
The ultimate Omega

Gail Blanco is a 17 and a half year old boy who hates being an omega.He trains his human form in hopes of becoming a strong Omega who is not easily bullied and hopes to one day leave his pack and family who treat him like a domestic slave because of his status as an omega. He is fuelled by determination, is calculating and hates to be touched by strangers. Within his veins flows a secret that even he is unaware of, until his eighteenth birthday where all is revealed. Arian Maw is a soon to be Alpha. He is cheeky and viewed as the joker in the pack. He has a serious stone face and a psychopath side that makes his pack members fear him, but in most days he is loved by all . For most wolves , finding a mate is a special happening and experience since your mate is tied to you for life in both body, mind and soul. The moon Goddess is kinda never wrong? ... What happens when Blanco meets Maw ? .. Well read on to find out !!...

Otilia_Janka97 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Trick or Retreat

Gail POV

I lied.

Today is the second day Arian and I are training and I still have not defeated him.Last night I got back to our room feeling exhausted and swollen.It was honestly a lot easier when I was training on my own, I could judge how much pain I could inflict on myself but with Arian training me, I can clearly see that I am indeed lacking.I won't give up though, if I want to survive outside the pack when I do decide to leave, knowing how to fight would come in handy, especially in our world of predators. Apart from all that ,I would like to once again thank my wolf genes that I was able to heal just fine, although I have to admit this time I healed a lot faster than I normally would.Perhaps this new ability was because of that force I felt the other day..eh..as long as I am okay.

After having a quick snack.. well ..basically a cheese sandwich and apple juice, I decided that I would take a quick shower to help myself relax and hopefully have a goodnight rest. Arian decided he would go spend the night with his parents and thus left after taking some of his things from the room, before he left he instructed that we would meet at the same location in the morning.I had hoped that we would have a little night chit chat but I guess he isn't yet comfortable with sharing his room after all.

Although Arian was not with me, that night I was in peaceful serenity. Arian's smell is very comforting.It must be something to do with the fact that he is an Alpha and thus his existence alone represents protection. I guess I will be having good nights for a very long time.

"HE WILL BE LEAVING TO BE WITH HIS MATE". My wolf Terra comments.

Well we better enjoy this while we still can then.I reply to him with my eyes closed, creating a path way for me to enter the land of dreams.

"Shift!" Arian commands angrily. I transform back and it can't be denied that I am exhausted.After that peaceful sleep, I woke up to my alarm ringing, signalling the start of my day. I quickly got up and put on my hooded sweatshirt as I already slept with my sweat pants last night to avoid too much work in the morning. I took an apple from a basket on top of the mini fridge that we found yesterday which I think must have been requested by Arian and ran out the dorm to our destined place of meeting. Which leads us to this dreadful yet educational moment....

"You need to focus Omega, don't only think you have to win, you need to think that you have to live!..In the battle field you might meet more experienced wolves who have been in a lot of fights and will do anything to make sure they leave with your blood dripping from their claws. I know I should not say this, but unfortunately if you want to win in this kind of fight then the only thing in your mind should be how to kill me!..now change back and face me, your damn ass better defeat me or else I will have to drop you from the team.I know you already know how to fight but now use all your skills to find a way to drop me.You have already taken enough hits from me, this alone should help you not flinch when the other wolves throw you." He commands and shifts back into his wolf, he readies himself and just like before I follow after him and also get into the right combat stance.

Arian is right, I do have a good knowledge of martial art fighting skills, I just need to learn how to use them in battle. I need to learn how to defeat a rouge without sneaking up on them, I was lucky the last time at the battle field with those rouges but what if the fight Is intentional ?. Arian changes his moves with every attack..but there is one thing any dog wait no..any wolf would not miss to do when they come at high speed..and that is to ..

Arian gets into his combat pose and just like before he comes charging towards me, unfortunately for him, he decides to jump.I don't try to meet him midair, only eagles bring the fight to the sky..we hunt on the ground..the earth is our territory .I keep my feet on the ground and the moment before Arian jumps to pin my wolf down, I shift and stay half wolf half human and focus all my energy into my right hand waiting for him to pounce and punched right under his left front leg with just enough force to shorten his breath for a bit because that is where our hearts are located and right above that is our lungs. This should work.

Arian comes crumbling down like a bunch of mountain rocks on a stormy day . I shift into my full wolf and stand over his wolf which lies breathless on the ice cold floor. He stays laying under me on his left side while in his wolf form, he is panting soo hard that I start to panic that maybe I might have really went for the kill. Out of fear I start to lick his fur from the neck all the way down to under his left leg where I have just hit him. Most omegas like myself have a healing ability, not super strong but it will improve with time or after I find my mate. Arian shifts back into his human form and jumps away from me. It looks almost as if he was never hurt and was laying nearing heavens doors a few minutes ago.Well.... I guess being Alpha means double blessings.Then again, it wouldn't be Arian if he couldn't take a hit from an Omega.

"We kill rouges Omega, not heal em." He says with a boastful grin after making sure to keep an arms length distance from me.

I shift back into my human form and properly assess him again from head to toe.He looks robust. Does he use magic?..that punch should have really hurt.

"I guess Arian Maw doesn't know how to say the most simplest words to ever exist. A little thank you would have been nice " .I reply back to him with a fake heavy sigh while dusting nothing from my hands and holding them against my waist pretending as if I have just finished a tough job.

"Omega, I appreciate the pain you caused me, but honestly having your hot wet saliva all over my fur is not something I am willing to be thankful for.I don't think anyone in my case would ever be.."He replies with that cold face of his, but his eyes have just a speck of gratefulness in them. I am happy he at leasts has a heart.(notice the sarcasm)

"I have to admit it though, you deserve your spot in the team.If you are focused, you will eventually become even more powerful than I am.It would be nice if my mate could have some of your skills, that way I won't be too afraid if they go somewhere alone." He says as he picks up his black V neck shirt from the floor and throws it over his shoulder.He stands to face me with his luscious body, the boy unaware of how tantalising this is to that certain one percent of my self that calls him "God's favourite". I should respect the future luna but I hope she trips and looses her front teeth wherever she is. Only I should enjoy seeing Arian like this.


"I'll treat you for some ice cream" Arian says while walking towards the exit ,waking me up from a whole of greed I almost got pulled into.

I guess this is his way of saying thank you.


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See yall in the next chapter!!!!

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