
The ultimate Omega

Gail Blanco is a 17 and a half year old boy who hates being an omega.He trains his human form in hopes of becoming a strong Omega who is not easily bullied and hopes to one day leave his pack and family who treat him like a domestic slave because of his status as an omega. He is fuelled by determination, is calculating and hates to be touched by strangers. Within his veins flows a secret that even he is unaware of, until his eighteenth birthday where all is revealed. Arian Maw is a soon to be Alpha. He is cheeky and viewed as the joker in the pack. He has a serious stone face and a psychopath side that makes his pack members fear him, but in most days he is loved by all . For most wolves , finding a mate is a special happening and experience since your mate is tied to you for life in both body, mind and soul. The moon Goddess is kinda never wrong? ... What happens when Blanco meets Maw ? .. Well read on to find out !!...

Otilia_Janka97 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Alpha's bad Day?



" Well...Everybody back to your training, this was just a little  misunderstanding hopefully none of you try to bully Gail for real or else the next time I won't be so lenient ." Arian  commands and as soon as he  concludes they do as instructed.

After a few moments of shared awkward silent staring between Arian and I, Ray and Corey walk back to  us with Ray looking disheveled  like he had just been through hell and back."Misunderstanding? , you almost killed me!...no wonder they say that He is your bitch!.." Ray hisses the moment he  approaches near where we are.Corey just stands next to Arian and scans him from heard to toe , almost as if he can sense that something was wrong with Arian but he just didn't know what. Welcome to the club Corey.

I don't know why Arian did that to Ray, I understand.... but he is the most sensible youngest leader we have or at least I heard.He should have assessed the situation first and then acted, but in one moment Ray was pinning me down and in the next he was thrown across the field at such a force that even I couldn't stand. If I was a human that is. I am sure even for a wolf it hurts. Although.... the son of a bitch kind of deserves it. I am sure when he was forced to pair with me earlier he did not expect this to happen, well no one did really, but he has met his match..finally someone he knows he can't stand against.

"Say that again and the next thing that will be flying from here would be your fucking head after I rip it from your stupid neck!..I have every right to act the way I did. Yesterday you tried to attack Gail, how am I supposed to think when every thing you do is to spite him!?. ..and if you are that weak to handle my throw as another Alpha then maybe you should be the one in the kitchen. ..now get the fuck back to training Blanco! you are a wolf...I'm sure you will heal just fine." Arian replies to  Ray with venom dripping from his tongue. Why is he so angry?. Corey moves  closer to Arian but he waves him off with one hand ."later" is all he says before turning to face me once again.His current aura is giving me such chills that I would swear I am in the middle of winter. I hope he does not redirect his anger to me, I really don't know what made him mad but I hope I am not his next victim.

"Sorry I threw your brother.." He says monotonously. Like he isn't sorry but also almost as if he wasn't angry a few minutes ago.

Faces of a psychopath 101.

"MAYBE HE ISN'T A TOTAL PSYCHO. TODAY I HAVE A FEELING THAT HE IS A GOOD GUY . HE DID JUST KIND OF THINK HE WAS SAVING US AFTER ALL." Terra finally comments after staying silent this whole time ever since that  incident with Arian at the dorms. I  guess he would love anyone who flings Ray across a field.

"Its okay, it is not everyday that someone gets to throw Ray and get away with it.Terra and I are kind of happy, although that ..was ..uhm....kind of ..well forget it. Atleast we know he wasn't trying to kill me." I  reply apprehensively. I am curious about what got him all riled up but I don't want to talk about it now, maybe later when he has calmed down. We can maybe have a little night talk.Hopefully.

Arian and I resume training where Ray and I had left off before been hoisted off of me, basically just some simple defence moves. Soon after we are done with the morning training, he dismisses everyone and only him and I left. It is not the first time that Arian and I are alone in an isolated place, although we are not that isolated from everyone but still..it is empty and I can literally hear his heart beat from here. I feel strange.

"Do you want to take a break or you want to continue into our session?" Arian asks still with that straight face of his. I try to carefully look at him hoping that I can read his thoughts but all I see is a hot teenage boy who will get me in trouble if I dare touched him. His neat bun from this morning is a little messy now with one perfect strand of hair falling to cover his left eye. Unlike me, most of this trainees like to exercise without their t-shirts and Arian is not an exception. ..right now before me, his exposed rock hard torso is making me feel like we are in the middle of a summer stung desert. Terra save me.

"HE DOES KIND OF LOOK PLEASANT TO THE EYE. NOT HOT LIKE MY IMAGINARY SELF BUT HE IS OKAY." Terra replies Cooly. "I am really not getting used to you kind of praising him. NO!..It sounds weird ....what happened?.Did you guys communicate spiritually and sort out your feud or did he bribe you while I was unaware? I ask Terra with a curious smirk.

"I DON'T KNOW. I JUST  FEEL LIKE HE IS NOT OUR ENEMY ANYMORE. I CAN'T EXPLAIN IT. BUT THERE IS SOMETHING GOOD IN HIM THAT IS CURRENTLY PREVENTING ME FROM SAYING ANYTHING BAD ABOUT HIM.MAYBE WITCHCRAFT." He replies jokingly . I let out a low chuckle but I don't question him any further. If there is anything going on then everything will eventually reveal itself ,Terra and I  are one after all.

"I am okay, we can start now." I reply back to Arian after having thoroughly thought about his question. I am not tired and I would really like to quickly be done and get out of here.Arian pulls off his hair band letting his hazelnut neck length hair fly free..some of it sticking to his wet face that he has just gone to cleanse a few minutes ago, after the official training.Staring at him makes me feel like I am sinner. His muscular arms moves gracefully as he pushes his hair back with both of his hands..causing his perfectly chiseled torso to flex boasting its results of glorious days of hard work.I think maybe I should change with Corey...my obsession with Arian is becoming ..troublesome to a certain member of my body.

"Get ready to shift." Arian says waking me up from my trance, his poker face immediately turning my volcano off. ..mood killer.

"What are we going to do and will I be able to hear you ?" I ask him while taking off my shirt and getting ready to transform.

" I saw you fight those two rouges in half wolf half human form, today you are going to attack me like how you normally fight , loser gets knocked out and yes you can hear me just fine, this place is enchanted so we are good."He says with a sly grin. He looks evil...correction..he looks like a hot devil. After we both change into our wolf forms, Arian's wolf jogs away from mine but he doesn't gesture for me to follow him, so I stay in position. After walking  a few feet away from me he stops ,looks at me and bows his head a little, his canines start pulling out and as he raises his eyes to lock onto mine..I can tell that this means business. What if we accidentally kill each other...!?

"Attack ." He commands.

There are so many things I can think of in this moment but the one thing I will not do is run away from this challenge. As I get ready to attack ,only three words come to mind.

Goddess help  me.