
The universe we live in

We go to the stars, we come to the earth. We belong to the earth, but not here. This is the earth. The seven children on the spacecraft came to the earth, and there were no other human beings in their sight. Except for themselves. Is this the new world? Or the end? Where are the previous humans? We don't know. But they have a goal. Rebuild human civilization!

DaoistGrSS68 · Sci-fi
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32 Chs

Chapter 6 "the moon represents my heart"

Sister Huang Ying and I walked to the sailing square, and finally the dream spacecraft was still lying there quietly.

"This is where we started!"

Sister Huang Ying sighed.

"Yes, we didn't wake up when we first landed."

Generally, long-distance voyagers need to go into hibernation.

However, hibernators can only wait for the system AI equipment to thaw independently, which takes five to seven days.

But with the help of other professionals, it only takes one day at most to wake up from hibernation.

"At that time, the doctor told us to run quickly, and we could only hear the war outside."

"The doctor is really a good man!"

I also sighed.

The only memory I can remember at that time is that Dr. research called us out of the room. He said that there was a war outside. Let's get on the spacecraft and run quickly. If the path was set, he had already set it.

But the laboratory has only one spaceship that can be used for interstellar navigation. We don't know whether they survived, doctor.

Now the only thing we can be sure of is that the seven of us woke up from the hibernation barn and came to this empty Jiangcheng.

Of course, the first place we go after waking up is our former home - the laboratory.

That empty city, empty laboratory.

We don't know why the final destination set by Dr. research is still the earth, but the spacecraft did fly.

Because a few days after we woke up, the last dream was completely powered off, and its controllable nuclear fusion bunker was empty.

"Meng Ru, where is the girl you said?"

"I don't know, she always disappears when I pay attention to her, and always appears when I give up paying attention to her..."

My words stopped because I heard the familiar voice.

The sound of crisp bells.

The sound of the bell came not from my body, but directly above me.

Same as last time.

I know, she's here.

I looked up, and the girl was still standing barefoot on the final dream spacecraft. Now, it was a windless night.

The girl's red hair naturally hangs on her shoulders, and the white dress is also very smooth, connecting her upper body and lower body.

She still turned her back to the moon, and the perfect curve of her leg was still perfectly set off by the moonlight, how beautiful.

Before I spoke, the girl made a move first.

She put one hand on her chest, spread out her palm with the other hand, and pointed her finger at my chest.

From her chest, there was a transparent sphere with white light, and from my chest, there was also a transparent sphere with white light.

Only when the white light fades, there is a heart in her ball and a bell in mine.

"Is that my heart?"

The ball I pointed at the girl.

The girl nodded.

"Can you give it back to me?"

The girl also nodded.

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But the girl didn't make any moves, so I asked.

"Can I have my heart back now?"

The girl shook her head.


I asked.

"Because, I am white, you are black, I need you, you need me."

"Black? White? What do you mean?"

The girl thought for a while, and then continued.

"i need you."

"Why me!"

"Because you are black."

"What is black?"

"I'm Bai, whose name is Ji's Bai."

I understand that it is meaningless to continue this dialogue, so I asked a different question.

"Are you human?"

"No, I'm not human, I'm Carol, white Carol."

"Me too?"

"No, you are also human beings. You are all human beings. You are all human beings selected by Carlyle, and Blake chose you."

I have no idea what he means.

"When can you return my heart to me?"

The girl frowned and thought for a while before saying to me.

"When I understand what 'love' is, I can probably give it back to you."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Sign a contract with me first, then enjoy life and enjoy it to the fullest, and then you can come to me."

I still don't understand.

"What contract?"

"Let me feel your contract, so that I can bind Blake Carroll."

"What exactly do you want to do?"

"Connect with me."

I can't help being very excited about what a wonderful vocabulary it is to be connected with girls.

"Then what do you need me to do?"

"You just need to accept me."

"I accept!"

I accepted her without thinking. Which Karol girl named Ji, I call her this for the time being.

The girl raised her slender hand and waved it. My heart entered her body and her bell entered my chest.

I was very surprised and worried that the trace came down from the spacecraft, because although the spacecraft was lying, it was also very high.

But soon I was relieved, because the girl floated down to me. Her white dress floated back, and the moonlight reflected her body. In the white dress, a perfect but hazy body curve was outlined.

I want to stand behind her, so that I can see her absolute field. Of course, I'm very curious, but I can't move, because the girl is floating to me.

She finally landed in front of me, put her arms around my neck, leaned forward, stood on tiptoe, and closed her eyes.

I think of the scene in my dream, and now I am recreating the scene in my dream.

I closed it wisely

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Eyes, bend down and gently touch her lips with my lips.

She felt that I just nodded her lips, so she looked up.

At this moment, we know each other, know each other, like quantum entanglement, uncertainty, observation collapse, and non cloning.

At that moment, I felt something came into my heart, oh no, it was the bell that replaced my heart.

She was close to me, and I could clearly feel her heartbeat, but she had my heart in her chest, so I realized that it was actually my heartbeat.

It jumped very fast, but the bell in my body did not respond, which made me feel a little disappointed, but that disappointment soon dissipated, because the special softness and wonderful warmth made my brain give up thinking.

Our lips only touched for about five seconds, but every second was like our spacecraft traveling for a light year.

Every second I feel different.

I looked at the image of my appearance in her emerald pupil and smiled slightly.

I found that I was still holding the girl, and the girl was still holding my neck.

She is so petite and weak, but she gives people a strong feeling.

But I still pushed her away, otherwise I would have something very bad.

When I separated, I noticed the existence of sister Huang Ying.

Sister Huang Ying seemed to be frozen there.


After the bell rang at the beginning, sister Huang Ying froze there, so I forgot her existence.

I understand that time has stopped now.

From the moment the bell rings.

The girl looked at me, and my image in her emerald pupil became clearer.

"The contract is completed."

The girl said weakly, but it was obvious that there was no waves in her heart.

"This... Is it finished?"

The girl nodded.

I obviously feel that I still have more to say, but from another perspective, she is not human, and doing so is just a form of contract, and when kissing, the bell in my body doesn't respond at all.

All this is my subjective assumption.

The girl saw me looking at sister Huang Ying and said.

"Don't worry, the time here is extra."

It's the same as I guess.

The girl looked at me, obviously trying to say something.

At this moment, the idea of a girl appeared in my heart. Although it was not very specific, she wanted a code.

The girl returned to the spacecraft and stood. This time, she turned her back to me and faced the moon.

The wind is blowing.

Her red hair fluttered in the wind, and her white dress billowed.

"Hey, that, trace."

When the girl heard me calling her name, she turned around.

"Let's make a code."

The girl nodded.

"It's called 'the moon represents my heart', OK."