
Going Ahead

"What I'm telling you is that you're going to have to be more responsible and clearer with your intentions," Stussy said sternly.

"I don't get it, I've always been clear with my intentions," I argued.

"No you haven't, you either do something at random, or nothing at all;" Stussy snapped.

Stussy had locked herself with me in our room for a 'heart-to-heart' conversation. I think she's still mad about me giving that devil fruit to Ken. She claimed that she was still keeping an eye on him, and that nothing much had happened since then, but I could tell that she was still having a chip on her shoulder because of that.

"At least talk to me whenever you have something in mind that you want to do," Stussy requested pleadingly, "what if we did something bad off a limb that we made because of your mood?"

I sighed tiredly before wrapping my arms around her and bringing her closer to me.

"I'll try my best to do so," I promised.

She smiled a bit before embracing me and sharing a kiss. Though it didn't escalate because she immediately pulled out before telling me about her prior conversation with Whitebeard.

"As a result, Whitebeard wants you to fly over there and provide some support," Stussy concluded.

"Alright, but what about the Marines and the World Government? Did you get any news about that?" 

"Not really, the only news that I had gotten from him was primarily about the battle coming up," Stussy replied.

Looking at the current, or developing scenario. It was more than obvious that there was going to be an oppurtunity in which the Marines would probably interevene and take out some of our territories. I wasn't clearly sure whether Whitebeard also knew about this or not, the alliance among Big Mom, Shiki and Kaido was more than enough to completely capture his attention. 

So, it wouldn't be too surprising if he hadn't considered the World Government's plot to try and attack. I needed to make sure that there was a security measure that we could rely on once the battle had began. 

I immediately picked up my transponder snail and started dialing.

Whitebeard immediately picked up the call.

"What is it, brat? Are you calling to let me know that you're on your way here?"

"Partially, do you have any plans on defending the territory?"

"Partially, yes, I want to have some divisions patrolling the area just in case. However, I don't know how many I should let loose," Whitebeard replied.

"I was planning on sending my division on patrol as well."

"That's fine, as long as you get over here, I got something that I need you to do."


With that, I hung up the call before turning to Stussy. 

"I think you already know what I want you to do."

"Was that so hard~?" Stussy teased.

I brushed off her question and went to the closet where I usually kept Labrys. It had been a while since I sought a need to use it so I always kept it in the closet so that I wouldn't forget where I last placed it. Looking at the mirror on the closet door, I quietly stared at my appearance. 

I was shirtless, with only an oversized hoodie covering my back. The sleeves of my hoodie almost covering my hands completely. The back of the hoodie was embroidered with the Whitebeard Pirate's Jolly Roger. One of the Division captain's had it made for me one day when we were all together. I wore a pair of sweatpants that only reached the shins of my feet, and wore some open shoes to compliment the sweatpants.

Slowly strapping my axe on my back, I slowly turned back to Stussy before giving her another kiss and heading out. There was no telling when the war would break out, so I needed to be there as soon as possible. 

As a result, I ended up having to leave almost as soon as Stussy had told me that I needed to go.

Stepping out of the cabin, I met Ken and gave him some instructions on what they should be doing while I'm gone. 

"You guys are going to need to patrol the territories while I'm gone. You won't be alone though, the old man said that some of the divisions are going to help y'all in this."

"Understood!" Ken saluted before I immediately took to the skies.

It had been a while since I had turned into my draconic form. So I changed into it while flying, letting out my signature roar while I soared across the skies. I had forgotten to ask exactly where they would be camping, so I made a little mental note to ask them as soon as I arrived in the New World. 

It didn't take me long to arrive at Sabaody Archipelgo. Flying directly there with my speed normally didn't take me long compared to actually sailing there. Landing on the Archipelgo, I immediately heard numerous screams as they tried to run away from my gigantic form. 

Taking a deep breath with all three heads, I immediately took to the skies again as I soon began my flight over the Red Line. 

After a few hours, I soon found my self on the island that would soon be known as Punk hazard. The land remained lush and bountiful as the World Government hadn't sent Ceaser yet to cause mass destruction. 

I decided to turn back into my human form, and taking out my transponder snail, I immediately called Marco and asked for his location. 

It didn't take long until I got an exact location from him. It wasn't too far from Punk Hazard, but it was dangerously close to where Big Mom's territory was. I guess they were waiting for them to start an invasion of somesorts.

I quickly took to the skies and made my way towards them. Passing through Ulvehoved in the process. I quickly managed to find the four Moby Dicks and the Oro Jackson. Landing on the shore where the ships were docked. I was greeted by the combined members of the Whitebeard Pirates and the Roger Pirates all aiming their weapons at me. 

I could tell that they had been tense even before I had gotten here, the only times that they relaxed was when they were eating and drinking. They probably weren't even that relaxed even then. Upon recognizing me, they all lowered their weapons and slowly dispersed, going back into their duties that they had been doing before I landed.

"Boris, it's been a while, young man;" A mature voice echoed behind me.

"It has, Rayleigh."

"I presume that you're here to help out? Good, because we're going to need a bit of help this time," Rayleigh replied.

"What? I thought I would be here to spectate?" I asked sarcastically.

Rayleigh laughed before slapping my shoulders. 

"Far from it, this is gonna be a big one, and we're going to need a bit of help to make sure things don't go south."

Rayleigh slowly walked me to where Whitebeard and Roger were staying. They both had been drinking while discussing possible scenarios that could transpire on the battle field. 

They all looked at me with smiles as I slowly entered and sat down next to them.

"Now that everyone's here, it's time that we finalize the plans for the battle," Rayleigh said solemnly as his glasses flashed.

Let me know what y'all think!!!

Love y'all!!!

Leo_DiAngelocreators' thoughts