
The ultimate Omega

Gail Blanco is a 17 and a half year old boy who hates being an omega.He trains his human form in hopes of becoming a strong Omega who is not easily bullied and hopes to one day leave his pack and family who treat him like a domestic slave because of his status as an omega. He is fuelled by determination, is calculating and hates to be touched by strangers. Within his veins flows a secret that even he is unaware of, until his eighteenth birthday where all is revealed. Arian Maw is a soon to be Alpha. He is cheeky and viewed as the joker in the pack. He has a serious stone face and a psychopath side that makes his pack members fear him, but in most days he is loved by all . For most wolves , finding a mate is a special happening and experience since your mate is tied to you for life in both body, mind and soul. The moon Goddess is kinda never wrong? ... What happens when Blanco meets Maw ? .. Well read on to find out !!...

Otilia_Janka97 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Mate Talk

Arian POV

"So Gail huh?"


"Did you already break him?..like the other kind of breaking..the one that doesn't require a lot of training like..is it why he didn't show up for practise today like you already did the jiggle li-?" Corey says teasingly with a huge smirk plastered on his stupid face.

" Cut it Martins, Gail doesn't know!." I interrupt his little ramble with a low growl before he continues to insinuate things beyond both of our wildest dreams. "There is something that is hiding or guarding his aura.His scent is very thin that I am sure if I didn't have the Alpha blood I would have maybe missed it. I tried talking to my dad but he said it was probably because he is not yet eighteen but even that is weird because his birthday is after mine so I don't think he should be limited."

"That is weird...but now that he is your mate...hypothetically speaking...

" It is not a hypothesis! He is my mate!" I once again growl at Corey as a warning to shut up but he just stands there looking at me like I am crazy. He doesn't even flinch.The lucky bastard knows I won't do anything to him...yet.

"Fine." He says while rolling his eyes and continues walking beside me with his hands folded over his chest.He brings his right hand up and caresses his chin , deep in thought. He stays like that for a minute before opening his piehole." What are you going to do about him being a scout....like...will he still keep the position?"He says finally.I was about to leave his noisy ass on the side walk.

" Unfortunately yes.I would love to take him out of the team and lock him up somewhere none of my enemies can reach him, but sadly I can't fulfil any of this without hurting Gail-plusIkindahaveanewvengeanceplanthatwillneedhimrightbymyside."I murmur the last part in a flash of light whisper in hopes that Corey does not hear me.

"I will pretend like I didn't hear the part about your vengeance, that will be a discussion for another day." Well. . . at least he proved his worthy of being my right hand. "If it makes you feel any better, at least you are a virgin." He says abruptly.

I immediately jerked my head to give him a devil's stare."I don't see how my sex life has anything to do with our current topic!." I hiss back at him still keeping eye contact . Corey drops his hands from his chest and shoves them in his royal blue denim jeans and stares back at me accepting the challenge, him and I are almost the same height but I am slightly taller so he stands on his toes and replies with "Me either." He says before moving back and busts into a fit of giggles, his shoulders bobbing up and down to give shape to the sounds coming out of his mouth.


His little snarky comment makes me want to rip his neck from his shoulders but I won't. Corey is my brother, well not biologically but him and I have always been together since the very beginning of our existence, unlike the gossip king Tony he is more of a familial figure in my life.In most cases Tony would find things I say offensive and avoids me until he eventually calms down but Corey on the other hand just shrugs his shoulders, gives me the middle finger and moves on. He cares , but he knows the meaning behind most of my words.

"I will help you take care of him so don't worry about it too much. As long as you and I and everyone we know is alive he will be safe. Plus I am the one who always defends him so he is in good hands." He says with a complacent smirk . Is he testing me?

"As my right hand it is kind of yours and everyone's duty to protect your luna." I deadpan.Ignoring how he tries to annoy me, he is taking advantage of the fact that I had originally thought he could be Gail's mate,Well now He's mine.

"I am not surprised there is no thank you in your vocabulary Alpha. I will end this discussion here for now, I need to go join the others at the camp. Say hi to Gail for me , I will try to call him later!".

Corey starts a little jog heading towards the gym hall and I make my way to mine and Gail's dorm.The meeting with my father was just about strategies of how we can minimise casualties on my birthday. The coronation will go on as planned and we will just have more wolves in the look out so that we can trap them.Our plan is quite simple, only the trained warrior team and trackers will be attending, the exception being my mother, who was once despite her princess appearance was a Tai Chi prodigy, still is. All the other pack members are to stay in their safety rooms until further notice.We need to find the fucking bastard who is behind all this as soon as possible. I hope Gail will be ready with us.

Once I reach our dorm room, I slowly open the door hoping to not wake Gail or startle him but to my surprise Gail is siting on the carpet right by the end of his bed eating an apple while reading a novel.He looks up at me and tilts his head quizzically, probably wondering why I am sneaking into my own room.

"Hi" he cheerfully greets me with a little wave, still holding the almost finished apple in that hand.

With what happened yesterday , his current mood is the greatest plot twist I've ever seen, way more twistier than those soapy telenovelas. I don't know if I should be happy or even more worried.

"H-hey, how are you feeling?" I ask in a stutter while slowly lowering myself on the floor next to him .He smells good something like strawberries and roses , probably a mixture of his scent and the shower gel.I want to burrow my face in the crook of his neck and suck him all in.

He gets up to throw the apple core in our mini trash can that is located right next to the fridge and walks over to his bed slipping into the white duvet with half his body exposed allowing him to sit in a ninety degree angle and comfortably read his book. I stay seated and just continue to observe his every movement. " I could be worse." He says, his eyes still fixed on the green novel."Life is always going to suck so one day of grieving is okay..now I need to get my shit together, I don't want to give my enemies the satisfaction of seeing me defeated.One day they will acknowledge everything I am." He continues while still keeping his eyes on the damn novel, I wish I was the one he was looking at with so much attention but at least he is talking to me so it is not a great loss.

Gail eventually puts his novel down, letting it rest on his lap and looks directly at me." I think. I think I was tired. Ever since I met you and before I haven't had proper rest. I was always doing something whether for myself or for my family. I was drained and instead of going into deep sleep because of my exhaustion I would spend most nights awake thinking about how I can leave without ending up as a rouge or on the wanted list as a criminal. My mother would be happy to make me either, so I had to think of smart ways that could get you or your father to allow me to leave the pack , giving my mother no chance to tarnish my name." He explains to me his voice filled with a hint of desperation, almost as if he was begging me to understand why he has to leave. I understand but what about me?


" Are you really set on leaving ?" I find myself unconsciously asking, ignoring Bumi.

"Yes.The further I am away from my mother and her family the better" His word seems final. It feels like the air in the room is decreasing. Fuckin mate bond! I wish I was a dog.

"What about your mate?" I ask again, this time making sure to really look at him and not miss a word that would leave his ever so pinkish lips.

"Dude look at me!...I am one of those wolves who will most probably wait ten or more years for their mate only to find out they are already married to some human with two kids and a dog called Pluto.I have a fucking dark cloud hanging above me. I honestly do't think I will find my mate anytime soon.On one hand, if I do find my mate on Saturday then maybe they could understand my situation-if not then ...I don't know."

"If your mate is one of the betas or maybe someone with a good position, will you leave ?" I throw in another question. I have to see what other alternatives I have to keep my mate with me.

"I'll leave my phone number on the counter, if you hear about a beta who lost their Omega then please be sure to call. That. Is. Never. Happening .Arian. No one in this world wants me, even my mate would be forced to love me by the Goddess, without this stupid bond I would probably die single."He says sarcastically while rolling his eyes and picking up his novel to continue reading . I face away from him and rest my head on the edge of his bed. I don't know why I thought it was a good idea but I found myself asking...

"What if it was me?"

Hey Readers!!

Tough Question for Gail but i hope he chooses the right words..hahahahahaha

Thank you for reading and voting..can someone please comment.In any language! i have google translate (:

See yall in the next Chapter!!!!!

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