
The Unwanted and Ungifted Hero

This action-packed story follows 18-year-old, spontaneous inventor, Vix Lebian. Vix lives in a mondern fantasy-like world were things like dragons, orcs, and whole lot of different monsters and races exist, and these creatures are considered threats to the human race. To counteract these creatures' humans evolved to develop supernatural powers known as Power Sparks. With these abilities humans developed their civilization, and also developed the Guardian Association that protects all of humanity. But even though all this exists but Vix hasn't awakened a power spark, and his biggest dream is to go to the most prestige Spark training college K. G. A. university and climb the ranks of the Guardians. However, the world works against Vix because without a power spark he is considered useless. So Vix sets out to become a Guardian and prove to everyone that with his inventions will help him rise through the ranks and outshine every power spark in the world.

5_Whoppers · Action
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6 Chs

The Unwanted and Ungifted Hero!


The sound of rain hitting the ground, the sound of the wind blowing viciously.

These are only the things I pick up as the feeling of my body goes numb, and my senses begin to betray me. 

The noise of the weather comes to an abrupt stop as the boy just lays still in a pool of what seems to be his own blood on the floor. 

Slowly and painfully, he is able to pin his back up against a desk that has been flipped on its side.

"Huff. . .Puff. . . Shit, there. . . goes my hearing. .

The boy is able to collect his thoughts, though is finding it difficult to breathe.

"I need. . .Huff. . . to get up."

"I need to go help him in any way I can."

He in desperation begins doubting himself inside his thoughts.

"Man, how pathetic am I, can't even stand up without stumbling."

As he is able to make it back to his feet he notices a blinking green light a few feet away from him.

When he notices the light, he feels the intense vibration of what seems to be a huge object being smashed up against something. 

He swiveled his head behind him and noticed a huge hole in the spot where a brick wall used to be.

He noticed that the source of the intense vibration came from the body of his brother being thrown through the wall.

"Hey are you okay?"

"What happened to the guy you were fighting?"

He tries to reach his brother, but as he reaches his hand out, but his attention is diverted when he faintly hears a disturbing sound coming from the outside of where his brother was thrown from.


In a panic he starts scanning the room to find the source of the sound, but as he starts looking around, he feels a large and heavy object ram into his side sending him across the room.

The force of the object that collided with him causes his entire body to ricochet off the wall, planting his body next to the blinking green light.

Trying to keep his bearings, and his consciousness he raises his head to keep the blood from pouring down his face and is able to muster up a sentence.


A tall man wearing a dark cloak with a hood, making his face hard to make out, stood before him and walked closer to him as the sound of glass breaking under his feet filled the room.

"Ooh, I'm surprised, for a piece of trash with no Power Spark you are still alive."

The hooded guy kneels before him.

"Although you probably can barely stay awake, I did hit you with an attack I for sure thought would kill lowly trash such as yourself." 

"But may I ask for your name?"

Coughing up blood in a desperate attempt to try and form a sentence, he focuses his vision into the eyes of the hooded man and is able to mutter a response.

"First, F*ck... You!" 

"Second, my . . . name is . . . Vixx Lebian."

"And third, if. . . I am able to. . . Huff. . . see tomorrow. . . I'm going to find you someday. . . and KILL YOU WITH MY OWN TWO HANDS!!"