
The uncharted identity

This is a tale about the lost prince of Augruviel dynasty Geoffrey, who is destined for greatness and power, but went missing with his mother few days after his birth. He grew like every other kids not knowing his real Identity, Along the line he fell in love with the princess, Agatha who was supposed to be his step sister...but with many twist she turned out to be a mare farmers daughter. as the story goes on Marcus will be said to be an interchange with Agatha who discovered her real Identity as a mare farmers daughter not a princess. Geoffrey on the other hand will discover the truth of his birth and destiny from his mother and made forth to attain his dream, but was faced with so many trials which will lead to his death or maybe rebirth.In the story their will be lot's of magical creatures and deity mentioned. Read on to find out what actually happened to Agatha and Geoffrey's relationship and to know who will be the next king, Marcus or Geoffrey... discover whether Geoffrey actually died or not and more about Sophie, Geoffrey's mother...

EmochMalvine · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Never been Far from home

Geoffrey and Beyer reached to their kingdom he slowly dropped Agatha who hasn't regained consciousness down.

"Uhmm... Beyer Keep an eye on her while I inform my mom I brought someone home, and will get the things I will need for her treatment". he told Beyer standing up to inside looking at them again before going inside.

"Geoffrey you are back, there is something I have been meaning to tell you, I waited till you are old enough and you are no longer a kid anymore as a 20 years old young man you should know this, your..." she began to say on seeing Geoffrey enter the house but got interrupted by his words.

"Mom actually I brought a girl home, she is unconscious Beyer and I meet her in the forest while hunting, so we decided to bring her home and treat her".

he said knowing that half of the story was a lie, but couldn't help it because his mother warned him not to use his magic.

"You picked a random girl without knowing who she is? what if her parents are searching for her in the forest?"

she asked concerned about the girl.

"uhmm... I actually don't know her but Beyer does, he said she is the crown princess of Augruviel Dynasty".

he stated drastically still picking the stuff he needed for her treatment.

"The princess of Augruviel Dynasty?"

she asked thinking she might have heard him wrong.

"Yes mom, but why do you seem so surprised, is there a problem?"

he asked seeing his mother is disturbed.

"mom are you okay?"he asked placing his hand on her forehead.

"I'm okay son, just that I didn't know their king had a daughter, I thought his son and son went missing years back" she assured him taking his hand off her forehead and covering it with hers.

"Yes they did went missing but according to Beyer he remarried and his wife gave birth to the princess, but mom I didn't know you had interest in other kingdom's affairs, I was just informed allowed theses today in the forest by Beyer".

he said to her expecting an answer.

"not really son, that's what I just heard that's why I didn't know of this you just told me, that's all go take care of your patient". she said hiding the truth.

Geoffrey turned to leave haven gathered the things he need but turned back at her.

"mom, when I entered you said there was something you wanted to tell me before I started talking about who I brought home". he stated remembering vividly.

"uhmm... yeah I guess so but I seem to have forgotten what it was I will tell you later when else I remember" she lied.

"okay mom I will be outside then".

he said leaving the room.

"it's of no use telling you dear, because I don't want to see you get hurt in as much as I am already hurt, he said he loved me but couldn't wait to replace me". she said to herself in a tearful eyes really in pain.

"Lancelot has the guards regained consciousness?" Johnathan asked after several ours of being restless.

"Yes My Lord, and I have equally questioned him on what happened and the princess way about". he said kneeling.

"And where on earth did he say my daughter is and who attacked them".

Johnathan asked feeling restless.

" He said that before he fell unconscious, he saw Ezzie the girl from the Crunthe Dynasty who had initially posed as the princess servant smiling devilishly at them, but as of the princess she was struggling with her horse when he passed out but couldn't find her when he woke up"

he said hoping the information will help the king in a way.

"But he never saw that girl Ezzie, so how come he said it was her?" Johnathan asked confused about the whole thing.

"he didn't actually say it that way, but with his descriptions I came to a conclusion that she really is the one because all the characteristic feature in his description matched with her characteristics". he stated firmly.

"okay, if you are that certain about it, then you must be right about it, the people of Crunthe Dynasty will hear from me if anything happens to my daughter". he said in an angry tone.

Agatha opened her and saw the same set of blue eyes she saw before she passed out, he moved her head a bit and was mesmerized by red rose lips almost about to touch hers, she shut her eyes tightly positioning her lips ready to be kissed, but disappointedly Geoffrey wasn't thinking the same besides he didn't even notice he was that close to her, he sat back on his sit to drop the medicine plate he was with, after several minutes of observing her strange behavior he coughed which made Agatha open her eyes, she felt awkward and slowly sat on the wooden bed she was initially lying on, she cleared her throat to break the awkward silence.

"Who are you and where am I?" she finally asked looking around to observe the environment she was in.

"well, that shouldn't have been your first speech, you should have thanked him for saving your life, by the way I will be on my way it's getting quite late already". he said to Agatha before turning to speak to Geoffrey.

"it's okay, just send my regards to aunt I told her I will drop by but as you can see I won't be able to do that". he said with a shrug and a bit sad face.

"it okay, I will let her know the reason"

Beyer assured giving him their friendly greeting before leaving without turning to look at Agatha who became calm after his correction and watch him leave without saying a word either.

"uhmm... I'm sorry for sounding rudely and making your friend leave like that". she apologized sincerely looking down.

"it's okay, you have to apologize over it and he didn't leave because of you, we initially planned on going to his place after hunting but was held back because he asked me to treat you". he explained not wanting her to feel guilty about it.

"Okay, thank you for saving my life my life back there in the forest".

She said with honesty in her words.

" You are totally different from what I imagined of a royal princess, your ain't arrogant and you are honest in every word you say" he said smiling at her.

"Thank you for the compliment, but please may I know where I am at the moment I'm really worried". she said looking kneely at him.

"Well, you are in Chanate Dynasty a neighboring kingdom to the Crunthe Dynasty" he stated looking at her with a raised brow.

"Is it far from Augruviel Dynasty?" she asked feeling anxious.

"uhmm... I wouldn't say it's far but not close either". he stated drastically trying to calm her down.

"Okay, but I'm I gonna make it home tonight?" she asked inquisitively.

"No, it's late already and I ain't gonna let you leave by this hour of the day".

he stated looking strict. Agatha looked at him and giggled which made him feel embarrassed as he looked away.

"uhmm... I ...I was just saying that it late already that a girl shouldn't be out by this hour of the day". he said rubbing his head.

"oh mine are you that shy? by the way you haven't told me your name I'm Agatha". she said smiling from ear to ear.

"No, that's not the case I'm not shy, I'm Geoffrey by name". he said forcing a smile.

" it's nice meeting you and I'm thankful you saved my life back there or I would have been..." she was saying but stopped when Geoffrey placed his finger on her lips not wanting her to go further with those words.

"No, you should never say such things especially when you are with me, you are alright now and that's what matters the most". he said in objection slowly leaving her lips.

"Okay, it's just that I have never been far from home, I'm always in the palace or whenever I am out I'm been escorted by the guards which is likely boredom". she said looking at the starry sky, Geoffrey smiled and turned to look at her.

"I understand, being a royal blood isn't an easy thing, being far from home seems like being in a far away land for those who are royal blood, but we feel free like the wind and do whatever we feel like doing without minding what the pubic might say, that's just the difference ".

He explained smiling with so much emotions attached to the words, Agatha looked at him intensely enjoying his words as he continued to stare back at her, not actually knowing what is attracting her to him or attracting him to her but all she know is that she is actually enjoying the atmosphere.