
The Unfinished Stories

The Unfinished stories of novels that the author(me) has wrote but never published. [Keep in mind that none of these stories have been completely finished, but there are probably some chapters I wrote and didn't upload. The genre as well, it confused me on whether this should be a novel or a fanfic.] Neither the cover nor anything like characters from fanfic stories belong to me (unless it's an original character). It is alright if the original owner of one of the fanfics wants one of the stories to be taken down.

heheheHEHEHEH · Others
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68 Chs


'Tch! What bad luck! To think I would be captured like this!' Shiku was gnawing on the steel bars that surrounded her.

Like usual, she had been hanging around her pack, when they came across a bunch of Demi-humans looking for trouble, and since she didn't have her prey drive under complete control, she chased after them despite her pack's warnings

Yeah... it wasn't the best idea, since the Demi-humans belonged to a hunter that hired adventurers to watch over them. She killed a few Demi-humans and injured the swordsmen, but her capture was inevitable. Unfortunately, she collapsed after fighting for around an hour and a half after chasing the Demi-humans.

And this situation happened.

Shiku was sitting in a small steel cage, surrounded by many more that held weak, but useful, monsters in them.

'I guess I'll have to find a way to get out of here...'

Her bites and scratches only made small punctures in the metal, and she would probably be found out after the bars became too damaged.

Unfortunately, she didn't have any time to think of an escape plan, since her ears picked up two people entering the room she was in. The noisy monsters became even noisier.

"Mr. Jean, thank you for coming to visit me, I'm sure these will not disappoint you." It was the hunter's voice.

"No worries, it's my job as the royal appraiser to appraise. The prince's birthday is also coming up. I've heard you caught a Beastkin?"

"Yes, a quite powerful one at that. If she hadn't been worn out already, I don't think I could have stopped her!"

The appraiser didn't say anything, and just began uncovering the cloth that was put over the cages, and naming the average price for the monsters. Unlike the other monsters that shrunk in fear of the hunter, Shiku was different! A wild Beastkin.

She had once been told that her abilities were among the best of her species. Fearing a human wasn't in her blood.




"This is the Beastkin that I had just caught today!" The hunter quickly pulled off the cloth.

She could finally take a good look at everything around her. The appraiser had a noble appearance. Black hair and eyes with and good posture. The appraiser stared at her and she couldn't help but stare back while baring her teeth and claws.

"Hmm... a good tail, ears as well. Powerful claws and teeth. Black fur." He was talking to himself.

"Is this Beastkin any good..?"

"More than good, her fur is a rare pitch black color and the features from her beast side were going well with each other, as well as being a mix between two different types of Beastkin. My only concern is that she is a little too feral to give to the prince..."

It was indeed true. Shiku was mixed with a black cat, however she was still half wolf and very dangerous when put with the prince.

"I have to make the decision with the King and Queen. I will be back tomorrow with the answer."

The hunter hurriedly escorted the royal Appraiser out the door after tossing the cloth back over her cage.

The room wasn't quiet though, and the monsters, especially the bird monsters were making a whole bunch of noise. It was day time as well, and her sleepiness overpowered her will to stay awake after everything that happened.

'I guess a little cat nap couldn't hurt....'




At the castle in the kingdom.

The royal appraiser was speaking to the king and queen. The king had yellow hair and eyes with a stern face, while the queen was almost the opposite. She had light purple hair and and a sweet smile.

The appraiser had knelt down on one knee and began reporting, "I have found a Beastkin that seems to be quite excellent, however, regarding the extent of her feral behavior...."