
The uncraked mystery: love between the forbidden being and human

His father is a creature of the night who is known for controlling shadow and also a master controller of the night. As for his mother, she was the sole savior of a race that chose their destruction. The main connection to the moon and the stars. A creature that is said to be a celestial body. The primal wolf. He is a forbidden said from the forbidden love of the celestial being and the devil. In other words, the devil and the fairy, are two distinguishable creatures that are day and night. He is an abomination. As for her, she was a normal human. A high-ranked military officer. Is she? Actually she is the successor of that organization. Which organization is that? Find out in the novel. The weak but tricky strings of love interweave their fate together. The string looks weak but it could not be broken. She was actually on a special mission but due to these weak strings, she had to forget the mission and nourish the string of love interwoven between them. Escaping from love is an impossible thing. In their journey of love, he was also investigating what led to his parent's death and found out that it was the organization his father came from which is also the organisation the lady from. He did not know that the lady was actually from the organization but the lady knew the story concerning his parent death and in a way, she was indirectly involved. The ordered string of love just got super messy right? Faced with options that do not favor her, will she choose to abandon him? Will she choose to complete the mission that will endanger him? Or will she choose to join him out of love and fight the organization that was her root? Will they choose to run away? Well running away was not an option because their decision would lead to the fate of an entire planet full of their loved ones. They say love can conquer all obstacles. Is it true or are the obstacles they are just talking about not actual obstacles but just challenges? This novel is on another dimension of love. An emotion-stirring masterpiece which different unique ideas and creations have been carefully interwoven along with the unending weak strings of love. This novel is made to revolutionize and bring out another dimension of a werewolf's love. A masterpiece that will keep the readers on the edge of their seats while making them crave more. Read now........... ****************************************

Onyeamah_Deborah_0662 · Urban
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11 Chs

Chapter Nine

Years passed after their encounter with the seven emissaries. The fight happened that night and the man gravely injured the seven emissaries. They left the primordial forest for somewhere more secluded before they finally decided to live in a cave. The lady later found out the identity of the man that saved her. He was a Draco, a fearsome creature of the night. John. A creature that is known for its profound connection to the shadow and also a magic expert. Not only that, they have physical capabilities that are very great, one of the greatest physical capabilities. He became her master and he helped her to control her powers and taught her how to harness the power of the moon effectively.

 They continued living their life and without knowing how, a chemistry sparked between them. The chemistry of love, love bloomed between them. They also could not escape from the clutches of love. They got married and lived a happy and contented life. Years after they got married, the lady got pregnant. The pregnancy persisted for years before she gave birth. It was on the day she gave birth that she later got to know the man's identity. 

The man was also from the same organization the emissaries were from and he was the younger brother of the devil himself (the leader of the organization). He left them when he became mature because of their evil deeds. It did not affect their love, they used it in their lives while spoiling the baby with their love. The seed between the younger brother of the devil who was the creature of the night and the favored daughter of the moon. They continued living a peaceful life for twelve years. On the twelfth birthday of the boy, they received visitors.


Elizabeth looked at the bulky men surrounding them, she was waiting for them to make a move first. In the military, they were taught that if they were trying to escape, they should wait for their enemy to move first so they could utilize his flaw and escape. She squinted her eyes, the men were slowly closing in on her. 

Shit they were professionals. They want to finish her in one move. 

"Eight guys ganging up on a lady, that's too absurd" A voice was heard. She turned her head towards the voice, it was the guy she almost arrested. 

"What is he doing here, is he looking for death?" She thought to herself. 

"Well it is already late," She thought, they had already seen the guy and it was likely that they wouldn't let him go. She saw the men signaling to each of them and five men rushed towards the guy. The other three closed in on her. 

"He is probably dead," She thought. She focused on the three guys, she wanted to escape quickly before the other five came back. Now is the best time to escape. 

The first man rushed towards her while thrusting his knife forward, she held his wrist but her sprained wrist could not take the pain. She fell backward and just in the nick of time, she was raked down by the leg of another man. Her ankle got sprained, and she frowned as he saw the third man thrusting his knife forward. He wanted to cripple her leg. They were here with vicious intent. 

"Shit," she thought. Just when the knife was about to reach her leg, the man's hand was kicked off. She looked up and saw Lucas. 

"What!!!" She exclaimed in her mind and looked to her side but she saw the five men lying on the floor unconscious. The three were surprised when they saw their colleague on the floor. They moved back slowly, he did not follow them because he had a hunch that they were planning something. His hunch was right, one of the men hurled his knife at the lady. He caught the knife and turned around immediately. He hurled the knife and it caught the leg of the escaping who hurled the knife.

"What" Elizabeth was surprised. She had been in the military for years so she knew that the move Lucas made was a superhuman move and his body was radiating with a golden hue. 

"Hmm" He just noticed that his body was radiating with a golden hue. The full moon was out at the wrong time, he furrowed his brows as he looked at Elizabeth. 

"Snap" He knocked her unconscious. 

"Why would the full moon be out at this kind of time" He thought as he looked at the moon shining in the sky. Whatever, he will just confuse the lady and she cannot claim that she saw something without evidence that just happened to be unlucky that night. He carried Elizabeth and left.

Elizabeth woke up the following day, she saw the white ceiling and with the smell, she knew she was at the hospital. Memories of what happened last night came to her head and she remembered Lucas. She looked around but saw that she was in a large room, she knew that this must be a VIP ward. She stood up from the bed, she still felt some ache in her ankles, but it was not what she could not handle. A nurse came to her, she was discharged and she walked to the receptionist downstairs. 

"Please who bought me here last night" She asked. 

"A handsome guy and he paid for your room before leaving," The receptionist said. 

"Thanks" She answered and walked out of the hospital. Her car was already parked outside for her, she took her keys and entered the car. She must find out the identity of the guy. She is sure that he is not a normal human. She furrowed her brows as he thought of possible ways to get to the guy and her eyes suddenly shone. She took her phone and dialed a number. The call got through. 

"Hello Dad," She said. The other person answered her and they exchanged pleasantries. 

"I want to attend the party on Monday," She said. After some sentences, she cut the call. Monday was the day the new president of Johnson Group will be inaugurated and also the second greatest auction of the company. Her father a five-star general and politician was invited and he wanted her to go with him but she was not interested. At least before, but now she is interested. She must find out about this strange guy. 

"Time to get a dress," She said as she dialed her assistant's number.