
The ultimate Omega

Gail Blanco is a 17 and a half year old boy who hates being an omega.He trains his human form in hopes of becoming a strong Omega who is not easily bullied and hopes to one day leave his pack and family who treat him like a domestic slave because of his status as an omega. He is fuelled by determination, is calculating and hates to be touched by strangers. Within his veins flows a secret that even he is unaware of, until his eighteenth birthday where all is revealed. Arian Maw is a soon to be Alpha. He is cheeky and viewed as the joker in the pack. He has a serious stone face and a psychopath side that makes his pack members fear him, but in most days he is loved by all . For most wolves , finding a mate is a special happening and experience since your mate is tied to you for life in both body, mind and soul. The moon Goddess is kinda never wrong? ... What happens when Blanco meets Maw ? .. Well read on to find out !!...

Otilia_Janka97 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Good Mate, Bad Timing



"Judging by the way you just budged into my office, I am guessing  you finally found  your mate ?" My Father says coolly while putting down an  account book that I have just found him holding.

Bumi and I have been aware of the presence of our mate being nearby since the last training session. I had hoped today I would accidentally bump a few shoulders to find the one that would spark a feeling in me but Gail fucking Blanco was one detour I had least expected. The guy is cute yes, in a very weird way..I think, but considering our current situation and positions, I better hope this is some twisted sick joke my senses are playing on me.I cannot have my mate as a front liner..and Gail already seems to have some idea about me being a psycho that he hasn't yet properly expressed but I can see him flinch every time he says something he believes to be out of line.Does he really think I would just hurt him..well..I might have...

"Well...are you just going to stand there and waste my time or are we going to talk about Gail and then get back to training?..I am no relationship expert but I can try." My father interjects my little mind bubble ,pulling me back to a reality I might not be ready to face.

" You knew!?" I ask him with an appalled expression.

"Well..not really..but since he appeared in your life..you have been breaking a lot of your own personal rules. At first I thought you wanted to do everything for him because you were afraid the others would bully him as an Omega, but that was where I got it wrong. You would not let him in the team if he could not defend himself even just a little against those guys. We have a new Gen building opposite the official training camp dorms but you suggested he shared a room with you. He makes weird gestures around you like the bowing he did the other day and your claws don't pop out, normally only you are the joker..and that hug at the training grounds definitely was A plus grade evidence.I thought you might really like him as a good friend, or something was definitely brewing in your veins and you just didn't know it...judging by how you look like a deer caught by headlights..I will go with the first guess."

"I can not accept this!" I blurt out to my father without even realising the kind of damage these words can do to both Gail and I .Gail does not like this place, he wants to leave and I promised to let him go.I cannot let him stay to fulfil duties to people he seems to always have conflicts with , except for that smart mouth Corey.Why wasn't he paired with Gail?..and what happens if he gets hurt and dies before ..shit..no! "I want him out of the team dad!.. I can't risk it. The scent I got from him was very faint, but it still managed to bring me on my knees for him..if he really is mine then I can't stand even the thought of him dying.." I say to my father while still standing by the entrance of his office.If I sit I might not be able to get up, this really is not a good situation I have put us in.

"Arian calm down, no one is going to die..as far as I am concerned it seems Gail is unaware of who his mate is yet..and he is an Omega so he might not be your mate but just his pheromone making your brain hazy ..although I believe otherwise.In the mean time you just train him like his life and yours depends on it. You cannot just take him out of the team, that would be irresponsible and he might even hate you, he looked excited to be a part of this team when I was talking to him, so best we leave things as they are and see how it goes. His birthday is right after yours, so at the time ..when the time does come, he will decide for himself if he wants to stay or not." My father says while standing from his desk and coming to where I am ,He stands before me with both his hands in his pockets and looks at me from above his lenses with a worried expression.

" I want to dad. I want to calm down..but if that vampire looking Omega really is mine then I put him in a really bad bad position. Once him and I have mated , everyone will know. I smile with a lot of people but I also have a lot of enemies..he might be the target of every ambush we encounter in the future..I can't loose another person...I can't." I don't know why I am feeling soo deeply hurt about all of this , it is not even properly confirmed that he is indeed my mate ..oh who am I kidding..he is a perfect suspect, even Bumi doesn't disagree with the feeling.Gail is definitely my mate.

"DON'T BEAT YOURSELF OVER IT. GAIL IS FRAGILE AT HEART BUT WE BOTH KNOW HE IS REALLY SMART,FAST  AND CAN SURVIVE JUST FINE AFTER YOU TRAIN HIM  ENOUGH, REMEMBER AT FISRT WE NEEDED HIM . SO WE HAVE TO TRUST THAT FIRST INSTINCT WE HAD WHEN WE FISRT SAW HIM ....PLUS HE LIKES OUR ROOM..THAT IS A GOOD THING..RIGHT?" My wolf Bumi suddenly interjects but even his words don't help much in calming me down, the only words dancing around my head are that I promised to let him leave ..he is going to leave me.

My father moves closer to me and  puts his left hand on my shoulder squeezing  it lightly , we don't do hugs but his touch is enough to affirm me that I won't be alone in this....and neither will Gail. I guess now I really should protect him with all my life, he is my life after all.

"Why couldn't I fully feel him?" I find myself unconsciously asking my father.

"Well, I can't really tell. The both of you celebrated your sixteenth birthday and did the ritual to start sensing your mates, you both clearly didn't find them this past two years but you have been close recently so I don't know why he still hasn't sensed you yet..or maybe he did but unlike you, he is more focused on other things so it might come to him as just a weird feeling that he brushes aside." My father says while going back to his desk and picking his laptop bag up .

"Well..I hope Friday comes and we can all get over this awkward situation. I hope he isn't disappointed that I am his mate. Damn, and to think I told him I like cute girls just a few minutes ago...I am soo dumb!. " I face palm...

"He won't be disappointed just try to not act crazy this two days and everything will be fine..now you go back to the training grounds and I will see you this weekend ...or not..I guess after the coronation you will want to spend some time with him...he will probably sense you on Saturday or Friday night..so good-luck...and Arian, you won't loose him. Your sister's situation was unexpected, even I couldn't do anything. Gail has a fighting chance, so it will be okay." My father says and heads out first , leaving me in his office. I eventually also follow after him . I can do this, I can stay cool and not do anything weird until Gail and I are on the same page.I don't want to scare him off or break my promise to him ,he will be the one to decide to stay with me..or not.

Once I arrive at the training grounds, I find Ray pinning Gail down with his knee on his back, without even thinking my claws are out and in an instant I have him flying across the field.."What the hell is wrong with you !..I leave him with you for a few minutes and you let that psycho bully him?!" I shout and let out my rage to Corey but my attention is on Gail who's in dismay. He looks at me in confusion, everyone in the grounds also stops to see what the altercation is about and Corey runs to help Ray.

"He was just acting as my partner for the mean time because you weren't here." Gail says with a nervous grin after properly standing and dusting himself .

Well...this is going to be hard ...