
The uncraked mystery: love between the forbidden being and human

His father is a creature of the night who is known for controlling shadow and also a master controller of the night. As for his mother, she was the sole savior of a race that chose their destruction. The main connection to the moon and the stars. A creature that is said to be a celestial body. The primal wolf. He is a forbidden said from the forbidden love of the celestial being and the devil. In other words, the devil and the fairy, are two distinguishable creatures that are day and night. He is an abomination. As for her, she was a normal human. A high-ranked military officer. Is she? Actually she is the successor of that organization. Which organization is that? Find out in the novel. The weak but tricky strings of love interweave their fate together. The string looks weak but it could not be broken. She was actually on a special mission but due to these weak strings, she had to forget the mission and nourish the string of love interwoven between them. Escaping from love is an impossible thing. In their journey of love, he was also investigating what led to his parent's death and found out that it was the organization his father came from which is also the organisation the lady from. He did not know that the lady was actually from the organization but the lady knew the story concerning his parent death and in a way, she was indirectly involved. The ordered string of love just got super messy right? Faced with options that do not favor her, will she choose to abandon him? Will she choose to complete the mission that will endanger him? Or will she choose to join him out of love and fight the organization that was her root? Will they choose to run away? Well running away was not an option because their decision would lead to the fate of an entire planet full of their loved ones. They say love can conquer all obstacles. Is it true or are the obstacles they are just talking about not actual obstacles but just challenges? This novel is on another dimension of love. An emotion-stirring masterpiece which different unique ideas and creations have been carefully interwoven along with the unending weak strings of love. This novel is made to revolutionize and bring out another dimension of a werewolf's love. A masterpiece that will keep the readers on the edge of their seats while making them crave more. Read now........... ****************************************

Onyeamah_Deborah_0662 · Urban
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11 Chs

Chapter Eight

Sounds of footsteps were heard in the forest, a man was seen running with a woman on her back. They continued running for some time before the man suddenly stopped. 

"They've already caught up with us," He said as he smiled wryly. The lady was horrified immediately she heard that, her heart started to beat very fast. 

"Don't be afraid, they can't do anything to me" The man said when he noticed that the lady's heartbeat had risen

"Opal" He called out. Suddenly, it looked as if his shadow wriggled to life as a shadow being crawled out from it. He dropped the lady 

"Protect her," He said. 

"Yes liege," the shadow soldier said. He swiped his arm and a sword appeared on his hand. 

"Let's do this" He said and not long after they were surrounded. 

"The seven emissaries of the devil," He said. 

"Who are you" The emissary of pride who was the leader of the emissaries moved forward and asked. 

"Just a nobody that can thrash your boss, the devil himself" He answered. 

"That's too big to be coming out from your mouth," One of the emissaries said. 

"Let's get to the point, what do you want" The man asked. 

"You should know what we want, just hand her over to us and maybe we might spare your life," The emissary of pride said. 

"Or I should be sparing your lives, leave now and I will spare you or I will give your boss a nice gift," The man said. 

"Since you chose to leave a toast for forfeit, then you will die," The emissary of pride said. He and the other emissaries disappeared from where they were.


Elizabeth is the daughter of one of the few five-star generals of the US Army. Her father is a soldier who has delved into politics. She also dedicated her time in the army and is already a brigadier general on the verge of becoming a major general. She was sent to the US SWAT to serve there for a year as a deputy chief, the main reason she was there was to solve the issue of the illegal casinos that were now opening in clubs and hotels in the city. The case was linked to an important case that happened fifteen years ago and also to her promotion. 

She has already started to investigate the case and a week later, the case led her to the outer region of the US. She came out for an investigation, she was trying to look for clues when she heard the scream of a lady. She saw three guys running, so she chased them thinking that they would also be part of the clues. She chased them into an alleyway where she saw that only one of them was remaining and the last one was standing up to pick up the stolen bag. She speculated that the man dropped the bag accidentally, and she pointed her gun at him. 

"Hands up," She told the guy. The guy paused for a moment and his body shook a little before he raised his hands and slowly stood up. 

"Turn around" She commanded. The guy turned around and what she saw was a very handsome guy, even she was mesmerized a little. She had already dealt with different types of people but this guy's handsomeness was on an entirely different level. 

Lucas looked at the lady who pointed a gun at him shocked, 

 Mom" he said as the picture of a lady that she will never forget appeared in his mind. 

"Drop the bag" the lady's voice jolted him awake from his stupor. 

"I am not part of them, I only chased after them and collected the bag from them," He told her

"Hmm," She was confused. He tried to bring out his ID card from his pocket but 

"I will shoot you if you try anything," The lady told him while cocking her gun. He raised his hands, 

"I want to show you my ID card" He answered 

"I don't have any harmful weapon," He said in an attempt to convince her. 

"Put your hands on your head," She said. 

"I" he wanted to talk but saw her cocking the gun for the second time so he put his hands on his head. 

"Kneel," she said with a cold voice that was radiating a murderous intent. He knelt with his hands on his head. She walked towards him and handcuffed him while she bent down and searched his pocket. She took out the ID card and looked at it. 

"Oh!! you are a member of the Johnson family," She said surprised. 

"See I told you that I was just chasing them, I'm not part of them," He said. She looked at him suspiciously for some time before she unlocked the handcuff. He stood up and dusted his knees. 

"I'm sorry," She said with a frustrated voice. Mark looked at the lady in front of him, 

"How can she be like mother" He thought while frowning his face. 

"I'm sorry," She said when she saw him frowning his face thinking that he was angry. 

"No problem, I was just thinking about something," He said. 

"Sorry excuse me," She said as she ran in the direction the guy ran. He did not know how but the urge to follow her bloomed in his mind. He could not resist the urge so he followed her, they continued running till she got to the middle of the forest. She was now at a dead end because there was no way for her to follow again. He continued to watch her from a far distance. 

"Hmm," he frowned his face. 

Just as Elizabeth wanted to turn back, she felt something. Following her instinct, she jumped back but she felt something slammed into her hand and her gun fell from her hand. 

"Setup" Was the first thing that came to her mind. She had fallen into the enemy trap. She was surrounded by seven strong men but she did not panic. They were all armed with knives. A conclusion came to her mind, they were here to adopt her because if they wanted to kill her they would have just used a a gun. Her father's enemy. 

"This is going to be a hassle," She thought because her wrist was also sprained from the stick that was slammed into her hand. The only option is to look for a way to run away.