
The ultimate Omega

Gail Blanco is a 17 and a half year old boy who hates being an omega.He trains his human form in hopes of becoming a strong Omega who is not easily bullied and hopes to one day leave his pack and family who treat him like a domestic slave because of his status as an omega. He is fuelled by determination, is calculating and hates to be touched by strangers. Within his veins flows a secret that even he is unaware of, until his eighteenth birthday where all is revealed. Arian Maw is a soon to be Alpha. He is cheeky and viewed as the joker in the pack. He has a serious stone face and a psychopath side that makes his pack members fear him, but in most days he is loved by all . For most wolves , finding a mate is a special happening and experience since your mate is tied to you for life in both body, mind and soul. The moon Goddess is kinda never wrong? ... What happens when Blanco meets Maw ? .. Well read on to find out !!...

Otilia_Janka97 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Tears Of The Goddess Cave


First Tears

First Fight

If I didn't know that Arian has already sensed his mate, I would say him and I are destined. Maybe we are like those people who are soul mates and go through life obstacles and challenges together without needing to be intimate. When I first head about Arian, everything about him was dark and gloomy but now , in this moment being with him here , I think maybe they don't really know him. The little fight that Arian and I had made me realise that I should not always judge someone because of another person's view of them. I should know better , everyone already has an idea of the kind of person I am only because I am an Omega, speculations that have once almost costed me my life.

"We are here" Arian says interrupting my little mind bubble.He is standing before me in his human form starring at nothing but a bunch of shrubs , it looks like a Salix tree or what are they called?..Dwarf weeping willow?..of cause it would only make sense that a place called Tears of a Goddess has a tree with a sad name in it. Everything here looks normal though, nothing screams mystical or whatever. Except maybe it is a bit weird that all the trees around us are loosing their colour to the upcoming dark winter days but only this Salix is as green as ever .

Arian gestures for me to follow him, I am still in my wolf form and thus I nod my head and proceed . He parts the waterfall tree and what lies behind not even I could have believed such a place existed if anyone had told me about it. I immediately shift back to my human form and start excitedly looking around, I ignore the presence of the future Head Alpha and continue to marvel at the beauty of this cave, hoping that my eyes would properly transfer the view to my heart so it lays there, engraved. Simple yet somehow ....magical?."You like?" Arian asks. I unconsciously excitedly nod my head and continue to fully take in the exterior of this underground chamber.

Heaven .

I think heaven would kind of look like this if I died. If even there is a heaven, but it would definitely look like this. Well..my kind of heaven, not the all white one , just my kind of heaven. After parting the waterfall tree to reveal a narrow entrance that resembled a hallway Arian and I walked along its midnight blue walls while I admired the little stripes of glowing arctic blue goo or whatever that was ,which reminded me of an ice fall. Once we had gone through the narrow path into the cave, there was a huge opening that revealed a Snow White wonderland filled with different markings of torques blue.There is what appears to be an ice rink in the middle of the cave surrounded by crystal icicles in all forms and shapes that seem to be filled with silver like glitter. The cave opens to expose a picture worthy scenic view of its surrounding nature. Well basically just the Autumn forest beneath us. Wait...How did we get up here?. I look back into the cave from the edge of its mouth and only then realise that the roof of the cave is covered in snow that somehow shines as if a blanket of stars was cast above us, only..... do stars still shine in the day light? plus, how is the snow not falling?. maybe we are upside down?.

"So?" Arian comes near to where I am and stares at me with a boastful look. He knows I am impressed. " why is this place called tears of a goddess?, when did you find it?..how did you find it. ..why is everything icy and snowy but we dont have snow yet..wh.." I ask Arian with excitement filled in my voice, forget formalities..I want answers!. Arian doesn't say anything but instead moves to the part of the cave that looks like an ice rink, He stands in the middle and folds his arms over his chest." I will tell you if you win against me ".He says with a poker face. Well, it was nice to talk to the nice Arian while it lasted.

"Oh come on, I thought we were friends..friends don't have to kill each other in order to share that kind of information. ..and you know I can't win against you. " I pout.

"You will never know unless you try Omega, now get your ass over here and let's start." The motherfucker wasn't even moved by my cute face, bet it would have worked if I was a tiny cute "girl". Instead of arguing , I huff in defeat and walk over to where Arian is standing and face him once again.

"Shift" He commands and just like always I oblige.

TOO SUBMISSIVE , DEFINITELY A BOTTOM. Terra comments but I Ignore him.

"Today we will fight like normal, like I said before.. just do you.In here we don't have mind links but if anything happens we can tap out by not fighting back or you can growl. This cave is actually very mysterious, even if someone was to find its location, they will be taken to a different place..it is well hidden and perfect for screaming so no matter how loud you are ,no one will hear you " Arian says with a mischievous smirk. Is he planning to kill me?

Arian shifts back into his wolf form and lets out a huge howl causing the snow above us to fall creating a star shower like imagery. (show off) .He gets in combat position and just like before he stomps his foot and that is a sign for me to attack. I don't waste time and lounge myself at him, I have to win.

Arian's wolf is two times my size , I want to do everything I can to render him powerless but ever since our collision, Arian's wolf has already thrown me across the ice rink a couple of times. He isn't trying to hurt me just defending himself and keeping me at a distance. I get up and attack again, but just like before Arian throws me off.After a few more throws I get angry and command Terra to shift, now I am half human, half wolf. While readying myself to attack, I can't help but appreciate this cave, because of its cold temperature my wolf is not exhausted and I don't feel faint like I would if it was summer.I once again for the hundredth time try to attack Arian by launching myself at him but he dodges and hits my stomach with his right paw, this time it hurts a little ,the strength in his one paw is enough to push me all the way to the outside of the ice rink causing me to whine a little. Arian's wolf immediately comes to my side, he looks worried but I growl at him to stay back. I appreciate the fact that he is not lenient on me, yes it hurts but it will all be worth it later. After taking a few breaths I get up again. I ready myself and although I think my wolf looks disheveled I keep encouraging myself to not give up. I will find a way to defeat him, I always find a way.I am Gail Blanco after all..a flipping Ultimate Omega.

In other news, you can go get yourself a cup of coffee or tea...maybe a smoothie? We will be here for a while..

It is going to be one long day..

Hey ...Readers!

Just a Quick update..the wolf voices are in capital letters and well...lets wish our boy Gail some good luck..he can definitely do this, strength is not always power.

Thank you for reading and see you in the next chapter!!!

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