
The Unfinished Stories

The Unfinished stories of novels that the author(me) has wrote but never published. [Keep in mind that none of these stories have been completely finished, but there are probably some chapters I wrote and didn't upload. The genre as well, it confused me on whether this should be a novel or a fanfic.] Neither the cover nor anything like characters from fanfic stories belong to me (unless it's an original character). It is alright if the original owner of one of the fanfics wants one of the stories to be taken down.

heheheHEHEHEH · Others
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68 Chs


"Hm.. Tell me everything on the Beastkin you saw." The king was pondering as he said that.

"Yes. It was a female Beastkin around ten or so. A long black tail and sharp wolf ears. A beautiful pair sky blue eyes, short pitch black fur, it seemed very well groomed as well. There were also small punctures on all the steel bars, most likely from biting."

"It is indeed a concern when seeing the power behind the Beastkin's bites... What do you think?"

He turned towards his wife, since she was actually the one who suggested getting a Beastkin for their son's birthday. Out of their three sons and two daughters, the middle son had quite a few Demi-human companions.

"Well, it wouldn't hurt to just bring her over so we can take a look. Besides, the birthday is a month away, surely the little Beastkin would calm down in that time.", the Queen spoke in a light and convincing voice, the other two couldn't help but agree.

"Alright, your majesty, I'll go and retrieve her." The appraiser got up and left the room to ride a carriage.

- - - - - - - - -

"Do you think this will really work out like how we want?" The king sighed and closed his eyes. It was a pretty restless day.

"Hm, I'm not really sure."

"Eh...?" His face got darker. It was indeed going to be torture after they bring the Beastkin into the castle.

- - - - - - - - -

Shiku was still sitting in the cage covered by cloth.

"Alright Beastkin. Your meal. Wouldn't want you to go hungry until the guy picks you up, now would we?"

A small loaf of old bread was slid under the cloth covering her sight. She was a little distrustful of it though. It was a given that she rarely ate anything that took time and materials to cook.

Since her pack was always traveling and eating meat or berries along the way, the only time for her to eat cooked things was when they come across a merchant or carriage that had been attacked by bandits or monsters.

'Bleh- This is so gross! It's dry and flavorless, even eating a Demi-Human would be better.' The bread was immediately spat out and she did not continue eating and left it on the bottom of the cage.

'I'm really going to have to get outta here. But then again.....' Her curiosity was clashing in a battle against her will to get out of here.

To put it simply, her mother's father was a cat, while the mother was a wolf. Then, it resulted in a half cat half wolf. Her mother then gave birth to her with her father, a wolf, so her wolf personality it larger than her cat's.

However, they collide sometimes. The energy, ferocity, and wildness of a wolf and also the curiosity and clumsiness of a young cat.

'I heard it was being bought by the 'royal' family... I wonder what it's like... nyawn~ but a little nap wouldn't hurt either...' It was a given that she hadn't heard much about the world or kingdoms.




Rumble~ rumble~

"Yawn~! whaz going on....?" She woke up due to the ground shaking, but unfortunately, she couldn't see everything clearly underneath the large ragged cloth.

'This scent.... I'm outside?'

As expected of a half wolf, Shiku's nose picked up most of the scents outside her cage. It was mostly trees, grass, wood.... and people!

'I guess I slept a little too long. But.... hehehehe.... I can make my escape right now!'


She continued biting and scratching at the bars, since if it was was a long way to go until the people reached their destination, their was a chance of escaping quickly.