
The ultimate Omega

Gail Blanco is a 17 and a half year old boy who hates being an omega.He trains his human form in hopes of becoming a strong Omega who is not easily bullied and hopes to one day leave his pack and family who treat him like a domestic slave because of his status as an omega. He is fuelled by determination, is calculating and hates to be touched by strangers. Within his veins flows a secret that even he is unaware of, until his eighteenth birthday where all is revealed. Arian Maw is a soon to be Alpha. He is cheeky and viewed as the joker in the pack. He has a serious stone face and a psychopath side that makes his pack members fear him, but in most days he is loved by all . For most wolves , finding a mate is a special happening and experience since your mate is tied to you for life in both body, mind and soul. The moon Goddess is kinda never wrong? ... What happens when Blanco meets Maw ? .. Well read on to find out !!...

Otilia_Janka97 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Rouge Attacks

"Where is Blanco?"


"What the hell you mean resting?"

"Sleeping to be precise"

"Sleeping?-Were you too hard on him? You know he is an omega right ? Don't break him trying to make him something that he isn't!"

"Listen Corey, my mind is already fucked up as it is okay!?. I know you and I grew up together and maybe you know me just a little bit better than most people but that doesn't mean you get to assume how I treat Gail, right now with the last rogue attack he should be the last of your worries. I will take care of him!..Understand!?" I whisper yell at Corey while trying to keep my voice down to avoid the other wolves in the hallway.

Gail did not get up from bed.He did not eat and he did not properly sleep either.He is just... there. Bumi is not talking to me and is constantly agitated. I didn't want to pressure Gail into going out or doing something to get him out of his state. I am not a therapist but I think forcing someone to suppress their emotions is kinda bad, if they want to sit and cry let them, if they want to sleep ,let them, if they decide to go to gym let them, suppressing their true feelings at the moment of vulnerability only adds to them exploding eventually. I know Gail will get up, I am sure he will. I don't believe the Goddess can give me a weak mate-Gail is far from that, he is more than that. Then again, sometimes being weak is a strength..not many can easily allow themselves to break down when required by their bodies, they just hold on to unhealthy habits trying to suppress their misery. In short..

Its okay to wail and express your sorrows, only after that can you truly feel happy and free.

I had planned to stay with Gail a bit longer but there was suddenly an emergency meeting called by my father. I think they found some more information about the rogues who attacked us. I have a bad feeling about all this but I can't say for sure until it is confirmed.

"He is your mate." Corey says waking me up from my stupor. He looks at me daringly ,almost as if he is waiting for me to lie to him.

"I should replace you"

" It is kind of obvious, well..to those who don't know you maybe not but I am not your right hand for nothing.I see you for you and right now you look like a guy who is loosing their shit cause their lover has had a terrible accident or something."

"We will talk later Martins!." I say to Corey who lifts his hands in surrender, ending the conversation with a little smirk and nod before going into the meeting hall.


"Da-Alpha Maw, what happened ? what is the emergency about?" I say as soon as my eyes land on my father who tries his best to cover his worries.

"Nothing big, sit and I will brief everyone in a minute.Oh! and your sister is moving back in for a while-yes with Jake too, they will go back after all this chaos subsides." He says as he walks towards the main chair that is reserved for him( Head Alpha) at the front of the room.

I simply shrug my shoulders and find a chair nearby to sit on, the guy who was seated on my left, Drake I believe is his name, immediately moves to sit somewhere else making room for Corey who gladly sits down next to me.We are the only two at the back..everyone is squeezing themselves trying to find a seat that was no where near ours, except for Blanco junior who comes and plops himself on one of the empty chairs, the brat can be annoying but I guess he is an okay person. ..like two percent okay person.

I understand that people see me as a terrible monster but are we all not beast when anger consumes us?. I have tried to be open and whatever with this pack but non of them seem to trust that I genuinely am a kind of nice person. Like kind of, if only they could trust my kind of then our lives would be smooth. Yes the idea of blood and violence excites me, but we all have hobbies right?..mine are not horse ridding or playing football. I just love having a picnic with my prisoners, it is kind of nice to slit this and that, jab here and there , here screams now and then.It is not an obsession, just a -work hobby. I will not do it to any prisoner who wants to take the easy road and confess so I am kind of a good guy.Right?

"Thank you for coming at such short notice, unfortunately I have bad news and well kind of more bad news." my father begins , his Alpha voice demanding attention like the booming sound of a gong in a temple.

"I have just received a call from the Water land pack and the Wulves town pack about a recent attack on both of their packs that has left both of them with at least thirty teenagers dead. It appears the rouges that came to attack us the other day are on a hunt for something or someone.The leader is unidentified, but the targets seem to be boys and girls who will be eighteen years old this month.I have no idea what it is exactly that they are after non of us do, which means we have to tighten our security and always be alert."He pauses to look at the audience for a question or comment.

My hand immediately goes up as soon as his eyes land on mine.He lowers his neck tie a little while clearing his voice. "Yes, Arian." He says , nodding towards my direction for permission to speak.

" Was there any new information about their appearance and or physical attributes?, things that could help us spot them, because we can't really ask people to open their mouths so that we can see if they have a tongue or not." I ask, resulting in a low chuckle from the ones in the hall.

" Well, son...they do have a little bit of a physical trait. A tattoo of some sort, it looks like a symbol of the Aries zodiac sign. A lamb or something but with the head of a wolf. It is printed on their hind legs, others on the right and some on the left. I will send the picture in the group once I get it but that is all there is.The other bad news is that these guys are moving at a fast pace..they will probably be at the Walters Pack by tomorrow, we will have some of our men go assist since we are the largest pack but otherwise most of their people will be in bunkers.The only good news we have is that according to water land pack, they managed to tap into the memory of one of the dead rogues and the only thing they saw was that the search will end on the twenty fifth, so after that I guess whomever they are looking for will already be dead or caught if not then maybe they will naturally reveal themselves, it could be anyone and or anything precious to you.

I will have a meeting with the rest of the council for more security details but for now you all keep your families safe and maybe your precious belongings too. If there is no other comments or questions then meeting dismissed." My father stares at the crowd a minute longer before moving from his chair and heading out the brown double wooden doors of our meeting hall with some of the elders and his team following after him. Corey and I should also head to my father's office but before that I get this feeling and sense like there is a fog of darkness dwelling among us. I don't feel good about any of this, the thick stench of death is clouding my senses and as much as I love the smell of blood..I am not sure I am ready for whatever is coming...

Whoever is coming .

Hey Readers!!

Thank you for reading!!

If there is a Gail out there i hope you know you are not alone. Life can get really f'd up but cry through the struggle ,go through the pain, only the finest jewels experience the most torturous process. We've barely met but i gotta say..u one fine piece of creation ...#winkwink

See You in the next Chapter!!

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