
The universe we live in

We go to the stars, we come to the earth. We belong to the earth, but not here. This is the earth. The seven children on the spacecraft came to the earth, and there were no other human beings in their sight. Except for themselves. Is this the new world? Or the end? Where are the previous humans? We don't know. But they have a goal. Rebuild human civilization!

DaoistGrSS68 · Sci-fi
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32 Chs

Chapter 5 "Jingle Bells"

I came to this place again.

Flower fields, clear springs, towering trees, and the red haired girl.

The girl is still so light and clean.

She saw me because her emerald pupil had my image.

She was still barefoot. She came to me. Although she walked in the flower field, she didn't step on a flower.

She walked forward. In front of her was Wang Qingquan, but she didn't seem to care what was ahead, so she continued to walk towards me.

"Trace, there is water in front!"

I shouted to her loudly, but she didn't seem to hear it and stepped on the water.

The girl stepped on the water of the clear spring, with ripples step by step. Her steps seemed to have rhythm, stirring the ripples in the water.

The waves are interlaced.

The ripples are superimposed on each other.

The ripples cancel each other out.

The wind was holding her red hair and holding her white dress angrily. The girl was walking on the spring with a flower field behind her. The end of the flower field was a towering tree.

I no longer think about whether I am dead or not. Just looking at the girl here and the scenery in front of me, I will understand that life and death is not a big deal.

This is the first time that I have carefully observed her appearance.

She is not extremely beautiful, but she has a special attraction for me.

It seems that plants need sunshine.

Animals need energy.

Living things need environment.

People need hope.

And she seems to be the magnificent and endless vitality of nature. The existence of hope is the miracle itself.

She came to me. At this time, looking at her again, she could no longer evaluate her appearance with beauty or ugliness. Her existence is to let all life fall in love with her existence at a glance.

She stuck it on my body and put her hand on my heart.

"Here, it's me."

She put her hand on her chest again.

"Here, it's you."

I looked at the girl in front of me and smelled her. It was the fresh and vitality of nature, the fragrance of soil, the moisture after rain, and the definition of life itself.

"Did you do anything about my heart?"

The girl's head stuck to my chest and nodded. Her red hair rubbed against my white shirt, a trace of ground, very beautiful.

"Remember, come to me."

The girl stood on tiptoe and leaned forward. She squinted, and I closed my eyes wisely.

So I touched her lips.

Only met.

Although I don't know this girl, it's really the first time I received a kiss offered by a girl.

Spring dream or delusion, these are useless.


After that, the girl pushed me, and I fell into the dark abyss again.

In the darkness, I felt the warmth of my right hand, and I tried my best to keep it open

(this chapter is not finished, please turn the page)

I opened my eyes and found sister Huang Ying sitting on the floor beside my bed.

She sat on the floor of my room, lying beside my bed with her head on her side, holding my right hand in her hands, and fell asleep.

I looked at the clock in the room. As last time, it was still three o'clock in the morning. I tried to gently pull out my hand, but I still woke up sister Huang Ying.

"Meng Ru! You're awake!"

Sister Huang Ying looked at me, her hands still holding my right hand, and held it tighter.

"Sorry, sister, it worries you."

Sister Huang Ying suddenly hugged me and turned to sob, and my hand was nowhere to put.

"Meng Ru, you scared me to death. You didn't have a heartbeat, and I don't know whether cardiopulmonary resuscitation is useful for you. If it weren't for remembering that LV Ying once felt your pulse..."

At this time, my hand also hugged sister Huang Ying and patted her on the shoulder.

"It's all right, sister, don't you think I'm fine now, and I still remember what happened when you gave me artificial respiration. At that time, I was still thinking that I would die without regret if I could kiss your sister's mouth in my life."

"You are a boy who will take advantage of others."

Sister Huang Ying burst into tears and smiled.

"Sister, you're holding it a little too tight. You've touched it."

Hearing this, sister Huang Ying was stunned at first, and then threw me on the bed. We were close. Sister Huang Ying put her nose close to my neck, and I could clearly feel sister Huang Ying's breath.


"Sniff, um, very good taste, healthy, energetic boy taste."

Then sister Huang Ying stood up, dried her tears and smiled sincerely at me.

"That should be sweat."

My roast followed.

"Ding Dong, you're right. Remember to take a bath. The water is still hot and the food is on the table. Remember to eat."

But then I said something I shouldn't have said.

"Wait until I come back."

Sister Huang Ying was going to turn around and leave my room, but she stopped because she heard me say this.

"Where are you going?"

When I said this sentence, I knew it would be revealed. No lie could escape my sister's perfect logical thought. I can only say it.

"The girl asked me to find her."

Sister Huang Ying was stunned at first, and then smiled and said to me.

"But we have access control. We can't get out at this time."

"But I have to go out because of my heart."

I said categorically.

Sister Huang Ying came to me again and took out a new sportswear from my wardrobe.

"Although there is access control, there is no problem with a guardian."

Sister Huang Ying dangled around with that dress, obviously trying to show off the clothes she chose for me, although in this deserted earth, clothes are free of money.

I also understand what sister Huang Ying means. After all, I'm not worried that sister Huang Ying will disturb my tryst, but I just feel that as long as sister Huang Ying is around, I'll be happy

(this chapter is not finished, please turn the page)

Always a child.

"Then please go with me, sister."

"I'm also curious about what kind of girl can take away my Meng Ru's heart, of course, in the physical sense."

"Yes, after all, she is the one who ties the bell."

Sister Huang Ying and I left the apartment. The moonlight was so bright that we could see the general view of the city at night without turning on the street lights at this time.

There are only seven of us in this world. There are two purposes for this trip. One is the unsolved mystery of my heart, and the other is

The girl called trace is likely to be a former human, that is, a survivor. You can ask her what happened to the earth to become what it is now - the appearance of all human beings disappearing.


"What's the matter?"

"Did you find a problem?"

"What's the problem?"

Sister Huang Ying was obviously attracted by my question.

"Today, we are only 45 days back to earth."

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"I think, from the perspective of general objective rationality, plants can't grow that fast in more than a month."

Cities without human beings have been occupied by nature very quickly, but it is very abnormal. For example, the tree I am looking at now, when we first came, the tree still grew well in the floor tile green belt it should grow, and now it has broken through the stone bricks and leaked out one by one.

"Yes, but our primary goal now is not why these plants grow so fast, but to consider this new human survivor."

Sister Huang Ying has always been good at bringing the topic back to a very heavy position.

There was another silence.

But I was not the first to break the silence this time, but sister Huang Ying.

"I'm curious about your previous metaphor. Why do you compare that girl to a bell ringer?"

"Well, because I guess the metal hollow ball that replaces my heart should be the bell."

"After all, you have to tie the bell to get rid of it."

I added.


Sister Huang Ying said to herself.

"Meng Ru, do you still remember a song about bell?"


For a moment, I couldn't think of any song about bells.


Sister Huang Ying cleared her throat and was ready to start singing.

"Jingle, jingle, jingle, jingle..."

It suddenly dawned on me that it was this song.

Sister Huang Ying sang and bounced forward again and again. At this time, she was not our eldest sister, but an ordinary girl.

She is also a child.

So I followed sister Huang Ying's song and hopped with her to the destination.

The one lying quietly on the sailing square.

The final dream spacecraft.