. Her eyes fell on her grandma who was sitting up. " Hello grandma. How are you feeling." Eloise smiled at her.

When Bella heard a voice, she raised her head."oh my dear. Is that you Elli?" She exclaimed.

"Yes grandma."

"My child, come here. You look like your mother. I thought Aurora came back to life!" She said as she patted the bed.

Eloise sat at the side of the bed. She was not surprised when her grandma told her she looked like her madre. As she lost weight, everyone who knew Aurora, had told her that. "How are you feeling now, grandma? Is there any discomfort?" Eloise asked.

"I'm doing better than before except from the noise outside." Bella said as her expression changed.

"Sorry grandma. Some people are out there to kill you and are coveting your money."

"I know my dear. They are bunch of ungrateful brats. I raised them but they are now stabbing me in the back." Bella said surprising Eloise.

"You knew? Then why didn't you inform me? i could have helped." Eloise was somehow angry that her grandma who helped her did not want her to do anything with this.

Bella looked at her granddaughter. She could see she was worried about her. Bella knew even though her son and his family wanted her to die, they would never kill her because they were cowards. Plus she did not want to ruin her reunion with her granddaughter.

"Its okay dear. They are cowards. Let's forget about them. Tell me when will you be going back?" She asked.

Eloise knew she could not force someone to accept her help. She will get her shadows to protect her. " I'm going back tonight. I am going to Hong-Kong. I'll visit you another time, grandma."

"You are going back so soon! I know my family wronged you and I'm very sorry for that dear. Just remember to take care of yourself." Bella apologised and advised her.

They talked for a while before Eloise left. Since she was leaving tonight, She went shopping.

After shopping, she was in her car, going back to the hotel when she received a call. It was unknown number. Eloise thought for a while before picking up.


"Can i ask you out for a lunch date?" The voice was familiar to her.

"Lucas?" She asked.

"Yes darling."

"How had you get my number?"

"It's not that hard. soo....can i ?" Lucas asked again.

Eloise thought this will be a good time to talk to him. So she agreed. "Where?"

At the other side, Lucas was first hesitating because he thought she would be busy. He never thought she would agree easily. He gave her the adress and heard her saying "I'll be there in half an hour. " Then she hung up.

Lucas was delighted. He was currently in a meeting. The meeting was boring and he decided to call her. The executive and directors were shocked to see the famous king of hell smiling. It was more terrifying than his usual cold stone face. They were all holding their breath.

When Lucas noticed them looking at him, he cleared his throat and regained his composure.

"What are you looking at? Continue." He said with his usual voice and stood up to go.

When Eloise went back to her suite, she immediately took a bath and walked to her closet. She wore casual light blue jumpsuit for ladies and white heels. She took a white bag and looked herself on the mirror. She looked elegant

She texted Liam to buy her a ticket to Hong-Kong. Eloise then left the suite carrying her bag to the car.