
The universe we live in

We go to the stars, we come to the earth. We belong to the earth, but not here. This is the earth. The seven children on the spacecraft came to the earth, and there were no other human beings in their sight. Except for themselves. Is this the new world? Or the end? Where are the previous humans? We don't know. But they have a goal. Rebuild human civilization!

DaoistGrSS68 · Sci-fi
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32 Chs

Chapter III "new heart"

I shouted at Cheng Yi, obviously also scared the new LV Ying.

Fortunately, sister Huang Ying comforted LV Ying. She asked me to put my right arm flat on the armrest of the chair, and I did as she said.

Then she began to press my wrist with her index and middle fingers.

After a while, LV Ying turned around.

"How's it going? Is this guy okay?"

Cheng Yi is the first one who cares about me. I don't know whether she is afraid of being accused or whether she actually cares about me very much.

LV Ying ignored Cheng Yi and instead faced sister Huang Ying, who had been silent.

"As for the pulse situation, woo..."

"How's it going?"

Sister Huang Ying looked directly into LV Ying's eyes. LV Ying had been afraid to look at others, so she moved her eyes to a corner.

"Mr. coyote, there is no problem at all."

Although I'm not very happy to be called Mr. coyote, I'm really relieved to hear that I have no problem.


Lu Ying paused for a moment and then continued.

"Mr. Coyote is not without a heartbeat, but his heart is not in his body. The only thing you can be sure of is that Mr. Coyote's heart is still alive."

This statement shocked everyone.

This is definitely not the problem that Cheng Yi can find out.

"Hongwei Da, go and call that lazy Langley to me and ask her to activate the power system of the hospital as soon as possible!"


"It really deserves to be our eldest sister!"

Cheng Yi understood that my problem was not that she was no longer nervous after she made it. This guy was really not cute at all.

"Lv Ying, if you go to the hospital, can you use the equipment inside? Can you check the problem?"

Lu Ying hesitated for a moment and said with a long breath.

"I don't think Mr. Coyote has any big problems now, but he doesn't know where his heart is or what is replacing his heart."


"So, I have no problem with the examination, but I can't do the treatment."

"That's enough!"

Sister Huang Ying patted LV Ying on the shoulder.

"Big sister! Sister Langley said that it has been activated. Just go directly."

Cheng Yi poked his head out of the upstairs.

"Cheng Yi, you stay at home and watch Zixin. I'll go to the hospital with Hongwei Da to protect LV Ying and Meng Ru."


Cheng Yi made a face at me when he saw that I was going to leave. Then he took xiaozixin upstairs. The lovely xiaozixin was still looking in my direction until the last moment.

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"Meng Ru, there are only seven of us. I will guarantee your life and health!"

Sister Huang Ying said this to me, of course, I am very happy, but I understand that a large part of the reason for her saying this is to ensure that we increase the possibility of continuing human civilization.

I, sister Huang Ying, Hongwei Da, and LV Ying, who followed me, went out from the first floor. The hospital is not far from us, but there are too many plants in the city, so we had to take a detour.

Although I stumbled along the way, I didn't encounter anything else bad.

"It's really safe along the way."

I sincerely sighed.

"Yes, there are no other human beings besides us."

Sister Huang Ying suddenly made the topic very heavy.

Then there was another silence.

The silence continued.




When they came to the hospital, the robots inside worked in an orderly manner. Some waited for guests at the counter, and some cleaned the sundries on the ground. There were two black robots at the door, which should be self-discipline security robots.

Because there were only a few of us, she acted quickly in the hospital. LV Ying found the X-ray room. She drilled into the control room and played with the instrument. After a while, she asked me to lean on the board and straighten my back through the radio.

After a while of operation, the X-ray is finished. I don't need a film, so it's good to see the things taken directly on the monitor.

However, this result shocked all of us.

"My heart was replaced by a big bone?"

Lu Ying pushed her glasses and said.

"In fact, if I guessed right, it should be metal, hollow sphere, which replaced your heart."

"Why is my Meng Di's heart made of iron?"

Hongda on the side raised questions.

"It's not necessarily iron. If I remember the basic principle of X-ray correctly, it's because human bones contain a lot of calcium, so it's easy to absorb X-ray before taking pictures."

"So according to you, Meng Ru's heart was replaced by a metal hollow ball?"

Sister Huang Ying calmly analyzed the current situation and reached a conclusion.

"In terms of universal objective rationality, this is indeed the case."

I suddenly remembered what happened last night.


I quietly interrupted their conversation.

"I went out last night, oh no, at three o'clock this morning."

I told them everything that happened last night, and of course they didn't believe it.

"Meng Ru, don't fool around, will you? You are now in good health

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The situation is very bad. There is a metal ball in your body! "

Sister Huang Ying doesn't believe me most, because she is a person who thinks with rational thinking.

If she didn't, she couldn't lead us so easily.

"If you don't believe it, there is an iron evidence in my room!"




When the four of us returned to the apartment, xiaozixin heard the sound of our return and greeted us downstairs.

"You are back!"

"Come back, is Xiao Zixin good at home?"

"Zixin is very good, but sister Cheng Yi is not good at all."

I thought to myself, now I can see Cheng Yi's joke. If elder sister is not good when she is not at home, she must have made trouble.

"Sister Cheng Yi has been crying since you left."

Huang Ying immediately realized that things were bad, and then rushed upstairs.

"Lv Ying, Hongwei Da, you accompany Meng Ru to get the evidence he said!"

Sister Huang Ying clearly assigned the division of labor every time.

I took LV Ying and Hongwei Da upstairs to get my sportswear, which had a big hole in my heart.

LV Ying said she couldn't understand it after reading the big hole, and the recognized hot-blooded fool couldn't understand it. I had to go to sister Huang Ying.

"Sister Huang Ying should go to Cheng Yi's room."

I walked slowly to Cheng Yi's room, but I heard such a conversation.

"Sister, I'm in pain."

"It's okay. It's all like this."

"Sister, can I not have children? It hurts too much."

Cheng Yi, who used to be very tough, now speaks in a very weak tone. Anyone who hears this voice will have a strong desire to protect.

Including me, although Cheng Yi is a violent woman.

"Cheng Yi, listen to your sister. It won't be so painful in a long time. You are also a big child now."

"But, sister, I don't want to hurt so much."

"This is the way a woman must go."

"Then can I not have children?"


The voice was resolute, and there was no temperature at all. It was not a suggestion, but an order.


"Cheng Yi, don't move here. I'll get you medicine."

Huang Ying walked out of the door and, of course, pretended to be full of confidence with me eavesdropping at the door.

She sighed and then whispered to me.

"You can go in and accompany her well. It's easy to get a girl's heart."