
The uncle that doesn’t care

From a females point of view of abuse she is trying to out live.

Daoist6F4cbh · Urban
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5 Chs

When it started

Ive always felt like there was something off about my uncle. Just couldn't put a finger on it. This man was always putting me down when grandparents' weren't looking. Saying things like "you need to keep your mouth shut", and "why are you speaking to me?"

Those things pained me. Like what did I do? What did I say? I started being more quiet and hiding when he came around. I didn't want to set him off or put my grandma in danger. I was afraid he could get violent with her after my papa's passing. So I stopped speaking unless spoken to.

I question everything I've ever done to him. Of course when I bring it up to his siblings they go about saying "you should've met him before the accident." What accident? I had to no idea and they didn't want to speak of it for a while. I found out from my mom he was hit by a car in Miami. Had many head injuries. Maybe this is why he hated me? You know a young child you gets put through every hoop, but gets no where.