
The ultimate Omega

Gail Blanco is a 17 and a half year old boy who hates being an omega.He trains his human form in hopes of becoming a strong Omega who is not easily bullied and hopes to one day leave his pack and family who treat him like a domestic slave because of his status as an omega. He is fuelled by determination, is calculating and hates to be touched by strangers. Within his veins flows a secret that even he is unaware of, until his eighteenth birthday where all is revealed. Arian Maw is a soon to be Alpha. He is cheeky and viewed as the joker in the pack. He has a serious stone face and a psychopath side that makes his pack members fear him, but in most days he is loved by all . For most wolves , finding a mate is a special happening and experience since your mate is tied to you for life in both body, mind and soul. The moon Goddess is kinda never wrong? ... What happens when Blanco meets Maw ? .. Well read on to find out !!...

Otilia_Janka97 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Cute Mate



"Well....Yes..No..Kind of ?" Arian says in a confused tone while slightly shrugging his shoulders and continuing to focus on his phone. I want to smash it.How can he tell me such juicy gossip and yet act so nonchalant about it?Yes..No?!..What the fuck is he playing at?. I know that it is none of my business what happens in his personal life but I want to know who his mate is, but how do I even begin to probe into his personal bubble without sounding like a gossip?

"She must be really pretty then ....Your kind of mate..I mean." I reply back to him with a nervous grin and immediately focus on putting my shirts on a hanger as if I don't care about what his reply will be ,the suspense is killing me but Arian acts as if  he didn't hear a word  I said.

"It is a hunch. Bumi.." He finally answers back after a few moments of uncomfortable silence .

"Her name is Bumi?"  I interrupt Arian with a lousy slow hand clap to show my kind of sincere congratulatory gesture.

"Shut up Omega!...stop spewing nonsense and let me talk...would you !?..why the fuck am I telling you anyway?" Arian  growls and I immediately shut my mouth."Sorry.." I reply to him with a soft tone trying to show remorse.He puts his phone down next to him  and slumps back on his bed laying on his back to face  the ceiling." Bumi is the name of my wolf .He had a feeling that our mate might be nearby..I don't know who they are but I just think that maybe it is someone we had contact with at the last training. For all I know, it could be your stupid brother cause he is the one Bumi got raged over  and touched during that fight..and the only one I have know for a longer time other than Corey...but Corey clearly has the hots for you so he ain't the one." Arian says while still staring up at the ceiling.

"SEE EVEN THIS DUM DUM SEES IT..COREY IS OUR MATE." Terra comments proudly. I ignore him.

"I am not a big fan of my brother" I comment after the both of us have stayed silent enough.

"Me neither" Arian replies back with a disappointed sigh.

I don't know how to help Arian identify who his mate is. I am not his brain or heart so this is one battle he will have to fight alone.On one hand, the thought of my brother actually being Arian's mate creeps me. I can imagine how he will already use his new found position to torment his haters . I really hope it isn't him, if it is him then...I really will have to leave the pack...I won't even be able to stand the sight of them together ...the thought makes me want to vomit."Why did you say she at first..are you hoping it is a girl?" I find the words bounce of my tongue  as if Arian and I have been friends for decades.The thought has been  in my head for a while now, but I almost forgot while thinking about that pig brain brother of mine.Before beginning  to talk, Arian places both of his hands under his head, interlocking his fingers to support himself and lay comfortably, this however causes his black v neck shirt to pull up revealing a bit of his torso ,immediately causing a sudden heat to rush to my cheeks tainting them red. I bow my head and face away from him in embarrassment.I need to calm down..I will find someone to ogle over soon.

"I just think women are easier to deal with, plus they are cute and can fit right into my arms.I don't mind men..but someone who will be bigger than me kinda makes me already look like I am their bitch..and I am forever Alpha .."Arian answers back with a crooked yet mischievous smirk .

" I see, you want a partner who has smaller proportions compared to you, Nice! I like big people,..like you.No!..like ..not you..but like kind of you..it is an example.!" I try to salvage the situation but with Arians huge smirk...I am only making things worse so I shut up and continue unpacking, next up books."

"It is okay Omega, I know I am hot!..I would dig me too if I was you...but yes..true...I like cute and small people, your brother is annoying as hell and he is built like a giant, he just isn't for me but if it is the will of the goddess, so be it." He answers back to me while getting himself up from his bed and sitting on its edge .I am currently still kneeling on the floor next to one of my white moving boxes trying to sort my books so that I can display them in colour code when all of a sudden I feel arms wrap around my waist.."what the!?"..

" What are you doing!" I try to get up but Arian has a firm hold on me. He pulls me closer to his chest with my back facing him and nuzzles his head into the crook of my neck and takes a sniff...I don't know what to do but I will not be caught in a deadly love triangle with the god of death and that annoying brat!. I try to unbind him from me but his stronghold gets tighter with every movement I make, fucking Alpha genes of his!.

" Arian!.." I shout as loud as I can  to try get him out of his stupor.

Arian immediately moves away from me and I turn to face him, his eyes are glowing...what is wrong with him..is this why he hates sharing a room?." Shit!..I am so sorry..I am really..really sorry..I don't know..I don't know what I was thinking..I was going to head to the bathroom but ..I don't know..I am sorry ..." immediately after realising what he did he apologises frantically..something is definitely wrong with him.

"Its okay, just breathe.." I say trying to calm him down, I wouldn't want our first combat lesson to be a victory or death situation.His eyes eventually go back to normal and he stays kneeling an arms length away from me.He looks at me and shakes his head slightly..almost as if he doesn't believe what has just happened, I don't mind him touching me yes..but  that was sudden, if it  wasn't only him and I in this room, anyone who would have touched me like that could have gotten himself killed .Terra sometimes looses it , and Arian is currently still not on his good books. Although in this case, we might have been the ones dying.

Arian gets up and makes sure to keep his distance away from me," I will see you at the training grounds, tell Corey to start without me.I am going to have a quick word with my father and I will come back for your first one on  one training session, I hope you still have that fighting spirit I saw you use to tear those rouges apart  Omega...the training today will be tough.You will be the front liner in all battles so I need you in perfect condition ." Arian says and immediately disappears into the hallway.He didn't even wait for me to reply or ask questions about where to meet for the one on one..eh ..whatever, I will ask Corey..but

" What is wrong with him?"...and

"Why is Terra so quiet ?"