
The Ultimate Devouring System

Once a lowly peasant, the main character of this cultivation novel stumbled upon a mysterious system that promised to help him achieve his dreams of power and greatness. At first skeptical, the main character soon discovered that the system was indeed real, and that it held the key to unlocking a world of new abilities and possibilities. With the help of the system, the main character began to cultivate and train his body and mind, unlocking new levels of strength, agility, and intelligence. He discovered that he had an innate talent for the martial arts, and he quickly became one of the most skilled fighters in his sect. But the main character's ambitions didn't stop there. He wanted more power, more knowledge, and more control over his destiny. And so, he set out on a journey to seek out other cultivators and masters, learning from their wisdom and honing his skills in the crucible of battle.

Drogue · Fantasy
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15 Chs


As Liam and Yuan ventured deeper into Beast Mountain, they encountered a beast known as the Shadowfang Panther. This beast is renowned for its lightning-fast speed and razor-sharp claws. With their blood coursing with power, Liam and Yuan prepared for the imminent battle.

" Yuan, brace yourself!"

The Shadowfang Panther looked upon the two little meals whom had ventured into is territory.

"liam looked at the panther,called out to yuan. Remember our training. Stay focused and coordinated. Let's combine our strength to overcome the shadow fang Panther."

With a swift pounce, the Shadowfang Panther lunged toward Liam, his claws extended. Liam swiftly evaded the attack, avoiding the creature's razor-sharp claws.

" Yuan, now!"

Yuan leapt into action, aiming his sharpened spear at the beast's lower abdomen. With a sense of danger, the Shadowfang Panthers leapt out of the spear's aim point as quickly as possible.

"Liam, strike while it's distracted!" Yuan said as he tried to aggro the Panther.

Liam took advantage of the opportunity and sprints forward, holding a worn-out but extremely sharp knife in his hand. He unleashed a swift slashes and strikes upon the Shadow fang Panther, each slash and strike creating cuts on the Panther.

The beast howled in pain, momentarily stunned by Liam's endearing powerful assault. Sensing an opening, Yuan joined the fray, his movements fluid and precise. He unleashed a series of swift strikes, channeling his techniques to enhance his speed and strength.

Even as cripples they could still practice some body tempering techniques although not as efficient as cultivators who have tested cultivation manuals who can also use Qi to enhance their attacks and bodies.

The Shadowfang Panther fought back, its feral instincts driving it to retaliate with a flurry of slashes and lunges. However, Liam and Yuan's synchronized movements and honed reflexes allowed them to evade the majority of the creature's attacks

"Yuan, let's strike together! Together, it's on its last breath of life!"

Yuan nodded, his eyes gleaming with determination. The duo intertwined their powers, pooling abilities into a united force. A surge of energy enveloped them as they unleashed a devastating joint attack.

Liam used his knife slash technique, crackling with raw power. Yuan infused his spear with the essence of Qi although minute. Synchronizing their efforts, they launched their combined assault.

Liam's knife slash collided with the beast's body, sending pain coursing through it. Yuan's enhanced strikes struck the creature's vital points, amplifying the impact.

With a resounding roar, the Shadowfang Panther succumbed to the overwhelming assault. Its body convulsed, unable to withstand Liam and Yuan's attacks. Finally, it fell, defeated.

Breathing heavily, Liam and Yuan stood triumphant over their fallen adversary, their bodies drenched in sweat.

" We did it" Liam said to Yuan.

Yes, but that was really scary. I almost had an heart attack at one point when the Panther glared at me, "how do you do it coming here almost every day to hunt?" Yuan said as felt chill running through him.

Yuan pointed out to Liam that the shawdowfang Panther was weak, otherwise it would have been their funeral. Just like the name suggests Shadowfang Panthers were creatures that move swiftly using shadow, their agility was thrice that of a mid copper stage human expert at low copper stage and so on as they progress in each stage.

"Anyways, let's get some rest before diving deeper. Although we only plan on hunting for low mortal tier beasts, the previous fight took a toll on me."

Both Liam and Yuan rested as they munched on the roasted boar meat, one of the kills during their training.

As Liam and Yuan were eating their meal, Liam reflects on his thoughts about Lan, a female acquaintance. With a slight smile, he shares his perspective with Yuan.

"Lan... she's something else, isn't she?" Liam says, his voice filled with admiration. "Every time I see her fight, it's like she's dancing on the edge of a blade.

Her movements are fluid, precise, and graceful."

Yuan nodded in agreement, acknowledging Liam's fascination. "She's definitely skilled, no doubt. But what else do you think about her? I sense there's more to your thoughts."

One would be wondering how Liam was able to see lan fight even though trial disciples aren't allowed into the inner court premises, well most of the time lan would always come to stop anyone who was bulling liam.

But as time passed due to frequent visit of one the top beauties in the sect visit Liam the bulling intensified

As a result of that liam came up with a solution to prevent unnecessary problems where yuan would act as an intermediary between her and Liam since yuan was a cousin to lan.

Liam pauses for a moment, contemplating his next words. "Well, it's not just her combat abilities that impress me. There's a fire within her, an unwavering determination to succeed. She never backs down from a challenge and pushes herself to the limits. It's inspiring to witness."

Yuan's curiosity grows as he observes Liam's genuine admiration for Lan. "It sounds like there's more than just admiration there, Liam. Do you have feelings for her?"

Liam's cheeks flush slightly as he realizes his emotions are apparent. "Maybe... I mean, she's not just an extraordinary fighter, but also kind-hearted and compassionate. Whenever someone is in need, she's always the first to help. She's a true pillar of strength, and that's incredibly attractive to me."

Yuan chuckles softly, a knowing smile forming on his face. "Ah, young love. It seems you've fallen for her, my friend. I can see why. Lan possesses an extraordinary combination of strength, grace, and kindness. I wish you the best of luck."

Liam smiled back, appreciating Yuan's support. "Thank you. I know it won't be easy, but I hope to gather the courage to express my feelings to her one day."

With renewed determination, Liam and Yuan continue their conversation, discussing strategies for their future fights. But in Liam's mind, Lan's presence lingers. He can't help but feel an undeniable connection to her that extends beyond the trials they face together.

After some rest, Liam and Yuan ventured deeper into the mountain to hunt. They encountered a mutated bull with scales, making it a tough opponent to finish off.

As Liam and Yuan fought against a low-level mutated bull, they were suddenly ambushed by a powerful black leopard. It was clear that this beast had a much higher cultivation level than they had anticipated.

"it seems we attracted a black leopard during our battle with the mutated bull. Furthermore from what I can infer its cultivation is above the unranked phase maybe at the high bronze stage, we should quickly escape"

laim said to Yuan as he taught of a way to escape this looming danger. After all even if he was brave, he wasn't stupid to think he could fight a beast a level or two stages above his cultivation.