
The ultimate Omega

Gail Blanco is a 17 and a half year old boy who hates being an omega.He trains his human form in hopes of becoming a strong Omega who is not easily bullied and hopes to one day leave his pack and family who treat him like a domestic slave because of his status as an omega. He is fuelled by determination, is calculating and hates to be touched by strangers. Within his veins flows a secret that even he is unaware of, until his eighteenth birthday where all is revealed. Arian Maw is a soon to be Alpha. He is cheeky and viewed as the joker in the pack. He has a serious stone face and a psychopath side that makes his pack members fear him, but in most days he is loved by all . For most wolves , finding a mate is a special happening and experience since your mate is tied to you for life in both body, mind and soul. The moon Goddess is kinda never wrong? ... What happens when Blanco meets Maw ? .. Well read on to find out !!...

Otilia_Janka97 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

The Other Side Of Him

Arian POV

"Are you going to tell me what's up?"

Ever since we arrived at Betty's ice cream shop, Gail has been looking glum. I am no detective but I think it has everything to do with the text that he just got a few minutes back. On our way here, he was really happy with his little cheery walk and talked about this and that, not really settling on a specific topic and although I don't know him that well, I would rather prefer he be in that mood than the one he is in now.I wonder if this is normal behaviour among omegas ,whatever the answer is I don't like this feeling of resentment that is seeping out of him like the stench of a soccer man's boot during the high of summer.

" Gail!" I call out once again, this time a little louder causing him to flinch.

" Oh!..Sorry, just got side tracked a bit . Yes, uhm...weren't you going to tell me about the tears of a goddess cave..its little secrets and whatnots..?" Gail replies with his head still looking down at the glass in front of him, his voice barely audible.

I look at him again but he averts my gaze and looks at the milkshake in front of him gloomily playing around with the pink straw in his glass. I wonder what happened to him that totally changed his mood like this in a matter of seconds?.

DO SOMETHING! MATE IS SAD! Bumi echoes in my head like a song stuck on repeat.

I understand that I kind of have to do something about his current state but to be honest, unless he tells me what is wrong then I cannot do anything. I have never had to deal with mental or emotional situations in the pack, thus the need for a local therapist whom I believe many from the pack were sent to since psychology is mine and my father's greatest weakness ,but Bumi's distress and whining means I have to do something to soothe our mate.Even if it means quoting something I probably heard in a movie.

" Yes I did promise to tell you about the cave once you won but that does not seem to be important right now. What I want to know is who or what the fuck made you upset!-that is if you don't mind telling me of course ." I say to Gail trying to hold back the anger that suddenly wants to erupt out of me.I need to calm down, I might scare him if I act aggressive.

Gail does not respond, instead he tightens his grip around the glass in front of him, his knuckles turning white from the pressure. I see him try to force a smile on his face, but even his muscles are not willing to help him conjure this deceptive mask.If even putting on a fake smile is this heavy for him, just how badly wounded is this boy in front of me?. What has been slowly destroying my mate..who?

My heart immediately hardens at the thought of Gail being abused and I feel my fists just about ready to smash the table between us to get this acidic feeling out of my chest because hugging him right now would just be awkward especially with all these wolves here . I quickly get up and grab him by his wrist ignoring the arm length rule, causing a sudden tingling feeling to explode between us. I ignore the feeling and pull my little omega out of the preying eyes and gossips of this town and quickly pull him to our dorm which is only a twenty minutes walk from here.

The walk back to our room was accompanied by silence, a long deep silence that surrounded us like an endless pit of a gutless beast. Gail did not even try to get out of my grip, he just unconsciously followed me.Our footsteps being the only ones that didn't mind holding a conversation.

Soon after we arrived, Gail immediately detached my hand from his, took off his shoes and got into his bed fully covering his head not living even a strand of hair exposed. He doesn't seem angry and there are no sniffles which means he isn't crying but everything around him in this moment just feels dead. I don't say anything but sit next to his bed on the floor right between our beds, leaning my back against mine to fully look at his form just incase something happens.


After staying in that position for about ten minutes , he shuffles around and takes his head out of the bed sheets. His eyes look really drained and emotionless that I don't even know if the person before me really is Gail, can people really change this fast? Is this some kind of levelled up stage of depression or am I just imagining things?.I thought for a while to myself but still made sure to kind of put on a good humanly warm smile on my face to show him that it is okay and I am with him.I probably look weird but who cares. I am trying.

Gail clears his throat and I prepare myself to listen...in case he does decide to talk.

" I am sorry I ruined your day. I normally get like this. I don't know...like ..I just think about my life sometimes and suddenly I feel worn out.Sometimes I try to deal with my emotions but they always choose the worst days to be stubborn, I can't force myself to cry if they don't tell me to, or laugh or even just look normal so... on those days I prefer being alone. I always dealt with it alone so I guess it just got stuck like that. " He says still facing away from me, my heart hurts because of his affliction but I keep my mouth shut and let him continue talking.

"My mother sent me a text asking me to go help her with her parents today, anyone would be happy to do something for their grandparents but mine haven't really been acting like their status says. If anything they are like my enemies, being around them is very suffocating, I always feel like if they wanted they could even sell me to an old pervert just for amusement. They never fail to express how they feel about me.I don't even know what I did to them...but how am I supposed to feel when my own family thinks I am disgusting trash that should have never been born? My mother does not even say anything when they degrade me, she scoffs or nods her head in agreement.I am a worthless piece of trash that will end up alone or in some dumping site...at least according to their words... Is being a male Omega really that distasteful in our world? Where do I find my worth, who will tell me my worth ?How do they measure it by just looking at my physical appearance ....how..why?."

I move closer to Gail and place my hand on his shoulder squeezing it lightly to show him that I am there with him, but I know this is not enough. Bumi is in agony and will not stop scratching at my consciousness to try get out and properly hold Gail, but I push him back and give all my attention to Gail...opening my mouth to try comfort him how I can.

"I don't know how the world views you, I didn't know that is what your family thought and said about you...but if it makes you feel any better , I like you. You are very talented ,cute ..like very cute and a very VERY handsome Omega. We have barely met each other but I already feel like without you my world would be nothing. You are important Gail Blanco and sooner than later we will show those around you that you are more than just an omega, you are more than what they made you out to be in their little pig brains.You will show them just how Ultimate you can be ,because you are definitely a power to be reckoned. Don't let some stupid wolf with saggy balls tell you what you are worth. " I say to Gail who is now letting out soft sniffles. I let go of his shoulder and turn to face my bed and lay my head against his back. I don't want him to ever feel like he is alone again. I don't want him to feel or have this dark aura around him again and as for his family members, one way or another...I will make them royally pay for breaking my mate, anyone who has ever done anything to hurt him will pay.I will make sure its the last thing I do even if it means taking lives..again.

I pick up my phone and text my Dad to send one of our care givers from the camp to assist at Gail's house as I continue to stay with Gail. He doesn't know that we are mates but I think my presence will help him feel a bit better. Tomorrow is Thursday..just one more day and I will be Alpha, one more day and I will have all the right reasons to hug the little wolf in my arms and comfort him whenever he has days like these...one more day and Gail will be mine to protect and soon Luna of this pack. I will make sure his enemies bow before him and kiss his shoes!...but for now.. I will let him rest.

Hey Readers!!

hope yall are good...tough time for Gail but i understand him.

He is not the only one who feels numb when depression hits.

Thank you for reading and voting!..see yall in the next chapter!

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