
The ultimate Omega

Gail Blanco is a 17 and a half year old boy who hates being an omega.He trains his human form in hopes of becoming a strong Omega who is not easily bullied and hopes to one day leave his pack and family who treat him like a domestic slave because of his status as an omega. He is fuelled by determination, is calculating and hates to be touched by strangers. Within his veins flows a secret that even he is unaware of, until his eighteenth birthday where all is revealed. Arian Maw is a soon to be Alpha. He is cheeky and viewed as the joker in the pack. He has a serious stone face and a psychopath side that makes his pack members fear him, but in most days he is loved by all . For most wolves , finding a mate is a special happening and experience since your mate is tied to you for life in both body, mind and soul. The moon Goddess is kinda never wrong? ... What happens when Blanco meets Maw ? .. Well read on to find out !!...

Otilia_Janka97 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Well Wishes For Our “Community“

"I don't really want to attend this meeting but apparently if I don't attend then I will be killed in the next five chapters. What kind of Evil person is this that threatens me with my life just so I can attend whatever stupid dinner they planned?"

Corey : I also received the invitation, but I was not threatened, it was written that I will get to find my mate really soon if I did go so it is worth the shot. I am not surprised that they tried to kill you though...you can be really annoying.

Ray: Shut the fuck up Corey! You are the only annoying one with your stupid smart brains and that venomous tongue of yours.

Author: Ahem..welcome , welcome. I hope you are all ...wait a minute, where is Arian and Gail? We-

(Arian and Gail bust through the door.Sorry we are late, Gail had to do an extra training session since he missed last time.Arian explains and Gail just nods his head."Yes what he said ".Gail says while flicking a thumb towards Arian. They hurry to find their seats and the author clears her throat once again to continue talking.)

Author: Well, okay. Anyway welcome to the pride meeting.

All: A what ?

Arian: I thought you had more information about the rogues!. Are you fucking kidding me?! .I am leaving, I don't have time for whatever shit you're tying to pull!.He stands abruptly causing his chair to fall back. Gail holds his hand to calm him, but he doesn't seem to want to be comforted..)

Author : If you don't sit down I will make sure that the creator will only allow you to kiss Gail after two hundred chapters!.

Arian: Bitch you wouldn't.

Author:(Squints eyes) Try me.

(Arian sits back down, he turns his hand over and gestures with his eyes for Gail to take it, they intertwine their hands and look forward towards the author who was watching them excitedly. Well Arian was glaring but it didn't change the fact that she thought they were cute. Everyone who was watching the exchange between the suspicious woman and Arian decided to not utter a word in case they were also threatened . They all knew whoever called them knew their deepest secrets and yearnings and thus they will not try to get on that person's bad side.)

Author: Oh come on!..you guys are no fun, no need to glare .I might have sounded a little bad in the messages I sent you but that doesn't mean I am evil...I can never do any of you harm..well..it will probably blow in the next chapter anyway so. . . I am not an entirely bad person.

Ray: Lady, you threatened to kill me!...how is that not bad?..and evil?

Gail: I don't think you are one to talk about Bad and Evil Ray..but evil intentions and threats aside I think we should all just get quickly done with this and move on, some of us have an evil man trying to kill us so we need to get this over quick ...

Author: (sorry Gail) Anyway I just wanted us to gather here today to wish our readers a happy pride month and hope they-

Gail: What readers?

Author:(honestly expected that from Ray but moving on) ..ahem..the community. I wanted us to gather here and wish our community a happy pride month so that they know we love them and appreciate everyone for loving us too and accepting us for who we are and who we love.

(Murmurs erupt all over the small meeting room, all the four boys had come hoping to get an answer to their long time and most pressing questions, this was not part of the reason they came but it wouldn't hurt to be nice.)

Corey: Why only us? Are you going to record us and have it be played at the hall?, I can see how Arian, Gail and I are relevant to pack business..what does he have anything to do with this?

(Corey says pointing to Ray)

Author: Well, you are all the community is kind of aware of thus far since the future depends on all of you. I will get the others next time so no need to worry, for now I only need you four and Ray is kind of already been heard of from the last chap- in Gail's life so he also needs to be here as a brother to the main lead- leaders mate.

Arian: Please stop wasting more time, how do we do this?! I really don't like in your presence. Something about you makes me want to punch you.

Author: (of cause, I made your mate sad and have a depressing life) Oh!...uhm.okay, well ..you all stand over there and say your blessings to the read-community and I will just stand behind the camera and record it.

(Arian rolls his eyes and continues to stare at me like he is trying to figure me out. Alpha things I guess. After a few minutes of weird staring between the boys , Corey decides to go first)

Corey: Hey. Happy Pride Month.

(He finishes)

*cricket sounds*

(Well okay, moving on, Ray.)

Ray: Ahem..well, happy pride month. Hope y'all don't trip while looking at me, but it's okay to trip, falling in love with me is natural.It is the month of love and even if you are a vampire I allow you to shamelessly love me..I mean who wouldn't want this hunk of a man as his-

Author: Okay that is enough. Plus I don't think this will reach the vampires..although it was nice to accept all shapes that love can come in..Next! Are you and Arian doing it together or solo? (I ask while looking at Gail.)

(Gail looks at Arian, who in turn gives him a mischievous grin and tightens his hand around Gail's small and thin one. Gail gives him a wide smile and wraps his free hand around Arians arm , leaning closer, the two now standing plastered to each other that even air would struggle to pass through them. They walk together and stand in front of the camera.)

Gail: Hi. I hope you all had a good week.I know some us will always put our birthday months as one of those good months in a year worth celebrating, but this month is special in a way that it feels like the whole world is sharing one big birthday. A birth of our new selves. Receiving gifts and being celebrated on such a day is just spectacular. This is a very beautiful month of the year, not only is it so colourful and lively, full of spirit and so much pride but it is a time when we can all freely be who we are and most importantly love who we want. I am happy I get to be a part of this community and celebrate with you today. Thank you to the person who is not a part of our community but still chose to love us, you are also a part of us that will never be forgotten because you have loved me for who I am.Thank you and Happy pride month!

(He concludes and looks up to Arian to see if he wanted to add anything.Arian just smiles down at Gail and gives him a chaste kiss on his cheek which lives Gail red as his pail cheeks start to look like they are on fire. He immediately holds his hands up trying to cover his blush but I already have it on camera.They both stare at each other for a while almost as if they were the only ones in the room. I clear my throat, waking them from their sweet moment, Arian sends me a death glare but is calmed but Gail sliding his hand into his once again, they both face the camera one last time.)

BOTH: Happy Pride Month.

(The boys all come together in front of the camera and wish everyone a happy pride month. Ray is the first to leave because he can't stand to see Arian and Gail being all cute. Arian and Gail leave after saying they need to continue training since they have to be prepared for an unknown incoming calamity, before leaving Arian makes sure to let me know that he will kiss Gail whenever Gail is ready not because some bitch decides it. *guess he figured who the bitch is*)

Corey: I have been looking at you.

Author: *nervous chuckle* Why are you still here? .....Want my number?

Corey: Geez!, not like that! ..you look suspicious. How do you know everything about us? It doesn't take a genius to figure a lot of things about Ray but Arian , Gail and I are a different story. Who are you?..did the motherfucker who threatened Gail send you?..you didn't even tell us your name-

Author: Look kid, I know I made you to be smart and decisive but I certainly am not with the bad guys . If you don't trust me then just ask Arian who I am. I am sure he already figured it out..you saw him threatening me right? It means I am no threat to this territory. Now if you'll excuse me. I have a story to write.

( I quickly leave the hall to avoid Corey and his detective mind.)

Corey runs to Catch up with Arian and Gail , he seems to be determined to know who I am.

"That girl says you know her?" He says immediately after reaching them.

"I kind of do, I might have had a conversation with her at one point. Although it is only a suspicion., but don't worry though , she is not a threat , I would have smelt the evil aura from her but there was nothing. ..I think I know her name though, it was written on the sleeve of her shirt. " Arian replies to a curious Corey.

"Well, what is her name?" Corey asks impatiently.

"Otilia ...Janka..or something" he says while shrugging his shoulders .

"You have any idea who she might be?"

"I am not sure, but if I listened to her well and right then I am guessing she is the bitch who is about to make my mate's life one hell of a shit show. Ever see her, stay away. Are we clear?..okay. Bye."

Arian says and leaves hand in hand with Gail without allowing Corey to question him further.

"Otilia -huh?.....weird human"

Hey Readers!

Thank you guys so much for reading this stupid story of mine. i am more a reader than a writer so i am sure a lot of you can see that i was not gifted in writting but please bare with me, i will learn.

i will be updating everyday untill the end of this month starting from the 12th of june, i am currently backed up by ..life things. Sorry for the delay and hope to see you all in a week.

Happy Pride Month !!!!!!!!

Otilia_Janka97creators' thoughts