
The universe we live in

We go to the stars, we come to the earth. We belong to the earth, but not here. This is the earth. The seven children on the spacecraft came to the earth, and there were no other human beings in their sight. Except for themselves. Is this the new world? Or the end? Where are the previous humans? We don't know. But they have a goal. Rebuild human civilization!

DaoistGrSS68 · Sci-fi
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32 Chs

Chapter IV "family"

Although sister Huang Ying said so, I know very well that since I heard their dialogue, I must bear the corresponding responsibility.

For example, stay with Cheng Yi, who hates me - she can vent her emotions.

I don't know whether this is right or not, but I still choose to listen to sister Huang Ying and stay with Cheng Yi.

Seeing me coming, Cheng Yi wrapped the quilt tightly around himself.

"What are you doing here? Are you laughing at me?"

Cheng Yi's words are still so unpopular, but they lack some strength compared with usual.

"Why do I see your jokes, so that you can take revenge on me when you get well?"

Cheng Yi poked his head out of the quilt and looked at me suspiciously.

"I really didn't come to see my joke."


"What are you doing here?"

"What? Don't you allow me to come and care if you feel bad?"

Cheng Yi retreated into the quilt again, avoiding my eyes.


Cheng Yi said in a very low voice. Although it was very low, I did hear it.

"What did you say?"

Although I heard it, I'd like to play a trick on this girl.

"I said you could care about me!"

With these words, Cheng Yi quickly buried his head in the quilt.


I sighed softly.

"Why are you sighing? It's not that you feel bad."

The girl with her head buried in the quilt talked to me across the quilt.

"Seeing that you feel uncomfortable, I also feel uncomfortable... And so on. Do you think I can say such words?"

The girl hiding in the quilt snorted, and I heard it clearly.

"Nothing, just I heard your conversation with sister Huang Ying."

The girl hiding in the quilt shook.

"Do you want me to have a baby?"

The girl asked weakly.

"Whether you want to have children depends on you. No one can force you."

Cheng Yi poked his head out of the quilt.

"Really... Really?"

"Lying to you is not good for me."

Although the answer given in terms of interests is ruthless, it is really easy to believe.

"It seems that you are not so annoying."

I touch less

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Female head.

"Again, I'm not a sex wolf."

Deng Deng Deng.

"Excuse me."

Sister Huang Ying knocked on the door with water and medicine.

"Sister Huang Ying is coming!"

Cheng Yi's words were obviously a little more enthusiastic.

"Sister Huang Ying, Cheng Yi has a fever. I just touched her head."

Sister Huang Ying put the water and medicine on the table, and then put her forehead to her forehead and stuck it with Cheng Yi.

"She did have a fever, but it happened that I brought ibuprofen."

"Then I have nothing to do, so I'll leave first."

I went out of Cheng Yi's room and closed the door. After that, I waited in front of Cheng Yi's room for sister Huang Ying to come out.

After a while, sister Huang Ying came out.

"Hey, Meng Ru, why are you still here? Are you worried about Xiaocheng Yi?"

I scratched the back of my head and said with some embarrassment.

"There are indeed factors in this regard, but I still want to wait for you more."

"Ah, ah, although I'm a ripe fruit, you haven't matured yet."

"That's not what I mean!"

Sister Huang Ying often likes to tease me like this.

"I mean serious."

Sister Huang Ying's expression instantly became serious.

"Is it your heart?"

I nodded in affirmation.

"My clothes were shown to LV Ying and Hongwei da. They both said they couldn't understand."

I showed the prepared clothes to sister Huang Ying.

"Indeed, the cloth in the heart is gone, and the incision is very neat."

"So, sister Huang Ying, can you understand?"

Sister Huang Ying said, holding her chest with one hand and her chin with the other.

"This is indeed hard evidence, but what you said is too far off the mark, and I still can't believe it."

"But is this the only evidence that can explain my heart problem?"

Sister Huang Ying leaned against my chest and listened quietly.

It feels wonderful. Sister Huang Ying has a special fragrance, and it's so warm and soft!

"Sorry, I still didn't hear your heartbeat."

"Nothing. It's not sister Huang Ying's problem."

Sister Huang Ying left my chest and turned her back to me.

"Meng Ru, you know, in this situation, although our seven children are unrelated

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But we are a family, you know? "

"I understand."

"Our relationship goes beyond the concept of family before human existence. You should be responsible for you and us."


Sister Huang Ying turned around and blocked my mouth with her left index finger.

"No, but I'm going to cook lunch."

I was the only one left in the empty corridor. I was going to open the door to see how Cheng Yi was, but I found that she had fallen asleep.

"What a pity, special circumstances plus fever."

I closed the door gently and went back to my room.

A crisp bell rang, the same as the sound I heard next to the final dream spacecraft before.


I whispered the name of the red haired girl, but there was no response. I looked around and couldn't find her.

The crisp bell rang again, and this time I really heard it. It was a sound coming from my body, and the source of that sound was in my heart.

I hurried to my chest and touched it. It was still the same as before.

"What's going on?"

It seems that something in my body is devouring inside. From the heart, it has been devouring. Nothing can be avoided, from cells to organs. I feel that everything in my body is being devoured, and nothing can escape.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah!"

I roared from upstairs, and bitter water tumbled from my stomach, spewed out of my mouth, and finally spilled on the floor.

"Meng Ru, what's going on!"

Langley came out of her room and saw me fall on the floor.

"Huang Ying, come here quickly, Meng ru..."

Langley's voice gradually disappeared in my brain, and everything around me was darkening.

Before I completely fainted, the scene in my brain was that sister Huang Ying was shaking my body and giving me cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

It was the first time I met a girl's lips, but I didn't expect it was on the verge of death.

I'm really useless. Because of curiosity, my heart was replaced by a bell by an unknown girl.

I'm really useless. I can't even talk well at least. Obviously, I can become good friends with Cheng Yi.

I'm really a rotten person. Looking at sister Huang Ying, who was anxious to tears in front of me, I was excited because I touched her lips.

I have nothing at all. Why should I leave for my family again.

I don't want to die yet.

This is all my thoughts before I "die".