
The ultimate Omega

Gail Blanco is a 17 and a half year old boy who hates being an omega.He trains his human form in hopes of becoming a strong Omega who is not easily bullied and hopes to one day leave his pack and family who treat him like a domestic slave because of his status as an omega. He is fuelled by determination, is calculating and hates to be touched by strangers. Within his veins flows a secret that even he is unaware of, until his eighteenth birthday where all is revealed. Arian Maw is a soon to be Alpha. He is cheeky and viewed as the joker in the pack. He has a serious stone face and a psychopath side that makes his pack members fear him, but in most days he is loved by all . For most wolves , finding a mate is a special happening and experience since your mate is tied to you for life in both body, mind and soul. The moon Goddess is kinda never wrong? ... What happens when Blanco meets Maw ? .. Well read on to find out !!...

Otilia_Janka97 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

The Move


"Are you sure your parents won't mind this?, you can wait to greet them or I don't know. Something.Your mum will probably use this against you in the future".

It is currently six o'clock in the morning and Corey and I have two more boxes to go before we have finished loading all my things into his family's silver grey pick up truck. Today is a little chilly, the temperatures are slowly bowing to let winter make its appearance ,these are one of the days I  feel lucky to be a werewolf. We are quite warm blooded.

"I would have left later if my grandparents were not coming, I really am not in the mood to see or talk to them." I reply to Corey while bringing one of the two remaining boxes.

"That bad huh?" He comments while putting both his hands into his black track pants and resting with his back against the truck. I quickly jog back to the house, making sure to run up the stairs and grab my last item. A small black box that has my tiny personal things inside. Once I am done, I take one last look at my room. This is definitely the last time I will be here, unless a miracle happens and my family and I get to be in good terms I don't see myself returning to this place.I hurry back outside and gently put my box on the back seat. Corey is already in the drivers side , I guess it gets a bit cold if you stay out longer, even for mythical creatures like ourselves , the cold eventually bites back.

" If there was a word that could describe bad other than catastrophic I would use it, but to reply you, yes...it is that bad. I will tell you one day." I answer to Corey while settling myself on the passenger seat and properly clicking my safety belt before we are headed out.

"Oh !..I forgot to tell you. Arian will be the one to help you put everything into your room. I have to go and prepare for today's training and Arian has a thing about not liking other scents in his personal space.I don't have a God I believe in but I pray that the two of you don't end up killing each other."Corey says with a nervous grin. I don't respond.My mind is still a little off track doing its best to  think what the pull or force I felt yesterday was.

"Arian is a little mental, like he has two personalities.Don't be afraid of him though, he is a nice guy, a little rough around the edges but he is nice.I don't say it a lot but I am glad that I will be his  beta ." Corey stops to give me a quick glance, seeing as I yet again don't respond he continues..." Someone else was chosen for this role actually, but he cancelled it and placed me there. My family members are mostly warriors. I could have been one, but I also am good at other things. I think. I was pretty much scouted like you..the only difference is  I am used to wars and constant battles but I fear that you aren't , I just have to trust that Arian knows what he is doing. I don't agree with him, but I trust him." He concludes.

" I kind of trust of him too. This is why I accepted the role. Perhaps he could help me become a better version of myself." I kind of lie. I don't trust Arian, I don't know him, but I trust his fighting and leadership skills and in this present moment and time , I need him.

"Good, just know that whatever happens you can always come find me. I can't win against him but together we can come up with something." Corey comments with a light chuckle.I nod my head in agreement . Soon after a few minutes of the uncomfortable gravel road, we arrive. Arian is standing right outside the the twelve story building both of his hands placed in his royal blue sweat pants. Just like Always. The only difference with his normal godly statue is that today he has his hair in a neat bun. I like it. He looks really gentle manly.

"GET OVER HIM ALREADY!" Terra comments feign annoyance.I roll my eyes and just ignore him.

"Hello brothers from fur" He happily greets us. Corey and I look at him in confusion.  I know I just head him slightly twirl his tongue to say fur instead of far..but really?

"HI" ..Corey and I respond in unison.

"You too are perfect for each other...brrraiiin dead!No humour .. How do you not laugh at my golden jokes!?.. I am the best comedian in this town!" Arian replies, his voice raising dramatically in annoyance. I start laughing. " That is actually the funiest thing you have said thus far..you are not really good at jokes but I admire your high spirits.keep it up." I reply while laughing.


"I think we should move this inside. I have things to do later...with you." Arian says monotonously while looking at me . Am I in trouble?. Corey and I quickly unload my stuff from the truck with Arian Carrying most upstairs , there is only five boxes and a suitcase so he takes two at a time. Soon we are done and I carry the suitcase and the small black box with me. Corey says his goodbyes and I follow Arian to the elevator. He presses the button to the twelfth floor and soon we arrive.

"Woah!" I unconsciously loudly exclaim, my eyes dramatically widening and with my mouth forming an 'o'. This place is  beautiful!!.

"Cool right?" Arian responds with a boastful grin. "I used to have a king size bed but I got these single beds for us . This one right here is yours." He replies while patting the first bed by the entrance. "Thanx" I respond to him  while slowly placing the small black box on top  of my now new haven. After putting the box down I look around the room to properly evaluate it, first thing that catches your attention when you get inside is the black wall that is painted with some stars and solar system patterns. Everything else is white. There are two white desks with two white gaming chairs completing the set, one desk has a white MacBook and a few other books and both desks are  facing a huge window that overviews the little autumn forest near the training grounds and its snow mountains, adorned with white long thick curtains that have a hint of gold threads on them. The two beds are covered in white, from the bed frame to the blankets and the floor is also a white carpet. There is one door which I assume is the bathroom a few or more than a few feet away  from the  tails  of our  beds but sideways opposite the two desks.The room is like a royal suite. Definitely two times my bedroom back where I used to live. It looks very different from how I imagined. Nothing red, no death colours. I guess this is Arian.

"Where is the closet?" I ask Arian suddenly realising its absence.

"Right through that door is the walk in closet and shower. " Arian points with his index finger while going to sit on his bed. I follow his direction and open the one other door in the room."No! effing way".... This is definitely cool!. Inside the bathroom closet combo, there is a clear built in oval glass wall that surrounds the white bathtub that has gold taps, the shower also has its own space and one toilet is neatly situated between the two. On one side the closet is made of white  wood and some of the closed space has gold handles, everything here is white except for Arians clothes that are organised from the lightest to the darkest colours. I always see him in dark colours. I hope I get to see him in white one day.After taking a tour of the whole room, I take a rest on my bed and soon start unpacking.

"Do you need help?" Arian asks while peeking at me over his phone.

" No I got it.I have a question though..were you mad earlier when I laughed at you and why did you decorate your room like this?" I respond while opening my suitcase.First things to unpack. Clothes.

"Too many questions, but whatever. First of all I am not mad , I just stopped to think what made you laugh was very weird. Secondly I chose this design cause I want to feel closer to heaven. The room turns into a neon lit galaxy at night and white is supposed to represent angels so I chose it like that. I hope my mate won't mind it. After I meet her , I will let you use this space if she doesn't like this design..if she doesn't mind it then you can have the room Michaelis is currently using. I will help you decorate it." he replies while continuing to scroll on his phone.

He said a lot of things and although he didn't say why he wants to be closer to heaven.  I am guessing it must be because of his sister,....what caught my attention though..."You already found your mate !?" I find myself unconsciously unbelievably shockingly questioning him with a high pitched voice that I didn't even know I could make..
