
The uncraked mystery: love between the forbidden being and human

His father is a creature of the night who is known for controlling shadow and also a master controller of the night. As for his mother, she was the sole savior of a race that chose their destruction. The main connection to the moon and the stars. A creature that is said to be a celestial body. The primal wolf. He is a forbidden said from the forbidden love of the celestial being and the devil. In other words, the devil and the fairy, are two distinguishable creatures that are day and night. He is an abomination. As for her, she was a normal human. A high-ranked military officer. Is she? Actually she is the successor of that organization. Which organization is that? Find out in the novel. The weak but tricky strings of love interweave their fate together. The string looks weak but it could not be broken. She was actually on a special mission but due to these weak strings, she had to forget the mission and nourish the string of love interwoven between them. Escaping from love is an impossible thing. In their journey of love, he was also investigating what led to his parent's death and found out that it was the organization his father came from which is also the organisation the lady from. He did not know that the lady was actually from the organization but the lady knew the story concerning his parent death and in a way, she was indirectly involved. The ordered string of love just got super messy right? Faced with options that do not favor her, will she choose to abandon him? Will she choose to complete the mission that will endanger him? Or will she choose to join him out of love and fight the organization that was her root? Will they choose to run away? Well running away was not an option because their decision would lead to the fate of an entire planet full of their loved ones. They say love can conquer all obstacles. Is it true or are the obstacles they are just talking about not actual obstacles but just challenges? This novel is on another dimension of love. An emotion-stirring masterpiece which different unique ideas and creations have been carefully interwoven along with the unending weak strings of love. This novel is made to revolutionize and bring out another dimension of a werewolf's love. A masterpiece that will keep the readers on the edge of their seats while making them crave more. Read now........... ****************************************

Onyeamah_Deborah_0662 · Urban
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

chapter Seven

The alpha and his beta were standing at the entrance of their shelter, in front of them were seven men wearing black. The most dangerous thing about these people were the ominous aura they were exuding and they were all wearing mask that were showing they were emissary of the devil. The alpha was trying to fight the fear in his mind because he knew that these people were powerful. They were the most powerful of that organization except for their leader, the devil. The emissary of pride, the emissary of greed, the emissary of wrath, the emissary of envy, the emissary of lust, the emissary of gluttony, and the emissary of sloth.

"Please what can we do for you" he asked as he bowed slightly.

 "You have the chosen one that is connected to the moon with you" The emissary of pride stepped forward as he said.


 "You were just here at the right time, We just found out about her and have taken her into custody," The alpha said. He dared not lie to them. The man gave an ominous laugh.


 "Well done, you've done well and you will be rewarded well," the man said. 


"If you would like to, let's take you to where she is," The alpha said.

 "Ok," the emissary of pride said as they entered the shelter. They went around the shelter to the dungeon where the most notorious criminals were usually kept. They had to lock her there to cut her connection with the moon because they didn't know what she was capable of yet. They went to the inner part where she was kept and they soon got to where she was but their eyes widened at what they saw. She was not there again.


"Drip, drip" Blood was dripping from Lucas's hand onto the floor. He looked at the tiger who had traces of blood on his mouth. The ground around them already turned into rubble. The audience watching was wide-eyed.

"Are they still in this world" was the thought on their mind.

"Hmm, Tiger sighed gently.

"It's been long since I met an opponent that could push me to this extent," He said and he suddenly burst into laughter.

"And I love this" He shouted as he tore off his clothes and his body elongated and turned bulkier while his head turned longer. Fangs grew from his mouth while claws grew from his hands and his eyes shone with a red light.

"The berserker lycan" The audience knew immediately. There are different classes of Lycan but the berserker ones were the most powerful. The berserker Lycan can grow through battle, they were born purely for battle.

In front of the Lycan, a lean but tall Lucas was standing but he was not like himself again. His body already elongated and turned more bulky while golden furs were already on his skin. His body was already shining with divine light while the fangs on his mouth were visible. The primal wolf, the king of all wolves was known for connecting to the moon and also harness the power of the moon for its use. Lucas at the moment can only harness the power of the moon to boost his healing and also his physical capabilities but that was still a huge increase. He also absorbs it to understand the mysteries and get stronger.

"Growl" The Lycan growled and rushed towards the wolf. The wolf brought its hand to the ground and

"Whoosh" It projected itself forward and slammed into kycan.

"Bang" The sound of collision was heard. The shockwave slammed into the three that were watching him except Amelia because she was protected by a necklace. The three felt their system shook terribly and they rushed back.

The Lycan was thrown back from the impact while the wolf only slid three meters back. They slammed into each other again.... And again...….. And again. They brought their claws into the fight as they continued to fight. When it got to an extent, the wolf caught the Lycan by the neck and slammed him down.... And down...… and down again. The lycan tried to free itself and fight back but it was nothing, The wolf raised it again and wanted to slam it down to give it the final finish when it shouted. It had already transformed back to Tiger,

"I surrender" Tiger shouted. Lucas stopped and dropped Tiger while he transformed back. There were claw marks on his chest which were from the fight before, blood was not dripping from it again unlike Tiger who looked like he was in a bad state. They took a robe and they wore it respectively.

"It's been long since father was thrashed before, How is he going to take this" Lucifer asked Peter. Tiger looked at Lucas with emotion,

"It's been centuries ago since I felt this vigor I felt today from fighting you, never thought that you could grow to this extent, I'm now convinced that you can handle the underworld," Tiger said as he went towards Lucas and patted his back.

"Mr. Anderson will be sent towards your house during the week, you've not been eating well," He said. They went into the house and they had a hearty meal before he was escorted out from the island to the beach at eight pm. His car drove out from the beach.

He drove through the outskirts was already night. He could not help but admire the stars in the sky. He has always felt like he was connected towards the stars which was a wondrous feeling. He parked the car on the side of the road and got down as he looked up towards the sky. He was immersed in the feeling until he heard a shout not too far from where he was. It was the voice of a lady,

"My bag" He heard the shout when three people rushed past him into an alley. These thieves. He smiled wryly as he shook his head and rushed into the alley. He soon caught up with them, they stopped and turned towards him.

"Who are you to meddle in our business" They asked him.

"At least if you want to ask for money, ask and it does not look as if you guys are crippled, you can work," He said with a tired face.

"Who are you" The three of them took out a knife from their pocket.

"Since you chose to die, then die" They rushed towards him. He just threw a sweeping kick and took the three of them down. The three quickly dropped the bag and ran away when they saw they were no match for him. He went to the bag and bent down to pick it up. Just when he was about to stand up

"Hands up" A voice was heard from the back.