
The Unwanted and Ungifted Hero

This action-packed story follows 18-year-old, spontaneous inventor, Vix Lebian. Vix lives in a mondern fantasy-like world were things like dragons, orcs, and whole lot of different monsters and races exist, and these creatures are considered threats to the human race. To counteract these creatures' humans evolved to develop supernatural powers known as Power Sparks. With these abilities humans developed their civilization, and also developed the Guardian Association that protects all of humanity. But even though all this exists but Vix hasn't awakened a power spark, and his biggest dream is to go to the most prestige Spark training college K. G. A. university and climb the ranks of the Guardians. However, the world works against Vix because without a power spark he is considered useless. So Vix sets out to become a Guardian and prove to everyone that with his inventions will help him rise through the ranks and outshine every power spark in the world.

5_Whoppers · Action
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6 Chs

The Spontaneous Inventor: Vixx Lebian

During a bright and peaceful day, in an old two-story warehouse a young man sits on a stool in front of a large desk inside an open room being lit up by the natural light of the sun.

On the desks is a large computer setup with digital blueprints on every screen and a large old school police radio.

And surrounding the desk are tens of small trinkets and gadget seemingly created by the young man, and on each gadget a repeated name is scribbled on all of them.

'Lebian Tech'

As the young man continues to create these little gadgets, a loud voice of another man that just entered through a door on the other side of the room.

"Hey Vixx, I got you some food, I got you a double cheeseburger with a side of fries, I didn't get you a drink because you couldn't make up your mind when I first asked."

The boy at the desk flips around his stool and pulls his bulgy pink lensed goggles off his eyes and exclaims in excitement.

"Yes, I am glad you're back, I was starving."

"Any longer and I would've had to raid your secret snack stash."

The other boy that walked in looks at Vixx with an expression of annoyance.

"Since when did you know about my snack stash?"

"Are you going through my room when I'm out?" 

Vixx stands up from the stool and looks at him with a carefree expression.

"Calm down Tabs I stopped going through your stuff after the first time you caught me."

"I am just making sure, if I caught you in my room again you would have been fixing and making your gadgets in the E.R."

"Enough with the threats Tab, it doesn't suit someone who's whole stick is being the nice guy."

As the two go back and forth the static of the old police radio on the desk cuts to an older man's voice talking about needing a police dispatch. 

Vixx and Tab stop the conversation they were having, and they both darted over to the desk and listened eagerly.

The man on the radio continues to talk about a police chase that is progress. 

"This is Officer Silver, I'm requesting immediate back up, I am currently pursuing the car carrying the suspects that robbed the bank."

Vixx and Tab focus their gazes at each other, both starts jumping around in pure excitement.

Tabs grabs Vixx by the shoulders and stares intensely in his eyes.

"Does that mean it's go time."

Vixx answers his question with an ear-to-ear smile.

"H*ll yeah it's go time."

The two then spilt up from each other and start gearing up for the wild ride they're about to get on.

As Vixx is packing the gadgets on his desk into a small backpack, he calls out to Tab.

"Hey Tab, don't forget the arm bandage I made you, last time you forgot it you almost blew off your own arm!"

"I told you to never bring that up again, I made a mistake okay, it won't happen again."

"I was just making sure; I just didn't want you to hurt yourself."

"Well thanks for worrying about me, I guess."

After a few minutes of getting ready they meet back up at the exit of the building.

Tabs walks up to Vixx and looks at him in confusion.

"Vixx, where the hell is your disguise?"

Vixx with his back turned to Tabs smirks secretly, then turns around revealing a weird flat disk attached to his stomach.

"Behold Tabs, one of my newest inventions."

"I swear Vixx if this invention of your turns out to be another waste of time." Tab exclaims impatiently.

"Shut up for a second."

Vixx grabs a small remote button out of his pocket and presses it.

As he presses the button a bright light flashes from the disk and starts to cover the visible body of Vixx.

After a few seconds, the light begins to dim and Vixx's body is revealed and is wearing a black and pink suit, with metal plating covering is shoulders and knees.

Tabs looks at Vixx in awe at what he just witnessed.

"Woah, that's amazing where did this outfit come from, it is so cool looking."

Vixx stands very proudly and explains how the suit works.

"You see by using some trashed camera flashes and a bunch of other trashed parts I can make a suit completely made of light, but it shows you the image of a power suit."

"It is basically just like a tv screen but I'm using it as a disguise." 

"Although since it is made of light it will not protect me from anything, except for other people knowing who I am." 

Tabs still looking in awe at the invention.

"Hey, I think it looks cool, but does it just look cool."

"But does it also give you mobility because I'm not carrying you this time."

Vix reassures Tabs that he doesn't have to carry him and that he already has a solution for that.

"Don't worry I already thought about that while I was creating this suit, I remember the mobility gear the heroes from my favorite manga used."

Tabs grow even more excited as he exclaims loudly.

"Are you telling me you made working UDM gear from "Attack on Giants!"

Vixx hiding his own excitement, he nonchalantly answers his question.

"Yeah, I did it isn't anything to big, its whatever, but to avoid copyright I named them."

'Flying Lebian Gear'

Tabs' expression slowly changes to a disgusted face.

"Tabs please don't tell me that is the name you're actually going with."

Vixx looks at him with a sincere face of confusion.

"Is the name a problem, it took me an hour to come up with."

"You're joking right, the name sucks."

Vix fails to keep a calm head and starts to scold Tabs.

"I'm sorry maybe next time you want my inventions to have a better name, I will gladly allow you into my lab and you can try to replicate a piece of machinery from a f*cking manga!"

Tabs sulks with his head hanging as he feels guilty for offending Vixx.

"I'm sorry."

"Just get up, don't apologize we need to quickly get out there before the cops stop the chase before we get the chance to."

Tabs is able to get back into high spirits.

"By the way it's been a while since we heard the first report, where could the chase be now..."

Vixx covers Tabs mouth and holds up three fingers and begins to count down.




When he reaches one siren can be heard rushing past the warehouse where they live.

Vixx takes his hand off Tabs mouth and opens the exit door.

"Are you ready to go catch some bad guys?"

Tabs takes a long piece of white cloth and ties it around his around his left arm, and then looks at looks at Vixx with a committed look.

"H*ll yeah I'm ready."

Both rush out the door and look down the street and, in the distance, sees the police chase still in progress.

Tabs points out that the car is going to head towards the Great Bronze Bridge.

Vixx sets up his Lebian Flying Gear and fires one of the grapplers at the side of a building, and begins reeling himself in.

"Hey, Tabs don't wait up."

As he said that he zips away and lands on the side of the building and looks in astonishment.

"Wow they actually work."

"Alright then let's see these babies' full potential."

He shoots the second grappler and at the same time releases the first one and quickly flies to another building.

Tabs watches as Vixx swings between the buildings and quickly swings out of sight.

"Well can't let him get too far ahead, let's do this."

Tabs starts running down the middle of the street, and as he running yellow sparks start emanating from his body and he starts to change.

As he is sprinting down the street as a glowing ball of electricity getting faster and faster, he jumps high into the air and is able to reach the top of a building.

The ball of electricity engulfing his body starts to dissipate, revealing his body.

His body has changes from a normal six-foot man into a seven-foot man bull hybrid, he stands on his hind legs and starts pursuing Vixx and the police chase.

In almost no time at all Tabs is able to catch up to Vixx by running and jumping from building top to building top.

Vixx notices Tabs as he is still swinging through the air and calls out to him.

"Hey, what sup Tabs, I see the head start you gave me didn't last long!"

Tabs jumps to the roof of the buildings that are across the street and yells back to Vixx.

"Hey, this is cool and all, but where is the chase right now?!" 

"Follow me!"

Vixx quickly fires both of the grappler to the side of a building to turn down a different street.

As Vixx heads down the street he catches up and is trailing right behind the chase.

Tabs is close behind Vixx on the building tops and then drops down onto the street and pursues the chase on the ground.

After a few minutes of following the chase, Vixx is able to push ahead past the cop cars and stay at matching speed with the robber's car.

Vixx in a split-second decision fire both of his grapplers at the hood of the robber's car and in a flash reel himself in and lands on the hood.

He looks into the windshield and sees that there are three people in the car, two in the front two seats, and one in the back seat.

The Robbers in the car take their focus off the police and notice Vixx on the hood of their car.

The robber that is sitting in the passenger rolls his window down and shouts at Vixx.

"Hey brat get the f*ck off the car, or I'm going to have to shoot you!"

Vixx stares at the robber and gives him the middle finger to show his stubbornness.

The robber now pissed off grabs his right arm with his left and his arm folds back and an assault rifle appears from where the arm folded back.

Vixx looks down the barrel of the gun and thinks to himself that he is in a bad situation.

The robber aims his arm at Vixx and starts firing at him.

Vixx jumps into the air dodging the bullets, then fires his grapplers at the trunk of the car and pulls himself back to the car.

Vixx lands on the trunk of the car, then releases one of his grapplers and fires into the car breaking the back windshield.

He reels the grappler back in and quickly grabs the money bags.

In a split-decision Vixx ties the bags tight and hooks the bags of money to one of his grappler hooks and shoots it through a cop car's windshield hitting the cars backseat. 

After getting the money back to the police, he turns his attention back to the robbers, but as he turns back around the robber that was sitting in the back seat points his arm at him and it turns into a rocket launcher.


The robber fires a rocket at Vixx.


The rocket explodes causing the back of the car to rise off the ground.

The car bounces after landing back on the ground.

The robber looks desperately to see if he actually hit Vixx, but he looks up and sees that Vixx is up in the air.

"Man, that was close, if I dodged a second to late, I would have been in piece flying in the air."

The robber quickly aims his arm again and fires off another rocket."


The rocket flies straight at Vixx and is a couple feet from hitting him.

"Oh, sh*t that isn't good."

Vixx maneuvers in the air and is able to barely dodge the rockets.

After dodging the rocket is rushes pass him and continues on a straight path.

"Well, I can't let that continue on a path with no target."

Vixx fires one of his grapplers at the rocket and the grappler hooks to the back of the rocket.

"I'm pretty sure that man would love his rocket back."

Swiftly he spins rapidly in the air the grappler with the rocket on the end of it follows his motion.

He releases the rocket from the grappler at the right time and the rocket goes flying towards the robbers car.

The robber in the backseat peaks out the back windshield and sees the rocket coming back at them.

"Oh Sh*t!"

The rocket speeds over the car and hits the ground right in front of the car and exploding on impact causing the car to flip forwards and land on the car roof.

Vixx shoots his grappler into the road and zips down landing in front of the flipped car.

"Let's go, I just ended a high-speed chase and saved the money that was stolen from the bank all by myself.

Vixx celebrates his victory as the cop cars pull up behind him and cops exit their cars.

The robber that was sitting in the passenger seat crawls out of the car blood rushing down his face.

He takes notice of Vixx not paying and attention and points his arm at him and transforms his arm back into an assault rifle.

Through his fuzzy vision he is able to aim his arm at Vixx and fires ten shots at him.

Vixx turns around at the sound of the gun shots and notices the bullets heading in his directions.

He realizes that he doesn't have enough time to dodge, and he scolds himself in his thoughts.

"D*mmit Vixx, you don't know how to keep you head on a swivel, and now look you're about to get shot dead.

As he continues to think to himself, Tabs who was still trailing the chase jumps over all the cop cars and lands in front of Vixx shielding him from the building.

The bullets bounce off of his hard skin, but two manage to pierce through his right arm injuring him.

After the firing ceases, Tabs rushes at the robber that shot at Vixx.

The robber tries his best to get up, but his whole body feels weak due to the crash.

Tabs raises his legs and swings his tree trunk of a leg at the robbers' torso, sending him a few yards away hitting a telephone pole instantly knocking him out.

He turns back around to see Vixx sitting on the ground holding his right shoulder.

"Hey, are you okay what happened."

Vixx raises his head and looks at Tabs.

"Oh, I'm fine just a stray bullet grazed my shoulder, but don't worry about me are you okay."

"I got pierced by two bullets; it stings but I can still manage."

As the two check up on each other a cop steps out of his car and walks up behind the two of them.

"I'm pretty sure I told the both of you to stop meddling in police business."

Vixx and Tabs fix their gazes at the cop.

"God D*mmit."

<Chapter 2> Ends.