
The ultimate Omega

Gail Blanco is a 17 and a half year old boy who hates being an omega.He trains his human form in hopes of becoming a strong Omega who is not easily bullied and hopes to one day leave his pack and family who treat him like a domestic slave because of his status as an omega. He is fuelled by determination, is calculating and hates to be touched by strangers. Within his veins flows a secret that even he is unaware of, until his eighteenth birthday where all is revealed. Arian Maw is a soon to be Alpha. He is cheeky and viewed as the joker in the pack. He has a serious stone face and a psychopath side that makes his pack members fear him, but in most days he is loved by all . For most wolves , finding a mate is a special happening and experience since your mate is tied to you for life in both body, mind and soul. The moon Goddess is kinda never wrong? ... What happens when Blanco meets Maw ? .. Well read on to find out !!...

Otilia_Janka97 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Room Mates



Gail and I are currently on the training field readying ourselves for a one on one battle. I have just currently, well... a few hours ago, I learnt that Gail is my mate. I could have never imagined it to be him, but with everything that has happened recently..it makes sense. I would love for our encounter and past to be different, maybe then I could happily embrace him, but our relationship started with a death or life oath that also involved one of us.. (him) moving away after his tasks have been fulfilled. I am not afraid of him moving away..okay fine..maybe a little lot afraid....but that doesn't scare me as much as him dying right before my eyes or being attacked and killed by our enemies in my absence, not that I ever plan to leave his side, but things happen and those things that happen have already costed me one life. I can't let it happen again.

Gail has a light sweet vanilla strawberry scent that even while in my wolf form I am unable to properly detect...it is such a thin aroma, but just that whiff has my heart beating like I have just ran a thousand miles. His scent is concealed.I believe I am only currently able to sniff it out of him because of our bond, otherwise I think I would have never been able to notice it .This boy has a whole lot of secrets to reveal but until then..we have to get over the mission of today.


"Holy mother of moos!...Bumi !...you are right! ..I have to stop Gail from attacki.."..Before I could finish talking, Gail's Nival wolf was already half way sprinting towards me, I don't know what to do so instantly I change back to my human form. I steady myself and ready my hands in a catch position to prepare for impact but my little smart wolf boy acted quicker and instead ran straight ahead avoiding me. He immediately shifts back into his human form and comes towards me in an exaggerated flounce."What the fuck Arian!?....Are you trying to get yourself killed!?...You might be an Alpha but you could have gotten yourself injured from that contact. You probably enjoy seeing other people getting Hurt but I am not like you!" He snaps..but before our little situation gets hot like lava I lift both my hands in surrender . I don't know what he has heard about me, but I already know he thinks I am dangerous. At first I didn't care about what he thought regarding who I am but now, it kind of hurts. I hate emotions, I hate that he is my mate and I hate that his words hurt and I hate how he doesn't know that even a negative word from him could send me into a depressive state. Fuck all of this!!.

I slowly put my hands down and fold them over my chest "I am sorry that I suddenly shifted without first warning you about it. I just forgot that the walls here have ears and eyes and so if we practiced here then the others might see us. I am glad that happened though, I didn't think I looked like a person that enjoyed to see others in pain. I guess my lame jokes scar others instead of bringing them a joyful day like I originally thought they did. No wonder you never laugh at them.Thank you for being honest Blanco." I reply in a monotonous sarcastic tone. Until he is aware that I am his mate, I will not let him see my weak side. That he is now one of my greatest weaknesses. In this moment I am his Alpha and although he is my mate, I can't suddenly look like my inner whipped child.I have to be strong.

Gail bows his head in embarrassment and starts nervously wrangling his hands together, his curls bounce in shame and do their best to cover his regretful eyes."I am sorry. I didn't mean to be rude, I just panicked and I was worried that I might really hurt you. You could have sent me a mind link but you didn't.Seeing you suddenly shift like that took me by surprise. I am sorry I yelled at you ." He says remorsefully.

"Is that all?" I ask him still holding my stoic poise.He moves closer to me, making sure to keep that arm length stupid rule of his.I am upset that he genuinely seems to have believed whomever told him all those fake things about me, whatever they are, in a different case scenario I would really loved to give him a hug. He was worried about me after all, I can imagine locking his adorably toned little sculpture into my arms and squeezing the cuteness out of him, although I might have to avoid holding him too tight, with his pail skin I am sure a full detail print of my fingers would be left on him.

"I am also sorry that I said you enjoy seeing other people in pain, that is a rumour I should have never believed.I will try to learn more about you from you and not from heresy" He responds in a sad tone still with his head slightly bowed, this makes my heart burn and I start to feel guilty because technically it is my fault we ended up in this situation.

I am Alpha, I have to own up."I am sorry that I startled you and caused this unpleasant conversation we are having. I should have sent you a mind link. Although I have to say , I would have gladly let you fall for me..no ..wait..on me." I say with a mischievous smirk fully displaced on my once was frigid face.Gail moves closer to me and flicks one of my fallen hairs with his index finger. " This is for acting irresponsible and nearly causing us both injuries before we even started and..... although I think you have tendencies of a psychopath. I will never be afraid of you Arian Maw, we are friends and roommates after all." He says while staring at me right in the eyes, then goes back to his past position.Damn that was cute..wait for him to find out we are indeed "room..mates, hehe".

In my attempt to stop my body from committing sins against an innocent boy, I start walking away from him.Gail doesn't comment and instead silently follows me. Once we are out of the training camp, I shift back into my wolf and he does the same. I gesture for him to follow me and just like an old habit, Gail follows suit. We start sprinting towards the forest, Destination...

Tears of The Goddess Cave.